Roxana Babayan: where now

Roxana Babayan: where now

The actress and singer invited the Antenna journalists to her country house. And she talked about how to build harmonious relationships with her husband and how important humor is for family happiness.

October 1 2014

The dogs were not allowed to make a flower garden

Only good things are remembered about our life with Mikhail Mikhailovich. He is a very positive, loving, extremely delicate person. His sparkling humor is able to extinguish any negative emotions. Once Olga Aleksandrovna Aroseva said: “It is absolutely impossible to quarrel with Misha.” And it is true! There is a lot of positive in me too. I absolutely hate scandals, noise. You need to rest in the house. Nothing should irritate and disturb the created atmosphere.

We have common interests, we are workaholics, we are extremely demanding in our work. At the same time, family ties are important for us. Misha lost his father early, at the age of 15 he was the only man in the family with his mother and two sisters. And he had a pathological responsibility for all those close to him for life. When we met, I understood this and, most importantly, accepted. With Derzhavin’s mother, Iraida Ivanovna, we lived in an alley between the Arbats in the same entrance: we are on the fourth floor, she is on the second. This is the house of the Vakhtangov Theater, next to our entrance is the Shchukin Theater School. Misha took a big part in the Arbat and when we were given a spacious living space in Ostankino, he asked to exchange it for an apartment in his home. So we live in a tiny apartment, only 35 square meters. Do I regret? Not at all. And there are many such examples. Harmony is built in respect, understanding and patience.

Yes, this is a country house near Chekhov, in which we have lived for 22 years. Our dacha is like porridge from an ax. We started with a small faded shield house. Then they finished building for five years. The most favorite place is the 90-meter living room. It was attached separately. I dreamed of a big room where all my family and friends could gather. There is a sliding table in it, at which we celebrate anniversaries, New Year. Here are our archives, awards, photographs, records. Our plot is also rather big. Mikhail Mikhailovich made a Christmas tree alley, and I planted an orchard: cherries, apple trees, plums. They wanted to surround the house with flowers, and planted beautiful bushes. One of our dogs immediately lay down across one bush, the other across another. The bushes have turned into broken twigs. At this point, attempts to start a flower garden ended.

Peace of mind in the family depends on the woman

I entered the psychology department of the Moscow Pedagogical University during a time-out in creativity. I had full halls, my own audience, but I wanted something new. I thought, consulted with loved ones, and the “family council” supported me. I played in the theater, hosted the TV program “Breakfast with Roxana”, created the Russian League for the Protection of Animals, and now I have returned to singing. Psychology helped me withstand all this. And in the field of family relations, science has confirmed what I have reached myself: calmness and peace in the family depend more on the woman.

When I got married, Misha was in his prime. Very handsome, charming, extremely scenic. Even now it is impossible to walk down the street with him: smiles, autographs, flowers. I accepted the situation as it was and said to myself: “We must believe.” I think I did the right thing.

Yes, they wrote letters, called. But I had the other extreme. The spectators, knowing that I love animals very much, gave me figurines, toys for cats and dogs. The whole dacha is filled up with them. And sometimes at concerts, live kittens and puppies were pulled out to the joyful cries of the audience. Even a bear cub once. They gave it to me in Barnaul, they told me that they found one in the forest. I barely persuaded the donors to keep it for themselves. They promised to give the animal to the zoo. I have a great creative animal history. There is something to remember. But seriously speaking, I learned that it is easy to lose, but difficult to create and maintain. So I am following this statement.

It’s better not to meddle in personal space.

There is bitterness because of his too much softness and inability to stand up for himself. From this, it seems to me, in his work he did not do much of what he could. I played constantly, a lot, but somehow one-sided. After all, he is an amazing tragicomic actor with an amazing voice, rare musicality. It’s a pity. But Mikhail Mikhailovich did not demand anything, he did not know how to ask. On the other hand, maybe he is right! For which I respect him immensely. Sometimes indifference and detached attitude irritate. And his, perhaps, my ardor. But we can translate any conflict into a joke. I ask him to do what he does not want. He will listen, say something funny. Misha loves sweets very much, and I stop him. He says: “Yes, yes, of course” – and immediately devours something tasty.

We discuss significant issues together. But it’s better not to meddle in a purely personal space. For example, I need the glasses to be in the case and polished with a napkin to a shine. If I go on tour, I will calculate with mathematical precision what time to leave the house. And in the morning my husband begins to rush me: “Let’s go already.” We are always the first to arrive at the airport, at the train station. So what? If on such occasions to understand: and you are like this, and you are like that, then you have to disperse in different directions.

This question is not new to me, and every time I think, as if I hear it for the first time. My life took shape in Moscow, and my mother lived in Tashkent, worked actively, was still young and could not give up everything and come to me. And I had a lot of concerts. I dangled all over the world and on tour saw how little children went with their mothers on trains and planes, got tired, ate dry food, and skipped school. I do not blame anyone, everyone has their own choice. Of course, there are nannies, but I have always believed that a child should be raised by a mother. I have always been not indifferent to children, I love my nephew, his son Nikita, my godson very much. I am surrounded by close people: the daughter of Mikhail Mikhailovich – Masha (Derzhavin’s daughter from his second marriage with Nina Budyonnaya – Approx. “Antenna”), her children, husband, my brother Yuri. I firmly know that I have a reliable rear, so I don’t think about loneliness. And there’s no time. Now I work a lot, meet composers, record, give concerts. Life is going. Everything is correct!

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