Rubber toys for children are dangerous and harmful

Your child probably has toys that squeak when you press them. So, it turns out that they can be deadly. For a four-year-old boy, playing with his favorite squeaker almost ended in tragedy.

The parents brought their son to the hospital because of a cough. The child coughed without interruption for two days. Nothing was able to alleviate the trouble. In addition, when coughing, the baby made such a strange whistling sound that the parents were scared to death. The doctors were also surprised: they had never heard such sounds when coughing. There were no signs of infection, that is, it was not flu, SARS, or bronchitis. The boy was sent for x-ray. And he showed that the boy’s left lung from below exploded like a balloon. The lower third of the organ was just an air pocket. Why did it happen?

To find out what was wrong, the child was sent for another examination: doctors had to insert a bronchoscopic tube into the baby’s throat to see what caused his lung to explode. And they found a foreign object inside.

The boy was urgently sent for an operation. The foreign object was pulled out, and it turned out to be just a squeaker from a rubber toy. Apparently, the kid tried to blow into it, pressed and accidentally breathed a whistle.

“We have encountered foreign bodies in the respiratory tract more than once. But the sound this boy made when he coughs is new. An exceptional rarity, ”Dr. Sahtivel, who performed the operation, told reporters.

After the operation, the child was able to breathe normally again. Not right away – it took a whole year for rehabilitation.

By the way, doctors recalled a similar story about this. Paul Baxterar, the English postman, was suspected of having lung cancer. Paul smoked for a long time, then quit, but … In general, such a diagnosis would be quite natural. But when doctors examined the alleged tumor more closely, it turned out that it was not cancer at all. It was a part from a toy construction set that Mr. Baxter was given when he was only seven years old. At the time of the operation, Paul was 50.

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