

Routinology, a neologism invented by French author Raphaëlle Giodarno, is a method of personal development based on creative coaching. Gloom, frustrations, dissatisfaction … when life becomes dull, routinology suggests a real return to yourself in order to take the time to know what you want and who you really are.

What is routinology?

Definition of routinology

Routinology, a neologism invented by the French author Raphaëlle Giodarno, is a method of personal development based on creative coaching: “The concept came to me by observing around me this tendency in many people to suffer from a kind of gloom, vague in the soul, loss of meaning… This unpleasant feeling of having almost everything to be happy, but not succeeding. The objective of routinology is to allow everyone to set up the most fulfilling life project possible.

The main principles of routinology

Gloom, frustrations, dissatisfaction … when life becomes dull, routinology offers to make a real return on oneself in order to take the time to know what you want and who you really are.

Jane Turner, clinical psychologist and personal development coach, and Bernard Hévin, social psychologist and coach, define personal development – including routinology – as “the development of a person’s potential, of their autonomy, of their balance and of their fulfillment”.

Like the many methods of personal development, routinology is not intended for people suffering from mental illnesses but for those seeking a certain fulfillment of life.

The benefits of routinology

Regain self-esteem

Routinology offers to get to know yourself better, but above all to do so in a constructive way by working on your inner, emotional and relational balance. The goal is to regain real self-esteem.

Give meaning to your life

Routinology proposes to make a real return on oneself in order to take the time to know what one wants and to make life choices which are in agreement with oneself.

Regain self-confidence

Routinology suggests believing more in one’s worth, opening up to others, and gaining confidence in one’s abilities.

Assert oneself

Routinology makes it possible to be in agreement with oneself and to find a certain authenticity.

Routinology in practice

The specialist

The routinology specialist is trained in personal development techniques and benefits from creative coaching skills.

Course of a session

Routinology seminars offer personal development work without taking yourself too seriously, while having fun, through:

  • Creative, playful experiments;
  • Artistic, sensory experiences.

Become a practitioner

In addition to the artistic and creative side specific to routinology, the routinologist must first benefit from training in personal development.

Therefore, the choice is difficult as the training courses offered are numerous and of unequal quality … Let us take as an example the certifying training in coaching from DÔJÔ, a training and development center for professionals in the helping relationship created in 1990 by Jane Turner and Bernard Hévin (see references):

  • Introduction to coaching (2 days);
  • Basic Coaching Training (12 days);
  • Advanced Coaching Training (15 days);
  • Professional Coach Certification by Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE);
  • Coaching of Adolescents (6 days);
  • Master Class Coaching (3 days);
  • Supervision of Coaches (3 days minimum).


There are no contraindications to the practice of routinology.

History of Routinology

In general, personal development finds its roots in philosophy, especially ancient, and in modern psychology, in particular humanistic psychology and positive psychology.

The neologism “routinology” was invented by Raphaëlle Giordano in her novel “Your second life begins when you understand that you have only one”, published in 2015. The heroine, Camille, has the impression that happiness is on her file between the fingers. Until she meets a routinologist… She actually suffers from “acute routinitis”!

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