Rough gentian: photo and description

On personal plots you can often find wild plants, because they have a special attraction, and with their help you can create original flower beds. Rough gentian is popular among gardeners. In addition to the original appearance, the plant has a number of healing properties and is widely used in folk medicine.

Rough gentian: photo and description

Gentian rough blooms until the beginning of autumn

Description of the species

This plant belongs to the Gentian family and is a herbaceous perennial. By external signs, it immediately stands out from other species. The height of the stem reaches 30-45 cm, the leaves are paired, ovoid with a pointed apex (their length is from 5 to 7 cm). The lower veins have a rough edge.

The flowers are deep blue and bell shaped. The budding of the plant lasts until August. On gentian, fruits are tied in the form of a box with two wings, in which linear mesh seeds are formed.

Where and how does the rough gentian grow

In its natural environment, this plant can be found in the Far East or in the Southeast regions of Asia. Over time, the gentian has significantly expanded its range: it grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the African continent and Antarctica.

Rough gentian: photo and description

The plant feels great in areas with rocky soil, so in gardens it can most often be seen in rockeries.

The composition and value of the plant

Most of the nutrients in this plant are found in the rhizome. Fresh roots contain bitter glycosides that are beneficial for bowel function. They also contain bioflavonoids (they are an effective prevention of cancer and problems with the cardiovascular system), fatty oils, sucrose, pectins, mucus and alkaloids.

Rough gentian: photo and description

Gentian roots are a preventative against diabetes

Attention! Gentian rough is a powerful source of natural ascorbic acid, which is a strong immune-strengthening agent.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. Today it is widely used in official medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Most often, phytocollections and various preparations are used, which include extracts of gentian. They are most effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application in folk medicine

In folk medicine, root decoctions are used to improve appetite, as a choleretic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. Gentian rough copes well with the healing of purulent wounds, eye diseases, cough, gout.

Rough gentian: photo and description

Gentian rough helps with indigestion

In Korea and Japan, preparations based on gentian are used as an antipyretic, sorbent for food poisoning. This plant is no less useful for hypertension, cystitis, and skin diseases. The Chinese use infusions and decoctions from this plant to combat influenza, nephritis, rheumatism, and potency problems.

The healing properties of the plant also interested Tibetan healers. They use gentian for attacks of neurasthenia, problems with women’s health, tuberculosis of the bones. The Mongols give patients gentian remedies for fever, laryngitis and tracheitis.

A few simple plant recipes to combat various ailments:

  1. Constipation. The infusion, which is prepared as follows, helps a lot: 50 g of dry roots are poured into ½ liter of vodka and infused for a week. Take 20 drops / 100 ml of water (20 minutes before meals). You can also buy herbal teas at the pharmacy, which have a mild laxative effect and are not addictive.
  2. Gastritis, which is caused by low acidity. To do this, use a multi-herbal collection, consisting of mint, succession, gentian, Japanese saphora, three-leaf watch and flax seeds. All these components are mixed together in equal parts and placed in paper bags. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. collection, add boiling water to a glass and hold in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then it is removed from the fire and infused for another 45 minutes. After filtering through gauze and drinking 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  3. Rheumatism and arthritis. To prepare a decoction, you need 3 tbsp. l. gentian and 700 ml of water. The container is placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then insisted for the next 2 hours. The decoction is taken orally half a glass before meals. A good result is also given by compresses on the joints. They help relieve swelling, inflammation, reduce pain, make the joints more mobile.

Gentian flowers are also used to prepare decoctions. They help with pathologies of the mammary glands, amenorrhea, hepatitis. Baths relieve excessive sweating of the feet and kill unpleasant odors. An infusion of gentian root or herbal tea will easily help solve the problem of constipation.

Limitations and contraindications

Any medicinal plant can both benefit and harm.

You should not use gentian rough in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to any of the substances in the composition of gentian. This can lead to a severe allergic reaction.
  2. Arterial hypertension.
  3. Peptic ulcer (gentian increases acidity, which will lead to an exacerbation of the disease).
  4. During pregnancy and during lactation.
Rough gentian: photo and description

Decoctions and infusions of rough gentian are not recommended for children.


Gentian rough has a number of useful properties and allows you to cope with various ailments. With proper intake, you can establish metabolic processes, restore normal bowel function, relieve inflammation and strengthen the body. You can buy teas and fees at any homeopathic pharmacy or prepare them yourself. To do this, you need to prepare raw materials in advance.

Plants that have reached the age of three are of the greatest value. Their rhizomes are dug up, washed, and then placed in special dryers (temperature from + 45 to + 60 ° C). Before using gentian, you should consult with an experienced homeopath or your doctor.

Gentian rough Zyiko Rindo. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of gentiana scabra Zuiko Rindo

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