Routine – properties, application, contraindications, precautions

Routine is an interesting ingredient not only in medicines and dietary supplements, but also in cosmetics. Although it can be found in many products, many people are not aware of its properties. Rutin is an organic chemical compound from the group of flavonoid glycosides. Routine has been known in medicine since the XNUMXth century. It has a large impact on the sealing of veins, thanks to which we can find it, among others in cosmetics for couperose skin and various preparations that strengthen blood vessels.

Routine – characteristics

Rutin is a plant flavonoid that is obtained from plants not found in our daily diet. A natural source of routine is, among others Japanese pearl, buckwheat herb, barberry, common rue, peppermint, elderberry and St. John’s wort. These plants are not a traditional component of our food, so it is worth looking for a routine, e.g. in dietary supplements. Remember that routine is a strong antioxidant that effectively protects us against free radicals. Rutin was first isolated from the herb of rutin which gave the compound its name.

Routine – absorption

The absorption of routine from the gastrointestinal tract is 10%. Then, rutin reaches its maximum concentration approximately 8 hours after taking the drug. Most likely, routin crosses the blood-brain barrier and can cross the placenta. Importantly, it undergoes enterohepatic circulation.

Routine – metabolism

Routine metabolism it occurs mainly in the liver. It is transformed by 3,4-dihydroxytoluene, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 3-6hydroxyphenylacetic acid.

The metabolites of rutin are excreted by the kidneys and the substance is dissolved in the intestines and eliminated with the faeces. It is also suspected that the waste products of rutin are also exhaled as carbon dioxide. Routine has a half-life of approximately 11 hours.

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Routine – sources

Rutin as a flavonoid can be obtained not only from exotic plants, although they are the most commonly used for the production of rutin in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. However, if we properly compose our diet, we will be able to deliver the routine to our body also with food.

Many widely available and well-known vegetables are a good source of routine. These are i.a. sweet potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and onions. In addition, oranges, lemons, limes, grapes and blueberries will also be a source of routine. Routine-rich foods may vary in how quickly you take it.

Routine – properties

Sometimes routine is incorrectly called vitamin P. It strengthens and seals the capillaries, preventing the formation of spider veins or reducing existing ones. It has anti-exudative properties. Rutin reduces the cytotoxicity of oxidized cholesterol, prevents the formation of some highly reactive free radicals. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to routine, the body can also block some allergic reactions.

Since rutin is a flavonoid, it is also a powerful antioxidant, so it fights free radicals and protects the body against their harmful effects on the human body. This means that routine not only protects the blood vessels, but also all other cells in the body.

Routine has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It not only strengthens the blood vessels and prevents them from cracking, but also slows down the aging process of the skin and its peeling. It reduces the visibility of bruises and bruises on the skin. Routine also has astringent and wound healing properties. Routine taken in the form of oral dietary supplements can even reduce the appearance of skin discoloration.

The beneficial effect of routine on the skin is the result of both the antioxidant properties of this substance and its interaction with vitamin C. This combination strengthens blood vessels and protects collagen and elastin, which in the first place care for the elasticity and firmness of our skin, and therefore also its youthful appearance.

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Routine – application

Routine is a component of both drugs, dietary supplements, as well as cosmetics for couperose skin, and even to eliminate stretch marks. In addition, preparations containing routine are often recommended during fall and winter colds and flu. Routine medications in combination with vitamin C, selenium, zinc and calcium make it much easier for a runny nose, and our immunity also applies due to the sealing of blood vessels. Additionally, thanks to routine, vitamin C oxidizes more slowly and therefore lasts longer.

Thanks to its properties, routine is easiest to find in blood vessel strengthening preparations that prevent swelling and varicose veins. The sealing properties of the routine prevent the formation of spider veins and minimize the existing ones. Routine provides flexibility to the blood vessels, which in turn reduces the risk of edema and puffiness, especially on the legs.

The most common is routine in connection with vitamin C. It is used as an aid in venous circulation disorders, diabetic retinopathy and atherosclerosis. It can also be used preventively in people exposed to strokes or heart attacks. Routine is found in many dietary supplements, including multivitamins.

An example of a preparation containing this substance is the Solgar 500 mg routine supplement – the preparation in tablets can be ordered through Medonet Market. Routine is also included in creams and ointments to support blood vessels and prevent the formation of spider veins and varicose veins. We recommend, for example, a soothing chestnut ointment with a routine against varicose veins.

Routine – side effects

There may be some risks involved in using routine. It is not a substance that is completely indifferent to the human body. One of the side effects of using routine for a long time is the increase in the effect of anticoagulants. In addition, since routine is often combined with vitamin C, it can also reduce the effectiveness of drugs for depression. Additionally, this combination increases the amount of iron absorbed in the digestive system.

The use of medications and supplements with routine can cause crystals of various compounds to precipitate in the urine, and if taken for a long time, they can increase the potency of NSAIDs.

Routine – dosage

Routine is most often used in the form of tablets. However, the dose of the substance contained in one tablet is important. The dosage of the routine depends largely on the patient’s age and general health. In adults, the daily dose of rutin may range from 25 mg to 100 mg. However, in the case of children, the daily dose is only 25 mg to 50 mg of rutin.

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Routine – contraindications

The main contraindication to routine use is routine hypersensitivity. In addition, in the case of preparations containing vitamin C, it should be remembered that their use is contraindicated in the case of people suffering from oxalate stones or diseases associated with excessive accumulation of iron in the human body.

Routine – side effect

Routine has no side effects, nor is there any data on routine overdose. Moreover, routine has no negative impact on the ability to drive and use machines.

However, it should be remembered that the simultaneous use of preparations containing rutin and suflatiazole may damage the walls of blood vessels. In addition, if a given dietary supplement with routine also contains ascorbic acid, it may increase the effect of anticoagulants.

Persons using drugs on a permanent basis, pregnant women and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before starting supplementation with a routine.

Routine – cosmetics

In the cosmetics industry, routine comes in many forms – from eye creams to body lotions and tonics. In any form, its task is to take care of the vessels and prevent spider veins. Routine can be used with a cosmetic suitable for the skin and health of the person using it. Information on the content of routine should appear next to the composition of a given cosmetic.

An example of a routine cosmetic is Anka Dziedzic stretch mark cream, which evens out the skin tone and reduces the visibility of stretch marks. For varicose veins and to strengthen the blood vessels, reach for the rutin chestnut ointment to support the blood vessels of Farm-Vix.

Routine – price

Routine is not sold on its own, and its price depends only on the supplement, cosmetic or drug in which it is contained. It is very often found in the form of tablets along with vitamin C.

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