Royal champignons are one of the varieties of the numerous Champignon family. These fungi are classified as Lamellar, they are humus saprotrophs. Another name for the species is double-spored, royal, brown champignon. In official sources, it is found as Agaricus bisporus.

What do royal champignons look like

Royal champignons: how they differ from ordinary ones, description and photo

The shape of the fruit body in this species is classical. As you can see in the photo, the two-spore champignon has a hemispherical cap shape. It is slightly depressed, and the edges are wrapped inward. Its diameter reaches 7-15 cm, but there are also giant specimens – 25-30 cm. There are remains of a veil along the edge. The surface of the cap is finely scaly or fibrous.

Important! The classic color of the upper part is brown. But there are two artificially bred species with a white and cream shade of the cap and a smoothly shiny surface.

The pulp of royal champignons is dense, fleshy, with a pleasant mushroom smell. Its shade is whitish, but when cut, a slight pinkish tint appears.

In young specimens, the hymenophore is covered by a dense light film. As the mushroom matures, it breaks and forms a ring on the stem. On the reverse side of the cap are frequent loose plates. Initially, they have a gray-pink color, and then acquire a dark brown hue with a purple tint.

The leg of this species is thick, fleshy. Its length is from 3 to 8 cm, and the diameter in section is 1-3 cm. The lower part is cylindrical, in some specimens narrowed at the base. The surface is smooth, and its shade is identical to the cap. In this case, the presence of brownish spots is allowed. At the top of the leg there is a light wide ring.

What is the difference between brown mushrooms and white mushrooms

There are certain differences between royal champignons and ordinary ones. This makes it impossible to confuse them.

The main features of royal champignons:

  • large size of the fruiting body;
  • brown color of the cap;
  • intense mushroom aroma.
Important! This species is characterized by a long growth period (2-3 months), which is also a distinctive feature.

In addition, the price of royal champignons is much higher than ordinary mushrooms with a white cap.

Where do brown mushrooms grow?

This species prefers to grow in open glades directly on the soil. It can be found in the garden, vegetable garden, parkland, ditches, greenhouses and on the side of roads. In areas where there is little grass, this variety practically does not grow. It is also rarely found in the forest.

The representative is distributed in many countries of the world and is cultivated artificially on an industrial scale. If desired, royal champignons can be grown independently, creating favorable conditions for their growth.

Is it possible to eat champignons with a brown hat

Double-spore champignon is classified as an edible species. Its palatability is much higher than that of other relatives of this family. Therefore, it belongs to the second category.

Important! The forest fruit can be consumed raw, as well as cooked in various dishes.

Positive properties of the mushroom:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • favorably affects the activity of the brain;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • slows the aging process;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Royal champignons are distinguished by a high content of chitin in the pulp, which makes it difficult to digest the product. Therefore, it is not recommended to give royal champignons to children under 12 years old, and you should not use them for people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system.

False twins of brown king mushrooms

Royal champignons: how they differ from ordinary ones, description and photo

According to its external features, this species is similar to the yellow-skinned mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus). Therefore, you need to learn how to distinguish it from a poisonous relative, so as not to harm your health.

A characteristic difference between the double is a dark circle in the center of the cap, which clearly stands out against the background of the main tone. In addition, when pressed, the flesh turns yellow, and then turns orange and only subsequently brown.

When broken, the flesh of the false champignon emits a pungent smell of a disinfectant. And also in the process of cooking, the liquid turns yellow.

Important! Prolonged heat treatment does not help to neutralize toxic toxins, so you need to pick mushrooms with full confidence in their edibility.

The fruiting period of yellow-skinned champignons begins in mid-July. They can be found in deciduous forests and mixed plantings, as well as in a park or garden.

Rules for collection and use

Picking mushrooms should be done with a sharp knife, cutting them off at the base. This will preserve the integrity of the mycelium. When harvesting, it is necessary to give preference to young specimens, since their flesh is softer, and the mushroom smell is richer.

Important! You should not pick fruits near roads and near industrial enterprises, as they have the ability to accumulate toxins in themselves.

Before use, royal champignons must be thoroughly cleaned of grass and soil. Then remove the film covering the plate and the upper skin of the cap. Wash the mushrooms at the end.

Growing brown king mushrooms

Growing mushrooms with a brown hat at home is quite within the power of everyone. But this process is long, laborious and requires certain knowledge.

This will require:

  • cool room;
  • high humidity;
  • high-quality mycelium;
  • special substrate.

To prepare nutritious soil, you need to stock up on wheat or rye compost and horse manure.

To prepare about 300 kg of substrate, you need to combine:

  • 150 kg of straw;
  • 150 kg of humus;
  • 2 kg of urea;
  • 7 kg of gypsum;
  • 5 kg of chalk;
  • 2 kg of superphosphate.

Before laying, the straw should be soaked in water for 24 hours. After that, lay it in layers, alternating with manure, and alternately add other components.

Mycelium should be laid out in handfuls to a depth of 5-7 cm in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the holes should be within 25 cm. Cover the top with a layer of substrate 5 cm thick. The first crop can be harvested in four months.

Royal champignons: how they differ from ordinary ones, description and photo


Royal champignons stand out significantly from other edible relatives in taste and aroma. They are also used for medicinal purposes, to improve memory and mental abilities. But you need to use mushrooms in moderation, since any excesses lead to disruption of the internal organs.

Agaricus bisporus var brunnescens parte1

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