Rough heels: how to make them smooth? Video

Rough heels: how to make them smooth? Video

Rough heels in women is a fairly common phenomenon. And there are many reasons for this. Experts are sure that it is imperative to deal with such a problem. After all, a slight roughness over time can develop into fairly large health problems. You can make your heels smooth and soft. The main thing is to correctly follow the recommendations of doctors.

Caring for the skin of the heels is very important when creating the overall look of a sleek lady. And besides, it is an excellent prevention of health problems that can occur when cracks and ulcers appear on the heels due to excessive dryness.

There are many reasons for the increased roughness of the heels.

The list includes the following items:

  • dry skin of a woman
  • long-term sun exposure, such as on a beach vacation
  • open shoes in summer
  • wearing synthetic socks
  • improper or insufficient foot care

There are also several types of peeling. These can be rather shallow options, when the heels are only slightly rough, or there can be options when the feet become dry with cracks, calluses and raised areas of the skin.

Such manifestations cannot be ignored, because the situation will worsen. As a result, it will become painful to walk and put on socks, tights and shoes. Of course, from the first time the heels will not become soft, but systematic procedures are quite capable of significantly changing the situation.

In no case should you cut off the calluses and skin along the edges of the cracks, because this will aggravate the situation and infect the legs. Therefore, it is necessary to act according to a strictly defined scheme.

What you need to do to get soft heels

One of the ideal remedies for removing rough heels are foot baths. Making these at home is quite simple. The main condition is to select the right components. So, for example, a universal option for softening rough skin on the legs is a bath with milk, salt and soap. To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of milk and soapy water with 3 tablespoons. salt. Add the mixture to a bowl of hot water and lower your feet into it for 30-40 minutes. Soda baths are also considered an excellent option.

It is best to take the baths longer. If possible, keep your feet in the pelvis for at least an hour. However, if any unpleasant manifestations appear – tingling, burning, etc. – you should stop the procedure

After the bath, to get rid of excessive dry skin on your feet, gently rub your heels with a pumice stone and use a special scrub for rough skin. Then lubricate the treated surface with a moisturizer. For such a procedure to be effective, it is necessary to treat the legs with a pumice stone for no longer than three minutes.

Alternatively, you can remove excessive dryness of the feet with the help of herbal lotions. This procedure is especially good when you are relaxing at sea. To carry it out, you need marshmallow root. It needs to be crushed, take 2 tbsp. rhizomes and pour 0,5 liters of hot water. Next, you need to warm up the infusion in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool the broth to room temperature, moisten cheesecloth in it and apply to the heels for half an hour.

This procedure must be repeated twice a day.

You can also improve the condition of your feet with special foot masks. Especially good in this case is a yolk and starch mask.

For its preparation you will need:

  • egg yolk – 1 pcs.
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp
  • potato starch – 1/2 tsp

Mix everything, stretch your legs and apply the mixture to the feet. Leave to dry completely, the fact that an egg crust has formed on your legs should become a guide for you. Rinse off the mask with warm water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your feet with a moisturizer.

It is best to try to avoid situations where roughness appears on the feet. Therefore, all efforts must be directed to prevention. Do not forget about timely exfoliation of the skin, do foot peeling at least once a week. In addition, the feet need regular hydration. Apply a moisturizer to your heels, preferably twice a day – morning and evening.

If you love and pamper your heels, your feet will always be perfect.

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