Row isolated (Tricholoma seunctum) or a different row belongs to the Row family. However, this mushroom is also similar to greenfinch and spruce row.
This fruiting body is extremely rare in Our Country. It is considered an inedible species, although others classify it as conditionally edible. It usually grows in mixed forests where spruces and pines are found, as well as in ordinary deciduous and coniferous forests, preferring wet places. The season for collecting a row of isolated rows begins in August and continues until the beginning of October.
Although the mushroom is considered inedible due to its bitter taste and unpleasant odor, many mushroom pickers salt and pickle it, after boiling it in salted water for about 40 minutes. At the same time, changing and draining the water 2-3 times. Everyone who has tried cooked rows of this type assures that their taste qualities are at their best.
Although there is no typical smell in the isolated row mushroom, like in the purple-legged row, many say that the mushroom has an unpleasant medicinal smell.
Description and distribution of isolated rowing (tricholoma sejunctum)
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description and photo of the row in more detail.
Latin name: Tricholoma seunctum.
Family: Ordinary.
Sort by: lamellar ground fungi.
Type: Row – Tricholoma.
Hat: has a diameter of about 10-12 cm, the surface is convex, with rare dark-colored scales. In the middle of the cap, which has an olive color, there is a conical tubercle of a darker shade. After rain, the hat becomes slippery and slimy. The edges are pale green with slightly curved down edges.
Leg: with a thickness of 2 cm, the leg length can reach up to 10 cm. Dense, has small scales, slightly thickened at the base. The color of the stem is white-green in the upper part, dark gray in the middle part.
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Pulp: at the cap it is white, has the smell of fresh flour, and a yellowish tint predominates in the leg. It tastes bitter, so don’t try it.
Records: white or grayish, loose, silky, sparse.
Spore powder: spores are smooth, almost round and white.
Edibility: although the isolated row is considered an inedible mushroom, it has an average score in terms of taste. It can be eaten only after a long boil. Most often, this fruiting body is usually salted for the winter.
Similarities and differences: the isolated row is often confused with other autumn rows, for example, with the green row. However, this species has yellow plates and a hat with a greenish-yellow tint.
Spread: prefers moist soils with high acidity. Usually found in deciduous or coniferous forests. The collection time for a separate row begins in August and ends in the second half of September.
The description of the isolated row and the photos that were given above for review will help all mushroom pickers identify this fruiting body in the forest and decide whether to take it into their basket or not.