The rowing is silvery or yellowing, carved – a conditionally edible mushroom, which is easy to confuse with false representatives. That is why mushroom pickers often avoid it.

Where silver rows grow

Silver Row (or Tricholoma scalpturatum) belongs to the Tricholoma family. Widely distributed in forests, parks, gardens, along roads and forest belts. A representative grows in large groups, the so-called witch circles among the people. The whole colony joins in a large circle.

You can meet the fruiting body everywhere. In the Moscow region, fruiting begins in early summer and continues until mid-autumn. In the Southern regions, mushrooms appear from the beginning of May and continue to grow until December.

What do silver rows look like?

The description states that the hat is a silvery medium size. Its diameter is about 3-8 cm. In young specimens, it is convex, later it becomes prostrate, but a characteristic tubercle remains in the center. The edges of the cap are uneven, wavy, torn at the end. The skin is usually gray, but can be silvery brown. In overripe specimens, it is sometimes covered with yellowish spots.

At the bottom of the cap, you can see thick plates that grow together. In young mushrooms, they are white, later they turn yellow.

Row silver: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

The leg of the silver row is thin, reaches a height of 4-6 cm. It is smooth, the fibers and the remains of the bedspread are clearly visible on it. The color of the legs is white or grayish.

The pulp of the fruiting body is fragile, thin, characteristic powdery color and smell.

Is it possible to eat silver rows

Silver rowing is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, which has many useful qualities. It is eaten after careful processing.

Taste qualities of mushroom ryadovka silvery

The taste of the silver row is very mediocre and even bitter, but this is easy to get rid of. Mushrooms can be salted, pickled and boiled.

Important! In the process of pickling, the fruit body acquires a green-yellow hue.

Benefits and harm to the body

The rows contain many useful substances:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, P;
  • calcium;
  • microelements;
  • amino acids.

Due to this composition, fruiting bodies have a healing effect on the body, protecting it from fatigue, overwork, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing immunity, saturating the brain with nutrients.

Silver rows are used to make antibiotics, which are often used to fight tuberculosis. Extracts and extracts from fruiting bodies have a beneficial effect on the state of the liver, remove toxins and toxins from the body. Used to treat skin diseases.

Attention! Rows in nutritional value are compared with meat, but are a dietary product. They are able to completely replace animal protein.

Dried silver rows are used in cosmetology. Powder from them is added to creams and lotions for the care of oily or acne-prone skin.

Harm from mushrooms can only be in case of improper preparation or abuse. They cause digestive upset.

False doubles

The silver row is often confused with other members of the family:

  • scaly;
  • earthy gray;
  • brindle.

From scaly Rows can be distinguished by the characteristic color of the cap. Its flesh is dense, fleshy, the leg is thick. The plates are widely spaced. Refers to edible.

Row silver: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

row hat earthy gray large, up to 7 cm in diameter. Painted in ash-gray, mouse color. The leg is thickened, with a characteristic plaque. The flesh is thin, changes color when damaged. The mushroom is conditionally edible, but can cause rhabdomyolysis.

Row silver: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Tiger Row – a poisonous representative, causes serious poisoning even in small quantities. You can distinguish it by the hat, which has a spherical shape and reaches 12 cm in diameter. The color of the skin is off-white with a bluish undertone. Scales and flakes are clearly visible on the surface. The leg is long – up to 15 cm. The taste is not bitter, the flesh is gray, yellowish at the base.

Row silver: what it looks like, where it grows, photo

Collection rules

Collect only young fruits that have not had time to outgrow. All specimens damaged and spoiled by pests are left in the forest. It’s better not to take them.

They go for mushrooms after good rainfall. They need a lot of moisture to grow. In dry weather, rows are not collected, as they are damaged by insects.


Fresh fruiting bodies are sorted out, peeled, which is well removed with a knife. If they are not very dirty, then you can simply rinse under running water and remove only the darkened areas. Soaking silver rows is not necessary.

Fruits can be pickled, fried, salted, but they are boiled beforehand. To do this, clean water is collected in a saucepan, salt is added in 1 tbsp. l. per 1 kg. When the water boils, you need to put a little citric acid in it and lower the mushrooms. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf, allspice and a few cloves. Throw the finished product into a colander. Drain the broth, it will not be useful.

For further salting, young mushrooms are used, which were collected in the fall. They are the most dense and suitable for these purposes. The classic recipe uses:

  • spice;
  • currant leaves;
  • horseradish;
  • Bay leaf.

Mushrooms are folded in layers, sprinkled with salt, spices and herbs. The last layer should be a layer of herbs. A load is placed on top of it and the container is removed in a cool place for 40-45 days.


The silver row may outwardly resemble a poisonous mushroom, but it is not. It is eaten and used in folk medicine. It is only necessary to properly assemble and prepare the fruiting body.

Tricholoma Scalpturatum @ Knowing mushrooms 18.09.2014

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