Round thick-walled peppers

Among all varieties of pepper in suburban areas, plump sweet occupies a leading position in terms of cultivation. This versatile vegetable is great for fresh eating, cooking and canning. In addition, every year the selection offers for sale new round varieties of tasty thick-walled peppers for open ground, which have early maturity, high yields and extraordinary taste. How to choose the right variety, what criteria to rely on, and what features of cultivation and care should you pay attention to?

Round thick-walled peppers

The main criteria for choosing a variety

Of course, the first thing to consider when choosing a variety for open ground is the conditions for its cultivation. If you are going to plant a new variety that is unfamiliar to you, carefully read the instructions for planting material. Strong and healthy seedlings planted in an open area are the key to obtaining a high and tasty harvest.

Please note that pepper is a heat-loving crop, and therefore, for central Our Country, Siberia and the Urals, choose early ripe varieties with high resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity. Take into account the fact that the seedlings will have to be raised at home or in greenhouse conditions, observing all the conditions of feeding and watering.

Round thick-walled peppers

Attention! The place for planting pepper on the open ground should not be in a shaded area, avoiding waterlogging or drying out of the soil.

Round varieties of plump peppers for open ground give high friendly yields in the southern regions of Our Country, but for summer residents living in a temperate and northern climate, protection from sudden cold snaps and winds will need to be provided for growing crops. This does not in the least deny that the crop can be obtained under conditions of planting seedlings in open ground, but the choice of variety will need to be approached selectively. Consider the fact that you will need to prepare the soil for transferring seedlings by fertilizing it with mineral and nitrogen microelements, and at the beginning of the season, be sure to provide a film shelter.  

Early varieties of thick-walled sweet pepper

There is a wide range of planting material on the market for growing early hybrids and varieties in the open field. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that it is hybrids that combine such qualities as fast seed germination, plant resistance to many diseases characteristic of this culture.

Round thick-walled peppers

When crossed between parent plants, sweet round pepper hybrids produce better yields and have excellent palatability. The only downside to planting plump pepper hybrids outdoors is that you won’t be able to use the seeds from the fruit to grow vegetables next season.

Planting material obtained from pepper of previous crops, like two drops of water, is similar to its parents. If you are satisfied with the result of last year, feel free to use the seeds from these plants.


Round thick-walled peppers

An early variety of sweet pepper for planting in greenhouses and outdoors. The fruits ripen on 45-50 days from the first shoots. The walls of pepper during the ripening period reach a thickness of 0,7-1 cm, and a length of up to 12 cm. However, this variety is somewhat inferior in taste to others, and is oriented for use in culinary processing or canning. The plant belongs to the bush, compactly planted in small areas of the garden.

Gingerbread Man

Round thick-walled peppers

Early thick pepper with an average fruit weight in the period of full ripening – 150-180 gr. The variety is quite resistant to growing conditions in open ground, is not subject to wilting and fungal diseases. Among the farmers of central Our Country and Siberia, it received well-deserved recognition as a plant that can withstand sudden changes in temperature in the air and on the soil. The growing season is up to 50 days. The fruits are round in shape, with a smooth red skin. Gingerbread man has a sweetish taste, is used for cooking, preservation, fresh consumption.


Round thick-walled peppers

It belongs to the early varieties of pepper, resistant to cultivation on open ground in the southern regions and central Our Country. The plant has the shape of a spherical bush, with a height of 60-70 cm. The fruits in the period of full maturation can grow up to 15 cm in length, having an average weight of 250-300 gr. The skin is dense, has a rich red or green color, the wall can reach a thickness of 0,5-0,7 cm. In agriculture, Hercules is recognized as the best fruit for canning and freezing.

Yellow and Red Bull

Round thick-walled peppers

These are two different varieties, but they differ only in the color of the skin of the fruit. Both are mid-season plants with a growing season of 55-60 days from the first shoots. The best harvest Yellow and Red Bull give in a greenhouse, however, in the southern regions of Our Country they are also grown in open areas.

Pepper is resistant to overflow or short drought. Feels great in warm ground. It is not susceptible to such culture-specific diseases as tobacco and potato virus.

During the ripening period, the fruits reach a size of 12-15 cm, the average weight of one pepper can be 200-250 gr.

Apricot Favorite

Round thick-walled peppers

An excellent early ripening variety intended for growing in greenhouses, greenhouses and in open ground conditions. The plant is highly resistant to temperature changes in the air, however, when transferring seedlings to open areas, it requires heated and fertilized soil.

The fruits are small, in the period of full ripening they reach a size of 10-12 cm, with an average weight of 100-150 gr. Wall thickness – 5-7 mm. From one bush, 50-60 cm high, you can collect up to 7 kg of delicious, bright red or orange fruits.

big papa

Round thick-walled peppers

This early ripe variety seems to be intended for lovers of delicious exotics. Big papa is a thick-walled sweet pepper, the fruits of which are colored purple or red-brown. Cube-shaped fruits with dense and juicy pulp. During the period of full maturation, the wall thickness of the Big Daddy can reach 12-15 mm. The average weight of one fruit is 200-220 gr. This giant belongs to the universal fruits, perfectly amenable to freezing and canning.

