Rowan-leaved fieldfare in landscape design: planting and care
The mountain ash-leaved field is an excellent plant for garden decoration. From it you can create hedges, plant alone or in groups. This plant variety has many characteristics.
Choosing mountain ash for landscape design
There are many varieties of fieldfare – felt, tree and others. However, in the design of gardens, the mountain ash variety is more often used, since it has many advantages over the rest.
Mountain ash has delicate white flowers
Here are the main benefits of the variety:
- It grows up to 2 m, that is, to the optimum garden height.
- It has erect shoots and a beautiful spreading crown.
- The leaves are large, decorative. As the foliage grows, it changes its color from pinkish to pale green. In autumn, the leaves are colored in all shades – from yellow to dark red.
- It blooms with lovely white flowers.
Unlike the felt variety, mountain ash can easily tolerate frosts, so it can be used to decorate gardens in different regions of Russia. He also normally refers to decorative haircuts.
Planting and caring for mountain ash
The shrub is not afraid of the shade, so it can be planted under spreading trees. There are also no special requirements for the soil, but it will grow faster on light and moist soils. Plant the shrub in fall or spring. For planting, prepare a hole with a depth of about 0,5 m and a diameter of 0,8 m. Observe a distance of 1 m between field plants. The root system of the plant is prone to rapid growth, so it is better to limit it to metal sheets.
The main rule of care is abundant watering, especially during hot and dry periods of summer. To retain moisture, mulch the ground around the bush with peat or humus.
Fieldfare normally perceives organic and mineral fertilizers
Perform sanitary pruning every year. Drying of the end of a branch is a sign that it has aged and requires cutting. Remember that thickening of the crown leads to the formation of weak and rapidly aging branches. After the end of flowering, cut off the faded inflorescences. This is needed rather not for the benefit of the plant, but for decorative purposes, because even without flowers, the bush will decorate the garden with its interesting foliage. The optimal breeding method for fieldfare is by root suckers.
When you decide on a variety of fieldfare, do not rush to plant it. First, find the perfect place and find out all the features of planting and growing. If you do everything right, a beautiful decoration will appear in your garden.