Ryadovka pink (violet) belongs to the genus Lepista, family – Ryadovkovye. The Latin name is Lepista irina. In some sources, the fungus belongs to the genus Govorushka. The Ordinary family includes a large number of edible and poisonous species, which can only be sorted out by experienced lovers of quiet hunting.

Where do pink rows grow

The species is distributed throughout Europe, found in the expanses of North America. In Our Country, the mushroom can be found in the North: Khabarovsk, Primorsky Krai, Amur Region. Pink lepista prefers coniferous forests with sandy soil. Rarely, it can be found in mixed or deciduous forests, city parks, and gardens.

The violet row (lepistairina) grows in large groups, in families located in a row. Thanks to this fact, the species got its name.

Important! Mushrooms begin to be collected from mid-August, fruiting lasts until the end of October.

What do pink rows look like

The hat grows up to 15 cm in diameter. In young specimens, it is round, later it becomes bell-shaped, in overripe specimens it is prostrate, uneven, fleshy. The edges are torn and wavy. The surface of the cap is even, smooth, velvety, dry in any weather. The center is darker than the edges. The skin is painted white with a slight pink tint, over time it can become reddish and even brown.

Row pink: photo and description

The leg is thin, uneven, up to 11 cm long, more expanded towards the bottom than under the hat. Color white, pale pink, thickness no more than 2 cm.

The pulp is tough, fibrous, dense and fleshy, white in color. In rainy weather, wateriness may appear.

The plates are thin, densely spaced, adhering to the stem. In young rows they are white, later becoming pale pink or cream.

Is it possible to eat pink rows

The mushroom is edible, suitable for food after heat treatment. It poses no danger to humans. Lepista has a specific aroma that resembles a floral, violet.


The pulp is dense and tough, often tasteless in young mushrooms. Overripe fruit bodies have a sweetish aftertaste and floral aroma. Some sources indicate that the mushroom has a corn smell.

Benefits and harm to the body

Ryadovka pink is used as a natural, non-animal source of protein. There is information about mild poisoning after the fungus. Experts explain this by picking fruits near roads and near chemical plants.

False doubles of the violet row

Lepista is an edible species that is safe for humans, but it has poisonous counterparts. It is important to remember their description, as they often grow side by side.

Smoky talker

The shape and size of the mushroom is completely similar to the pink row. The main difference is the ash-gray color of the hat. The leg of the talker has a whitish, dense coating. The mushroom has a sharp aroma, reminiscent of the smell of soap or perfume. Often talkers and rows grow nearby, it is easy to confuse them. The twin of the pink row belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms of the 4th category; they are not recommended to be eaten.

Important! The fungus provokes indigestion, impaired respiratory function.

Row pink: photo and description

Talker (Ryadovka) smoky (Clitocybe nebularis) – a dubious mushroom?

leafy talker

The fruiting body has a thinner stem than the pink row, and a concave, funnel-shaped hat. The color of the skin is bright white, without any third-party shades.

Important! This species is deadly poisonous, it is unacceptable to collect it. You need to remember how it looks, as it grows next to the pink row.

Row pink: photo and description

Collection rules

The pink row is harvested at the end of summer, it is at the end of August that the peak of its fruiting falls. You can find a mushroom in the clearings between the trees, where it forms mushroom paths or circles, which are popularly called witch rings. The collection is carried out on a warm day, after a long rain. It is better to put young small mushrooms in the basket, they are less rigid.


Rose lepista is eaten after pre-cooking for 20 minutes. The first mushroom broth must be drained. After heat treatment, the mushroom is salted, fried, marinated. You can prepare a row for the winter by drying or freezing it.


Ryadovka pink is an edible mushroom with a specific aroma that is noticeable even after heat treatment. The species grows everywhere in deciduous and mixed forests. He has several dangerous, poisonous doppelgangers. Before picking, it is important for novice mushroom pickers to carefully study the photo and description of the pink row, so as not to confuse it with inedible species.

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