Among gardeners, he received well-deserved popularity, thanks to compact and undersized bushes. This makes it possible to plant peppers compactly in small open areas.

Mid-season varieties of sweet thick-walled peppers


Round thick-walled peppers

Mid-season variety of sweet thick-walled pepper. When choosing planting material, pay attention to the fact that the powerful, sprawling bushes of this plant require a garter when planted in open ground. During the period of stunting, the plant can reach 80 cm and above.

Aeneas is ranked by farmers among the most useful and delicious varieties of plump round pepper. Its dense and juicy pulp contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, so it, like no other, is recommended for fresh consumption. The fruits are large, with a wall thickness of up to 10-12 mm. A distinctive feature of Aeneas is that it perfectly tolerates long-term transportation and storage, therefore it is ideal for growing for sale.


Round thick-walled peppers

The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and outdoors. It has a high yield when planting seedlings in warm, well-fertilized soil. The fruits are small, slightly elongated, with an average wall thickness of up to 8 mm. The skin is dense, shiny, red.

Despite the fact that pepper does not belong to round varieties, its pulp has excellent taste, and the variety itself belongs to gardeners as universal. It can not only be preserved, but also frozen.

Please note that this variety is adapted to low temperatures, therefore it is suitable for growing even in the climatic zones of the Urals and Siberia.


Round thick-walled peppers

A wonderful thick mid-season variety, pleasing gardeners with high yields. The ripening period is 90-100 days from the date of formation of the first shoots. The length of the fetus is up to 13 cm, and the average weight is 150 gr., With a wall thickness of 6-8 mm.

An interesting feature of this variety is that its fruits can be colored both red and greenish-yellow.

Ivanhoe is resistant to small temperature fluctuations in the air and on the soil, is immune to potato and tobacco viruses, mosaic and early wilt.

Attention! When choosing planting material for mid-season varieties, pay attention to their description. Most often, sweet thick-walled peppers need additional feeding and careful watering.


Round thick-walled peppers

Mid-season productive grade with beautiful red, slightly flattened fruits. The wall of the fetus during the ripening period can reach a thickness of 9-12 mm, and the weight can reach up to 250-300 grams.

A distinctive feature of the Antey variety is that the planting material is sown exclusively in peat planting pots, since the root of the plant is fragile and may not endure a break. The plant is resistant to a slight decrease in temperature, and the crop is distinguished by the ability of long storage. During long-distance transportation, Antey does not lose its presentation.


Round thick-walled peppers

Excellent mid-season variety of plump sweet pepper for outdoor cultivation. When planting in open areas, be prepared for the fact that the plant may need a garter, so provide support pegs or cross rails in advance. The growing season is up to 100 days from the moment of the first shoot.

The height of the bush during the fruiting period reaches 80 cm, with a good yield, such a bush can produce up to 7-8 kg of juicy red fruits with dense thick pulp. The variety is universal, suitable for any culinary use and long-term freezing. Of all the thick-walled peppers, the Bogatyr variety is the only one that does not require compliance with strict growing conditions. The plant feels great in shady areas of the garden, tolerates high humidity and a short drought. Thanks to all its characteristics, the Bogatyr variety has gained well-deserved popularity among summer residents who appear on their plots only on weekends.


Round thick-walled peppers

The ripening period of this sweet round thick-walled pepper is 100-120 days from pecking the seed. Spreading bushes with dense, saturated foliage. The fruits have an even cuboid shape, in the period of full maturity they reach a length of up to 10-12 cm, and about the same in diameter. The wall thickness reaches 8-10 mm, and the average weight of one pepper is up to 200 g.

Attention! When choosing the Agapovsky variety for cultivation, be sure to keep in mind that this plant requires regular additional feeding at least 3-4 times during the entire period of growth and fruiting.


Round thick-walled peppers

A mid-season variety of plump sweet pepper with a fruit ripening period of 80-95 days from seed pecking. The height of the bush when growing Atlanta in the open field can reach 75-80 cm. The fruits are even, slightly elongated. The skin is dense. It is painted red, the average wall thickness is 10 mm, with a fruit length of up to 14 cm.

Atlant has excellent taste qualities and is versatile in use. The plant is demanding on regular watering, however, grows well in low light conditions. Among gardeners, Atlant has gained popularity as one of the best plump pepper varieties that are not subject to viral and fungal diseases. Meanwhile, in order to obtain high-quality and plentiful crops, the plant requires a small additional mineral-nitrogen top dressing.


These are far from all varieties and hybrids of plump sweet peppers presented on agricultural markets. When choosing planting material, be sure to read the instructions or consult with specialists. Never be guided only by a beautiful picture on a bright package of seeds. Choose planting material that has proven itself in the climatic conditions of your region.

For more on the best varieties of pepper for open ground, see the video:

The best varieties of peppers for open ground In my area, August 22

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