Rowan variety Burka: description and reviews

Since ancient times, mountain ash has been highly valued by different peoples: the Celts, Scandinavians, Slavs. It was believed that a tree planted near the house would certainly bring happiness, good luck and protect against fire. Branches and leaves of mountain ash are still used as an antiseptic. They prevent the vegetables in the basement from spoiling and purify the water, making it drinkable. The fruits are widely used in folk medicine, both fresh and in the form of decoctions and tinctures. Among the huge number of varieties, Burka rowan stands out. The unusual color of its berries will not leave gardeners indifferent.

Description of mountain ash Burka

Rowan variety Burka: description and reviews

Rowan Burka is a low-growing tree up to 2,5 m high. This variety belongs to interspecific hybrids. Obtained from crossing mountain ash alpine and forest. It is characterized by an unusual shade of berries – brown-purple. Their taste is predominantly sour with noticeable tart notes.

The crown is compact, in the form of a ball, with beautiful pinnately dissected rich green leaves. Flowers five-membered, fragrant. According to the descriptions from the photo, Burka’s mountain ash blooms from May to June, and begins to bear fruit in late August or September.

Pros and cons of the variety

The advantages of mountain ash varieties Burka include:

  1. High yield, from 40 to 50 kg of fruits from one tree.
  2. The ability to self-pollinate, the flowers are bisexual.
  3. High frost resistance (zone 4: covers the range from -39 ° C to – 24 ° C).
  4. Burka mountain ash berries are rich in vitamins E, P, C, B2, minerals (magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, iodine). They are also rich in folic acid and essential oils. Regular consumption of fruits has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  5. Seedlings have good immunity.

There are practically no shortcomings in this variety. The only thing that can confuse gardeners is the slow growth of trees.

Attention! Due to the specific taste, berries are not recommended to be consumed raw. They make delicious juices, compotes, teas, preserves and jams.

Planting and caring for mountain ash Burka

Rowan variety Burka: description and reviews

Rowan Burka thrives best in dry, well-drained soil. Although she loves moisture, swampy soil is contraindicated for her.

Attention! Rowan Burka is a light-loving tree. It is not recommended to plant it in the shade, otherwise the shoots will stretch, the lower part will be bare, very few ovaries will form.

Site preparation

According to the description of the variety, Burka rowan belongs to the most unpretentious trees. It takes root on almost any soil, but especially loves sandstones and loams. The main condition is loose and light soil, which passes oxygen, moisture and nutrients to the roots.

It is best to choose a sunny place. The optimal distance from mountain ash to other trees is from 4 to 5 m. A pit for planting is prepared in advance, in about 3 weeks. Its depth does not exceed 40-50 cm, and the width depends on the volume of the root system of the seedling. Next, you need to prepare the ground. Fertile land is combined with compost or humus (1 bucket), superphosphate (150 g) and wood ash (300 g). All components must be thoroughly mixed. Now this soil mixture is poured into the hole. It should cover 1/3 of its volume. The remaining space is filled up to half with any other soil, fertility does not matter.

Rules of landing

For planting, you need to take seedlings, in which the root reaches about 20 cm. The bark of the plant should be smooth and elastic.

Step-by-step process of planting rowan Burka:

  1. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit with infused soil. Moisture must be completely absorbed.
  2. After that, the seedling is carefully placed in the hole.
  3. Roots need to be straightened. The root neck does not fully sink when planting. It should protrude 5-7 cm above the ground.
  4. Next, the seedling is covered with earth so that all voids are evenly filled.
  5. Now you need to level the soil around the trunk. It is not recommended to trample it with your feet. The ground will become hard and the roots will not develop well. The tree is thoroughly watered.
  6. Trunk circles are best mulched immediately. To do this, take humus or peat.

The optimal planting dates for Burka mountain ash are autumn or spring. In the first case, the tree is planted about a month before the first cold weather, in the second – in early March, in completely thawed soil, until active sap flow begins.

