Roxane, from @latelierderoxane, is expecting her third child: “We are in the process of choosing the first name”


At 34, the YouTube pastry star, with her L’Atelier de Roxane channel (4 million subscribers), is pregnant with her third child, a little boy. 

On the occasion of the upcoming release (October 7, 2021) of her new book of recipes full of delicacies (“My homemade desserts” (ed. Solar), the star influencer, mother of Mathis (14 years old) and Louane (10 years old), tells us about her pregnancy and her future family life at five.

Parents: How is your pregnancy going?

@latelierderoxane : Very well. Childbirth is scheduled for soon, in November! Despite my miscarriage last year, I feel much more serene with this pregnancy. I had quite a bit of nausea and vomiting in the first trimester – which was frankly pretty new to me! -, but since then everything has been going well.  

© Instagram@latelierderoxane

After your miscarriage last summer, you waited to announce this new pregnancy. Are you reassured?

Yes, because I really felt like I had a Damocles sword for the first three months. But for all that, I still cannot project myself. I live my pregnancy day by day. Even if, inevitably, at 8 months, it becomes much more concrete!

© Instagram@latelierderoxane

Did you have a preference?

Not at all. We would have been happy either way.

Did you choose the baby’s first name?

There is still debate at home! Nobody agrees, and we really want to find a name that will please all four of us. But I am a little difficult, because I would like to choose a name that I have never heard in my surroundings. I don’t necessarily want it to be original, but I admit that it disturbs me a little if I already put a familiar face on a first name …

The bedroom, the dressing room… everything is ready?

Not quite ! What is certain is that for the decoration of the room, we will stay in a fairly neutral atmosphere. I’m not the “pink for girls, blue for boys” type. Same with toys, I have nothing against a little boy who plays with dolls. And for clothes, you’ll have to buy everything, because I haven’t kept anything from my elders!

Do you have a pregnant woman’s favorite food?

Hearts of palm trees! Yes, I know, it’s weird …





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