Rozex for acne and rosacea. Rozex emulsion, cream and ointment

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The medicinal preparation Rozex is a dermatological drug based on metronidazole in the form of an emulsion, gel and cream. Therapy with imidazole derivatives (such as metronidazole) is used to treat local skin lesions characterized by a bacterial infection.

Skin infections, acne and rosacea are the most common conditions for which a dermatologist may choose to prescribe Rozex. It happens that the preparation is also recommended in the treatment of bacterial inflammation around the lips – the so-called herpes. The use of Rozex is associated with its proper inclusion in the daily hygiene of the facial skin. This is important because the therapy is long-lasting, and its success depends to a large extent on the selection of the appropriate substance and the correct method of its administration.

Rozex for acne and rosacea

The reason for the increased occurrence of unsightly pimples, papules and pimples on the face, especially in adolescence, is the increased production of sebum in the skin and – secondarily – the superinfection of existing lesions. Bacterial infections within skin lesions help to fight imidazole derivatives, such as metronidazole, the active ingredient in Rozex. Such substances have a protozoal effect against anaerobic bacteria – they damage nucleic acid (DNA) chains of pathogenic microorganisms. Metronidazole does not have a similar effect against aerobic bacteria against which it is not active.

Rozex is also used in the presence of rosacea. This chronic condition of the facial skin associated with seborrheic disorders is very often fed back with bacterial infections. Rozex has been shown to be highly effective many times in coping with papular and pustular changes occurring in the course of rosacea.

Rozex – how long to use?

Rozex is a medicinal preparation available on medical prescription. Prescription drugs are substances that are prescribed and monitored by a physician. Each case is different, and the patient’s individual medical history creates a unique configuration of data to which a medical facility has access – on this basis, the doctor determines the recommendations for the use of the drug. It is important not to make decisions about the use of prescription medications yourself.

The most commonly prescribed method of using Rozex is to apply a thin layer of the drug to the affected area of ​​the skin twice a day for a period of 3-4 months. Both the dosage and the duration of treatment may vary depending on a variety of circumstances, including the stage of the skin lesions, their location and the type of infection.

Rozex for the day – recommendations

The use of Rozex is governed by certain care and hygiene rules. Before applying the gel, cream or emulsion on the skin (in accordance with the recommendations of a dermatologist), the skin should be properly prepared. The skin must be thoroughly cleaned with a substance specially designed for this purpose – gentle emulsions for hypersensitive skin are recommended, containing natural ingredients, free of preservatives, artificial dyes, perfumes and ethoxylated sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). After refreshing the skin, dry it with a towel (do not rub it!), And then you can start applying Rozex on the affected area. It is worth knowing that after using Rozex, you can no longer apply tonic or other substances that tighten and narrow the pores of the skin, because their function is at odds with that of the preparation. Rozex is a medicinal substance intended for topical application – it should not be used on healthy skin of the face.

Rozex – contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of Rozex is hypersensitivity to imidazole derivatives (metronidazole) or any other component of the drug. In the case of pregnant women, the use of Rozex may be recommended by a dermatologist after collecting a detailed medical history and determining that it is necessary. A breastfeeding patient cannot use Rozex – the doctor will most likely decide to end the treatment or substitute feeding of the child if treatment is necessary for the woman’s well-being.

Due to the low degree of absorption of metronidazole through the skin, there is only a slight risk of interference of Rozex with other drugs – nevertheless, in the history, the names of all medications taken continuously should be given to the physician. Orally administered metronidazole supports blood-thinning drugs, which prolongs prothrombin time – there is no documented evidence of this correlation with Rozex.

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