Rowan Dodong is an ornamental deciduous tree used in solitary and group plantings. Mountain ash is planted for landscaping squares, residential areas, children’s and medical institutions.

Description of mountain ash Dodong

Rowan mixed Dodong is a compact tree with a columnar crown. Young seedlings are distinguished by a narrow crown, with age it becomes sprawling and reaches 5 m in diameter.

The height is about 8 m. The decorativeness of the Dodong mountain ash (pictured) lies in the color of the foliage. In spring and summer, the leaves are green, and in autumn they turn a fiery red hue with an orange tint. The leaves are large, pinnate, openwork, consist of 12-15 small leaves, their total length is about 30 cm.

Rowan Dodong: description, reviews

Rowan Dodong blooms with white inflorescences. The flowers are small, their diameter does not exceed 1 cm. The flowering period depends on the region of growth, approximately this happens in late May – early June. Dodong variety has corymbose inflorescences larger than those of mountain ash.

A beautiful view in autumn and winter is given by bright red pear-shaped berries, which, after frost, lose their original bitterness and become sweet.

Rowan Dodong: description, reviews

Pros and cons of the variety

Each seedling has advantages and disadvantages. Rowan Dodong also has them. The advantages of the variety include the following:

  • decorative foliage, giving an elegant look to the tree in the autumn;
  • delicious fruits that are used to make jams, jams;
  • high frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness.

Of the minuses can be identified:

  • the need for forming pruning;
  • when grown in shaded areas, the foliage loses its decorative color;
  • the need to protect trunks from rodents. Hares like young rowan wood, so seedlings need to create shelters from mice and hares;
  • with high air pollution, the tree does not develop well.

Planting and caring for mountain ash Dodong

Rowan Dodong seedlings selected for planting should not be older than two years of age. Rhizomes should have 2-3 branches, their length should be at least 25 cm. If the seedling has dried roots, it is advisable to soak them in Kornevin’s solution for several hours, otherwise the culture will take root for a long time and the formation will slow down.

When choosing a seedling, carefully examine the bark of the trunk and shoots. It must not be damaged.

Sometimes a seedling can not be planted immediately. In this case, it is recommended to store it in a buried state. The place for temporary storage of mountain ash should be shaded. In dug form, seedlings are stored for no more than 1 month.

Site preparation

Rowan Dodong is a tall tree, so when planting in a personal backyard, it should be borne in mind that it will obscure other crops. It is best to plant mountain ash on the border of the garden plot or outside it.

Dodong mountain ash loves sunny areas, where it reveals its decorative qualities.

Rules of landing

Seedlings are planted in autumn 2 weeks before the first frost or in spring (until the end of April).

Landing technology:

  • standard pit depth – 0,8 m;
  • a nutrient soil mixture is poured into the planting pit, consisting of a fertile soil layer, ash, superphosphate, rotted manure and compost;
  • the seedling is placed vertically in the pit, the roots are straightened and covered with soil;
  • well watered;
  • the central shoot is shortened;
  • if it is necessary to plant several trees, leave at least 4 m between them;
  • Cover the planting hole with a layer of mulch. This will protect the roots from freezing, and in the warm period – from the rapid evaporation of moisture and the appearance of weeds.

Rowan Dodong: description, reviews

Watering and top dressing

Young rowan seedlings Dodong need regular watering, because their root system is not able to provide the tree with enough liquid on its own.

Adult specimens are drought-resistant, so they are watered when necessary.

Mulching allows you to keep moisture in the near-stem circle, to reduce irrigation, mulching materials (sawdust, straw, peat) are used.

Feeding young seedlings with nitrogen-containing agents leads to inhibition of the root system; experts do not recommend using these fertilizers for the first 2-3 years.

Mineral fertilizers are applied three times per season. They begin to make no earlier than the third year after planting.

The application of mineral fertilizers is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • before flowering, a mixture of urea (20 g), superphosphate (25 g) and potassium salt (15 g) is used;
  • in summer, a mixture of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus agents is used (in equal proportions). For 1 m² of the trunk circle, 30 g of the mixture will be required;
  • in the fall, superphosphate and potassium salt are added at the rate of 10 g of each substance per 1 m² of area.

