The rudd (from the Latin scardinius erythrophthalmus) is a small fish from the carp family that lives mainly in water bodies of Europe and Central Russia. As a freshwater fish, rudd reproduces well in lakes and rivers flowing into the Black, North, Baltic, Azov, Caspian, and other seas.
The fish is one of the most beautiful freshwater fish. Its color is far from ordinary: the back and upper part of the fish is covered with dark green scales, and the abdomen and lateral parts of the scales are light yellows.
You may often confuse rudd with other freshwater fish, roach, but they have distinct differences:
- The easiest way to distinguish them from each other is to determine the color of the eyes: for rudd, the eyes are orange, and for roach, they are blood red. They are not for nothing confused with each other since these fish often interbreed with each other, as a result of which their offspring have the characteristics of both parents.
- The size of the fish is not large – about 15 cm and the average weight is 200 g. Moreover, the fish is famous for its incredible life expectancy – up to 12-19 years.
Redfin is a freshwater fish, so its meat is not as nutritious as that of marine life. Among the nutrients are vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), phosphorus, potassium, and chromium.
- Calorie content 100.2kcal
- Energy value of the product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):
- Proteins: 18.5g. (∼ 74 kcal)
- Fat: 3g. (∼ 27 kcal)
- Carbohydrates: 0g. (∼ 0 kcal)
- Energy ratio (b | f | y): 73% | 26% | 0%
Rudd Benefits

Despite the absence of many vitamins and minerals in the fish, rudd is useful for dietary nutrition. It has absolutely no carbohydrates and a small amount of fat, which will appeal to those who consider the total calorie intake of their diet.
Regular addition of rudd meat to your diet helps lower total blood cholesterol and increase the strength of tooth enamel and musculoskeletal system.
Rudd meat is rich in vitamins (especially folic and niacin), amino acids (contains all essential amino acids), proteins, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, chromium, chlorine, nickel, molybdenum). Especially a lot of protein in meat (18-20%). There is almost no fat in the rudd (about 3%).
Rudd meat benefits:
- improves metabolism;
- removes toxins from the body;
- strengthens teeth and prevents the development of caries;
- normalizes digestive processes;
- improves the functioning of the brain;
- lowers cholesterol;
- increases the level of hemoglobin;
- improves the condition of the skin and nails.
It is good to include fish meat in your diet for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It strengthens the bones and promotes their union.
The meat of the rudd has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. It is beneficial for atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension.
Eating fish meat contributes to the proper development of the child. Therefore, pregnant women should include it in the diet.
Rudd will also be useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight since it contains almost no fat.
The protein of rudd is easily digested, thanks to which it will be indispensable in the diet of children, older adults, and people who support a therapeutic diet.
- individual intolerance to fish meat;
- the presence of many small bones makes it dangerous for children.
- difficoult to cook and serve
- In cooking, rudd is not popular.

All the fault is the specific taste of meat, which has a faint bitter tint. And yet, this fish can be cooked not only tasty, but also healthy:
Rudd meat produces tender steamed fish cakes. For this cooking method, you must carefully remove the top skin from the fish, finely chop the fillets, mix with onions, carrots, salt, and seasonings. The previously removed skin is stuffed with minced fish and sent to stew with steam or sour cream.
The easiest way to make rudd is frying. Just before that, you must keep the cleaned and gutted fish for several hours in very salty water.
This will help remove unpleasant taste and aroma. Fry with lemon juice until golden brown.
Rudd is served with fresh herbs, stewed vegetables, boiled potatoes. You can fill the fish with any sour sauces, sour cream, mayonnaise.
How to choose rudd
There are several signs of fresh fish:
- clear bulging eyes without cloudy spots;
- the surface of the body quickly regains its shape when pressed;
- there is no unpleasant rotten smell.