Watering and top dressing

Rowan watered immediately after planting in a permanent place. The next moistening of the soil is carried out with the beginning of the growing season. Additionally, the tree is watered during a long drought. Also, watering is carried out approximately 10-15 days before and after fruit picking. The norm for one tree is no more than 3 buckets of water. It is impossible to pour water directly under the root, it is better to water the mountain ash of the Burka variety around the trunk circle.

The first dressing is applied only three years after planting. It falls in early spring. For one tree, you need to mix humus 5-7 kg with ammonium nitrate 50 g. The next time fertilizer is applied in early June. It is best to use organic: a solution of mullein or bird droppings (10 liters per tree). Extreme top dressing is done in early autumn. Superphosphate (1/2 cup) is mixed with wood ash (2 tablespoons).

Pruning mountain ash Burka

Rowan variety Burka: description and reviews

Pruning begins at the age of two. Depending on the needs, it performs three important functions: it gives the crown a beautiful, neat shape, rejuvenates the tree and regulates its growth. The procedure is started before the kidneys swell. Too frequent and strong pruning adversely affects the mountain ash. The bark begins to become bare, and the shoots grow too intensively, from which the crop suffers.

Preparation for winter

During pruning, be sure to get rid of thin shoots. Of these, full-fledged branches will soon form, which will only randomly thicken the crown.

Attention! Do not apply too much fertilizer. This will provoke the growth of green mass, and there will not be a big harvest.

As for the shelter, the mountain ash of the Burka variety calmly endures rather severe frosts.


Rowan Burka belongs to self-pollinating varieties. To ensure cross-pollination, several different varieties are planted in the garden at once. If for some reason the tree is not pollinated, the mountain ash is grafted with cuttings from other trees.


The rate of fruit ripening depends on the specific region. The first harvest of fruits can begin when they acquire the desired color, the pulp becomes quite dense and moderately hard. Usually the berries become so by mid-August and by September.

Further, the fruits acquire a sweet taste. The mountain ash of the Burka variety bears fruit until winter.

Diseases and pests

Birds are the main enemies of Burka mountain ash. If you do not follow the tree, they can peck all the berries. Strong trees are resistant to diseases and pests. Weakened specimens will become easy prey for apple aphids, weevil, rowan moths, scale insects. You can get rid of them with the help of special preparations.

Rowan variety Burka: description and reviews

It is more difficult to deal with necrosis and certain types of mosaics. Proper planting, insect control and good tree care will help prevent diseases.


For species mountain ash, the most preferred method is seed.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. The seeds are removed from the ripened berries and washed from the remnants of the pulp, and then allowed to dry.
  2. Before planting, they are mixed with coarse sand in a ratio of 1:3. For about 8 weeks they are in the room, after which they are transferred to the refrigerator for several months.
  3. As soon as the snow melts, the seeds are sown in the greenhouse in ordinary seedling boxes. Before the arrival of autumn, they are simply watered and periodically loosen the soil.

To propagate valuable varieties, they resort to vegetative methods – shoots, grafting, layering or cuttings.


Rowan Burka is a great choice for any garden. These trees do not require special conditions, they tolerate winters well. It is enough just to water, feed and cut them in a timely manner. In return, gardeners will receive healing berries that will help get rid of insomnia, headaches and hypertension.

Reviews of mountain ash Burka

Elena Smirnova, 37 years old, Krasnodar

I was struck by the shade of berries. I bought a seedling of mountain ash Burka for a summer residence and did not regret it. My tree took root immediately, no special care was required. It bears fruit well. Berries are tart, but after processing they become very tasty. I make jam from them and treat all the neighbors.

Olga Grigoryan, 42 years old, Borzna
Burka rowan sapling was presented to me by colleagues. Two mountain ash of different varieties are already growing on my site, so I was glad to replenish the collection. My beauty does not give me much trouble. I carry out traditional pest prevention, so the tree regularly produces a crop. Thanks to the healing properties of mountain ash, I began to feel much better.
Rowan fruit Burka. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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