Rowan and its beneficial properties. Video
For many centuries, mountain ash has been attributed to magical properties. She played a significant role in the rituals and beliefs of the ancient Slavs, Celts and Scandinavians, and the unique healing qualities of mountain ash do not cease to amaze to this day.
Rowan: useful properties in traditional medicine
Useful substances that make up the mountain ash:
– provitamin A; – vitamin C; – vitamin PP; – vitamin E; – vitamin B1; – vitamin B2; – vitamin K; – vitamin P; – iron; – phosphorus; – magnesium; – iodine; – cobalt; – manganese; – potassium; – organic acids, fructose, glucose, pectins, P-vitamin-active tannins and many others.
Rowan and its medicinal properties
Fresh and dried rowan berries provide tremendous health benefits. They are an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent for vitamin deficiency, bleeding gums, atherosclerosis, colds, kidney and liver diseases.
According to legend, Russian winemakers at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, in order to mislead their competitors, renamed Nevezhinskaya mountain ash to “Nezhinskaya”
Due to the content of amygdalin, mountain ash has an X-ray and radioprotective effect, increases the body’s resistance to oxygen starvation, and the sorbic acid included in the composition makes it an excellent choleretic agent. In addition, scientific studies have shown that sorbic and parasorbic acids (also contained in rowan berries) are capable of inhibiting the growth of mold, fungi and microorganisms. This suggests that mountain ash is useful for the prevention of thrush and other fungal diseases.
Pectins, which are rich in rowan fruits, prevent gas formation in the intestines, remove excess carbohydrates from the body. Juice from fresh rowan berries is indicated for people suffering from hemorrhoids, gastritis with low stomach acidity, edema and Graves’ disease.
As a multivitamin for anemia and exhaustion, traditional medicine advises drinking an infusion prepared in the following way: pour 2 teaspoons of rowan berries with 400 milliliters of boiling water and, covered with a lid, leave for 1 hour. Take ½ cup 4 times a day (you can add a little honey or sugar).
The weight of the fruits of the Crimean large-fruited mountain ash, bred in the Crimea by the Tatars, reaches 20 grams
For chronic constipation, low acidity of the stomach and inflammation of the liver and gallbladder, mountain ash, passed through a meat grinder and mixed with an equal amount of sugar (recommended dosage: 2 tablespoons of the mixture per serving), is well-used. rowan.