The Giant Row belongs to the Lyophyllum family, genus Leucopaxillus. It has another common name – “Ryadovka giant”, which means “earth” in Latin.

Row giant: photo and description, use

Where does the giant row grow?

Mushrooms live in coniferous or mixed forests. They form mycorrhiza with pine. They are found in the Caucasus, the European part of Our Country, in the Crimea, Japan, North America. The fruiting period lasts from August to September.

Row giant: photo and description, use

What does a giant row look like?

This is a large mushroom in size. The hat is semi-circular with the edges tucked down. Over time, it takes on a flat shape. Accordingly, the edges are wrapped up, forming a waviness. The diameter is 10-20 cm, sometimes reaching 30 cm. The skin is thin and smooth. The surface is covered with rare fibers. The color of the cap is brown, reddish-brown, less often reddish. In the middle, the color is more saturated than along the edge.

The leg is elongated and even, smooth. Inside it is dense, strong. The average height is 7-12 cm, sometimes 15 cm. The thickness is 3-8 cm. The part at the base is somewhat larger, white. Starting from the middle, the leg acquires a yellow, red-brown hue.

The pulp of the giant row is white, dense. In the context, it changes color to yellow or red. In young fruiting bodies, the plates are beige, cream, in adults – gray, brown. The smell is musty.

Attention! The photo and description of the mushroom makes it possible to recognize the giant row in the forest.

Is it possible to eat a giant row

The mushroom is conditionally edible, belongs to the 4th category. Rarely causes diarrhea. In Europe, the giant row is a rare species that is listed in the Red Book.

The taste of the mushroom

According to mushroom pickers, the pulp has a slightly tart nutty flavor and does not have a special taste. Use a giant row after boiling for 20 minutes or in a salty form. It is recommended to use only young fruiting bodies. The old pulp has a bitter taste and can only be used for drying.

Benefits and harm to the body

The benefits of giant rows in folk and official medicine are known. Valuable properties are manifested due to the content of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids in the composition of the plant product.

The obtained extracts from the giant rows help to cope with liver diseases, the cells of the organ are regenerated, and toxins are removed from the body. Lotions from fruiting bodies treat dermatological ailments.

The enzymes contained in the plant product have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, saturate the brain with useful elements, and protect the body from overwork.

Row giant can cause harm. Not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, people with individual intolerance, nursing mothers. Fungi can trigger attacks of pain in patients with pancreatitis. Decreased acidity and dysfunction of the gallbladder are contraindications for the use of giant rows.

False doubles

There are many specimens in the Lyophyllum family that share similar external features. It is important to separate edible species from poisonous ones.

The row is white-brown. The cap size is 3-8 cm. The shape is cone-shaped. As it grows, it becomes flattened. There is a characteristic tubercle in the middle of the cap. The color of the upper part is red-brown with a white edge along the office. The skin is mucous. The leg is even, thinned towards the bottom, grows up to 10 cm, and the thickness is 3 cm. The plates are frequent, white-pink. The pulp is light. Older specimens have a bitter taste.

The mushroom belongs to the conditionally edible group. However, some mycologists consider it poisonous. Fruiting occurs in August. There is a variety in coniferous thickets, it has mycorrhiza with pine.

Row giant: photo and description, use

Ryadovka lilovaya. Large edible species. The cap size is 10-20 cm. The shape is semicircular. Sometimes a depression forms in the center of the cap. The edges are curved. The surface of young fruit bodies is lilac, bright purple, gradually brightens, acquiring a light brown color. The leg is high, 5-10 cm. Even, smooth, elastic. Covered with white flakes. The flesh is light purple, after a few days it becomes closer to a brown hue.

A variety grows on rotting needles, in compost heaps. Found in mixed pine forests. Most common in the temperate zone.

Row giant: photo and description, use

Soap line. The look is non-toxic. However, it is rarely used for cooking, because it has a fruity and soapy smell. This rich aroma does not disappear even after heat treatment.

Row giant: photo and description, use

The fungus has a flat, smooth surface. The hat is olive or greenish brown. There is a reddish spot in the center, the edges are light. The shape is conical and has a pronounced tubercle. Diameter 3-10 cm. Yellow-green plates are rare. The leg is even, white, up to 15 cm high. In old specimens, red spots can be seen in the lower part.

Collection rules

Experienced mushroom pickers recommend arranging a trip to the forest for a giant row in the morning. When gathering for a “silent hunt”, you must have with you: a knife, a basket or a bucket. It is better not to take a bag, because fruiting bodies can break during transportation. Be sure to cut off the leg with a knife so that the mycelium remains in the ground. It is not advisable to collect giant rows along highways, near industrial enterprises, since they can absorb heavy metal particles. Each copy should be cleaned of sand and dry debris. Upon arrival home, it is worth sorting out, sorting the crop.


For cooking giant rowing, young fruiting bodies will be required. They are salted, pickled or boiled. Some mushroom pickers use a thick leg for frying.

Giant marinated row recipe

Marinade Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l salt and sugar, 2 heads of garlic, 3 pcs. bay leaf, cloves, 70 ml of vinegar, 5 currant leaves.


  1. Pour 2 liters of cold water into the pan and put on a large fire.
  2. Chopped garlic, bay leaf, cloves, salt, sugar are also put there.
  3. After boiling, reduce the fire. Continue to cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Add vinegar, leaves and after 10 minutes turn off the heat.
  5. 2 kg of boiled mushrooms are laid out in pre-pasteurized jars.
  6. Top with marinade, cover with lids.
  7. Rolled up and taken to the basement.


The giant row is an edible mushroom. The taste is mediocre. With proper preparation, the giant row can be used as a snack or for diet food. Contains a lot of protein. It is recommended to consume the mushroom in small portions.

The row is gigantic, smoky gray. Haze. Edible mushrooms.

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