Rowan Pomegranate: variety description
Lovers of growing fruit and berry crops are familiar with mountain ash pomegranate firsthand. This variety is distinguished not only by the beneficial properties of its fruits, but also by a high degree of decorativeness. The unusual rich color of large berries attracts everyone’s attention, and the ease of growing and caring for a crop is highly appreciated by gardeners.
Description of mountain ash varieties pomegranate
Rowan belongs to low-growing varieties – the height of an adult tree is no more than 4 m. Life expectancy in comparison with other varieties is small – up to 25 years. One of the advantages of the variety is its resistance to frost. The maturity of the shoots is high, they are not afraid of either low temperatures or sunburn.
Rowan pomegranate bred as a result of crossing rowan and hawthorn
Rowan leaves are pinnate, decorative. Flowers are collected in large inflorescences of 70-100 pcs. Due to late flowering, they are not susceptible to damage from recurrent cold.
Pomegranate is a self-fertile variety, but in the presence of additional pollinators, its yield increases markedly. It is recommended to grow such varieties as “Vefed”, “Sorbinka” or “Dessertnaya” in the same area.
The fruits are large, weighing up to 1,6 g, have a slightly cut shape. The color of the berries is burgundy-garnet outside. The pulp is yellowish, juicy without the bitterness characteristic of ordinary varieties. The yield is from 15 to 20 kg of berries from one tree.
Rowan varieties pomegranate – features of cultivation
The best time for planting seedlings is autumn, the spring period of planting work must be carried out before the start of sap flow. The variety is photophilous, although it can grow in semi-shaded places, but under such conditions the yield of the tree decreases. Rowan propagation is possible with the help of root suckers, green cuttings or arc layering.
Cultural care activities include:
- Loosening and watering – in the absence of drought, trees are watered 3 times per season: at the beginning of flowering, 3 weeks before harvesting and 3 weeks after harvesting. To maintain the required level of moisture, loosening and mulching of the soil is carried out in spring and autumn.
- Crown pruning – the procedure is carried out in early spring. In young trees, branches are shortened by 1 bud, and adults are pruned in order to thin out and form the crown. All old and damaged shoots are also removed.
- Fertilization – the first planting feeding is done when planting seedlings. In the future, for the first 3 years, trees are fertilized only during spring digging of the soil by introducing 25 g of urea or ammonium nitrate. From 4 years old, autumn feeding with superphosphate and potash fertilizers is added.
The decorative properties of culture are widely used by landscape designers in the design of personal plots. Plant a pomegranate mountain ash in a composition with barberry, viburnum or conifers – and you will see how the territory of the site will be transformed! Well, the beneficial properties of the berry will help to strengthen the health of the whole family in the autumn-winter period.