The above dressings are applied for digging into the near-trunk circle, then the earth is watered.


Rowan Dodong needs formative and sanitary pruning. The crown of young trees is formed in accordance with the design idea.

Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. Remove broken and pest-damaged shoots that thicken branches.

Rowan appears numerous basal shoots, which must be dealt with in a timely manner. To prevent the growth of root shoots, the soil is loosened in the near-stem circle to a depth of at least 5 cm.

Preparation for winter

Rowan refers to frost-resistant trees, but at a young age it is advisable to mulch the roots of the seedling. Peat and sawdust are used as mulch. To protect the roots from freezing, it is necessary to pour at least 15 cm of a protective layer.


Rowan Dodong is considered partially self-fertile, so it is not necessary to plant pollinating varieties. Many gardeners note that mountain ash bears fruit better in group plantings, so it is recommended to plant several specimens of different varieties at once.


The sour-bitter taste of berries changes after the first frost, the bitterness goes away, a slight sourness remains.

Important! Fruit picking is carried out after the onset of frost.

Rowan Dodong: description, reviews

Overripe fruits are not recommended to be left on the tree, otherwise the crop can be harvested by birds.

From low trees, the crop is harvested by hand, and for taller representatives, scissors are used.

Diseases and pests

Rowan Dodong has good resistance to pests and diseases. But sometimes there is an invasion of insects that can harm trees and deprive the crop:

  • wood moth pupae hibernate in fallen leaves. In early June, they turn into butterflies, which lay eggs on fruits a week later. The formed caterpillars feed on the internal contents of the fruit, which is why the crop is lost. The fruits first turn black and then rot. Prevention of the invasion of pests is reduced to the collection and burning of fallen leaves, digging the trunk circle. Chlorophos solution is used to control insects. 14 days after flowering, the crown of trees is treated with this agent;
  • sawflies appear in early July. The larvae use the foliage as food, and with the onset of cold weather they move to the soil for wintering. A solution of soda ash or lime will help get rid of pests. It is necessary to spray the crown and trunk with these compounds;
  • a tick that has appeared on the leaves can be seen by specific swellings. To prevent the appearance of pests, before flowering, mountain ash is treated with a 1% sulfuric solution;
  • aphids settle on the underside of the leaf plate, which causes deformation of the leaves. To get rid of insects, use a soap solution or a 2% solution of Nitrofen.

Of the diseases for mountain ash Dodong, rust is the most dangerous. The appearance of reddish-yellow spots on the upper side of the foliage indicates a developing disease. For the prevention and control of the disease, copper-containing solutions are used, for example, Bordeaux liquid. The first treatment is carried out at the end of May, subsequent ones with an interval of 3 weeks.


Reproduction of mountain ash is possible in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • vaccination;
  • root growth.

When propagated by seeds, there is no guarantee that the tree will inherit maternal qualities.

Important! It is best to graft on the Finnish mountain ash, because it has a more powerful and deep root system.

Gardeners note that common hawthorn can be used as a stock.


Rowan Dodong is an ornamental tree, characterized by beautiful openwork foliage that changes colors in autumn. Used for landscaping urban areas, parks, house adjoining areas.

Reviews of mountain ash Dodong

Margarita Nikolaevna, 35 years old, Bryansk
Rowan Dodong grows in the yard of our high-rise building. In autumn, the eye rejoices at the unusually bright colors of the crown. Even on a rainy cloudy day, the yard seems elegant and festive. Ripe berries serve as food for birds in winter.
Sofia Igorevna, 32 years old, Shakhty
I work as a kindergarten teacher. An unusual mountain ash grows in our yard – Dodong. Its foliage attracts attention with its delicacy and color change. Children like unusual plants and trees, so the playground under the mountain ash is their favorite. Tree care is minimal, and the beauty is indescribable.
Thuringian mountain ash Dodong (aronia dodong) 🌿 mountain ash Dodong review: how to plant large-sized mountain ash Dodong

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