Row scaly: photo and description

The scaly row, also known as the sweetie, refers to edible mushrooms that can be found everywhere. But she also has false doubles, which can be life-threatening. Therefore, such a mushroom as a scaly row is extremely important to study for those who are fond of “quiet hunting”.

Where do scaly rows grow

Scaly rows grow mainly in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring young thickets of pines and well-lit places. At the same time, the sweetie can be found along the road.

The yield of the mushroom depends on the weather conditions. If the summer is warm and sunny, then the first mushrooms begin to appear in early August. But the main peak of fruiting is observed in September, and it ends by mid-October. In some regions with a warm climate, sweets grow until early November.

What do scaly rows look like

Row scaly: photo and description

The scaly row has an interesting appearance, the features of which can be assessed from the photo and description of the fungus:

  1. The cap is bell-shaped, rounded or convex, with tucked edges. Over time, it becomes more prostrate, and a well-defined tubercle is visible in the center. In diameter it can reach 8 – 10 cm. The color is brown-red, it can be with a red tint and a spot of the same tone in the center. The entire surface of the upper part of the fruiting body is covered with scales.
  2. The stem is cylindrical, usually curved, with an extension at the base of the fungus. It can reach a length of 10 cm. The cavity of the leg of an adult specimen is hollow, at a young age it is filled with pulp. The lower part of the fruiting body is fibrous and brown in color.

Is it possible to eat scaly rows

Sweet scaly is an edible mushroom, but not all lovers of quiet hunting bring it home, because they are not sure of its suitability for consumption. This is due to the fact that the scaly row is not fully understood.

Taste qualities of the mushroom rowing scaly

The sweet has a bitter taste, so it is recommended to soak it before cooking. After that, the mushroom must be boiled, and only then it can be eaten. At the same time, the rowing has a pronounced pleasant taste and delicate aroma. Salted and pickled mushrooms are especially good.

Benefits and harm to the body

The scaly row has many useful properties. Among them are:

  1. Application in medicine. Enzymes contained in the fruiting bodies are used to make antibiotics for the treatment of tuberculosis patients.
  2. High content of vitamins. In scaly rows there is a whole complex, which includes vitamins of groups C, B, A and PP.
  3. Help with mental fatigue. Sweetie helps to enrich the blood with oxygen, which has a positive effect not only on the brain, but on the whole organism as a whole.
  4. Useful mushroom and patients with hypertension and diabetes. Suitable for dietary nutrition due to the content of a large amount of proteins. It can be a complete substitute for meat for vegetarians.
  5. It improves digestion, boosts immunity, helps get rid of chronic fatigue, restores the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the body of slagging.
Important! Traditional medicine uses this species to prepare lotions and ointments that help heal wounds and treat skin diseases.

Of the adverse moments that may arise when using scaly rows, only the following can be distinguished:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis with improper preparation of sweets.

A video will help you get to know the scaly row better:

Edible Row scaly – Tricholoma imbricatum

False doubles

Among the false twins of the scaly row, the following types of mushrooms can be distinguished:

  1. White-brown row. The hat reaches a diameter of 10 cm, has a wine-brown color, which eventually changes to brown-red. Its surface is shiny, with cracked skin. During rains, the cap becomes slimy. The leg is cylindrical, its length reaches 10 cm. The species grows on poor soils, belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms. 

    Row scaly: photo and description

  2. yellow-brown. The color of the hat corresponds to the name. The surface of the upper part of the fruiting body is smooth, without scales. Has a bitter smell. The leg is cylindrical, the length is not more than 15 cm. Its upper part is white, the lower part is yellow-brown. The variety grows in mixed and deciduous forests. 

    Row scaly: photo and description

  3. Bandaged. This row has a bright appearance. The hat is copper, its edges are lowered, the surface has many scales. The diameter can reach 10 cm. The leg is fusiform or straight, its cavity is hollow. 

    Row scaly: photo and description

  4. Cows. The cap of the mushroom is small, about 3-8 cm in diameter, its color is red-brown, there is a disheveled fringe along the edges, many large scales can be observed on the surface. The leg is straight, the bottom is painted in the color of the hat. 

    Row scaly: photo and description

Important! All twins are conditionally edible mushrooms, so the possibility of eating them directly depends on the cooking technology.

Collection rules

Like other mushroom species, the scaly row cannot be collected in ecologically unfavorable places:

  • industrial zones;
  • roadside areas;
  • abandoned mines;
  • landfills;
  • disposal sites for chemical and agricultural waste.

Fruiting bodies, like sponges, absorb toxins, poisons, heavy metals, etc., which is fraught with food poisoning.

How to cook scaly rows

Since the sweet has a special bitter taste, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. In this regard, it is worth reading some recommendations:

  1. To begin with, the fruiting bodies must be soaked in salted cold water for 3 to 5 hours. During this entire period, you need to change the water at least once.
  2. Then the scaly row must be boiled at least 2 times for 15 minutes.
  3. After that, the workpiece can be added to various dishes, frozen, stewed, fried and baked.
Important! This mushroom is not suitable for drying, because when cooked it releases bitterness, which can harm the body and provoke symptoms of poisoning.


The scaly row is an edible and very useful mushroom that can be collected almost anywhere. But far from all lovers of “quiet hunting” still treat this forest hotel with confidence.

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