Rudd through the eyes of a fisherman
It is this fish that is also called the sorog. If you happen to catch a full stock of “roach” and derivatives, take the time to study the catch and find the differences between the fish. Most of the catch will turn out to be roach or bleak, and only a few may turn out to be rudd.
Bulging large eyes often give it a red iris. Why is she rarely caught? Yes, because he sits in the thickets and rarely gets out into the light to people. But thanks to such secrecy, she is not threatened with extinction—a lot of her divorced.
Interestingly, in the West, rudd is considered a bad fish because it shields local species. But her sport fishing is widespread there. Yes, and they have it at times larger, almost from a solid crucian carp under a kilogram. And fishers catch it on the crumb, on the very surface of the water.
Taste qualities
Rudd in taste is inferior to roach. It is very bony and smells of mud.
Fish caught in summer has a peculiar bitter taste. But with the addition of spices, the taste of the fish is significantly improving.

Rudd cooking applications
The rudd is not very popular in the cuisines of the world’s peoples because of its unpleasant taste and bony. But when cooked correctly, it makes quite tasty dishes and even delicacies. Spices, sauces, marinades, herbs will help to improve the taste of fish.
Rudd is fried, stewed in milk, baked, salted, dried, smoked (cold and hot), stuffed.
When cooking fish soup, it is better to add other types of fish to the rudd, since due to the low fat content in the fish, the ear from it turns out to be hated.
Most often, cutlets are made from rudd. If, after frying, they are stewed in a broth made from fish bones and fins, then they become very tender and juicy.
The rudd is soaked in milk or a concentrated salt solution before frying to remove the unpleasant odor and bitterness. Before soaking, it is recommended to make longitudinal cuts on the fish, thanks to which the small bones will cook well and become edible. Additionally, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice.
Rudd goes well with vegetables, eggs, olives, mushrooms. Vegetable stew acquires a great taste if you add fish meat to it.
Boiled green peas or mashed potatoes are usually served as a side dish for rudd dishes.
There is an opinion that the most delicious “dried fish” is obtained from rudd. It is a classic snack for beer, especially for dark and barley.
Rudd cutlets

- rudd – about 1 kg,
- onions – 2 pieces (1 in minced meat, 1 in broth),
- parsley root – 1 piece,
- parsley or dill greens – ½ bunch,
- lard – 100 grams,
- yesterday’s white bread – 2 slices,
- milk – ½ cup,
- egg – 1 piece,
- salt, black pepper, spices – to taste,
- flour – 4 tablespoons,
- vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons.
First of all, we need to clean the fish: it is most convenient to shell the rudd, gut, cut off the head and fins with a tail, and then make an incision along the back along the ridge and remove the fillet with skin from the bones. We put the heads, fins, and tails with ridges in a separate saucepan and fill with water (you need a little, ½ liter is enough). We put the pan on the fire, send one peeled onion and parsley root there, which you should also peel beforehand. Salt, you can add pepper in a pot. We maintain a medium heat and cook until foam forms, remove it and let it simmer a little more, just until we start frying our rudd cutlets.
We return to the fish fillet. You need to prepare minced meat from it, which means we pass it through a meat grinder and set it aside. Pour the bread slices with milk and let stand for about 10 minutes while peeling and dicing the onion. Cut the bacon into pieces. After that, we send the minced meat again to the meat grinder, but this time with onions, bacon, soaked bread, and twist again – so the bones will become softer.
Part two
Add an egg, chopped herbs, spices, and salt to the minced meat, mix and pick it up with wet hands to form cutlets. You will need to roll them flour. Heat oil in a frying pan set the heat not too high – the cutlets should grab a crust but not burn in a matter of minutes.
When the oil heats up, put the cutlet blanks in the pan and fry until golden brown. Then we turn it over. At this moment, please turn off the fire under the fish broth, and the broth itself passes through a sieve, cheesecloth or colander to filter out the bones and heads. Gently, so as not to burn yourself, pour the hot broth into the pan. It should cover about two-thirds of the cutlets.
Now cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat to low, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Then ready-made rudd cutlets serve, and if you thicken the broth remaining in the pan with a couple of tablespoons of flour and sour cream, you will get an excellent sauce.