Rough action is a deciduous ornamental shrub of the Hydrangea family. The plant was brought to Our Country in the 50th century by Dutch merchants. By the beginning of the XNUMXst century, about XNUMX varieties have been studied. Ideal for both single landings on the lawn, and for creating a hedge. Group plantings of rough action near the gazebo look good. Due to its high decorative qualities, the shrub has gained popularity among gardeners. And unpretentiousness allows you to grow it even for beginners.
General description of rough action
Rough deutzia (deutzia scabra) is a lush shrub whose growth varies from 1 to 3 m, depending on the variety. The leaf plate is pubescent and has a rough surface.
The color of the flowers can be white or pink in various shades. In almost all varieties, they somehow resemble bells. The photo of the rough action below shows that they are collected in inflorescences at the very ends of the shoots. Their length can reach 10-15 cm. By type, they can be both terry and semi-double. The smell is weak or absent. The flowering of the action rough begins in June-July.
The shoots of the shrub are erect, but there are also varieties with curved branches. The surface of the shoots is in most cases smooth. Some varieties are distinguished by a layered type of chora, which is highly flaky. For 2-3 years, the branches become brittle – this happens because a hollow space forms inside them. This factor is important to consider when sheltering bushes for the winter – they cannot be sharply bent.
The life expectancy of a shrub varies from 20 to 50 years.
Popular varieties of rough action
There are many varieties and hybrid forms of rough action, but not everything can be grown in the climate. The following varieties are popular.
Deytion rough variety Plena attracts attention with densely doubled white-pink flowers, which in their appearance resemble wide bells. The height of the shrub is on average 1-1,5 m, the crown of the Plena variety is of medium density. Shoots of upright type. The leaves are covered with small villi, which is why they are rough to the touch.
Planting and caring for the action of the rough Candissima variety are basic, a photo of the shrub is presented below. A distinctive feature of this variety are pink buds, which turn into double snow-white flowers during flowering. They form large paniculate inflorescences.
Candissima is not hardy and needs good winter cover.
Kodsell Pink
Action rough varieties Codsell Pink – a variety with a dense crown and curved shoots. The height of the Codsell Pink action reaches 2,5 m, the diameter is usually 2 m. The variety begins to bloom in June, the color of the petals of the flowers is light pink. By type, flowers are terry, collected in inflorescences, resembling loose panicles. The length of the inflorescences can reach 15 cm.
Pride of Rochester
Action rough varieties Pride of Rochester has the appearance of a tall shrub with a rather dense crown. The branches of the plant are erect, growing upwards. The height of this variety varies from 2 to 3 m, the diameter of the crown is an average of 2,5 m. The flowers of the action of the rough variety Pride of Rochester are white, terry. The plant blooms in early June.
Mona Lisa
Deutia rough Mona Lisa is a medium-sized shrub with double-type flowers that form long flowing inflorescences. The plant reaches a height of 1,2-1,5 m. It blooms from the end of May for 2 months.
The advantages of this variety include high frost resistance – this is one of the winter-hardy varieties of rough deutsia, which needs minimal shelter.
The action of the rough variety Whitest, according to the description, can reach 1,5-2 m in height. Life expectancy averages 40-50 years. It is impossible to propagate the shrub by the seed method – the Beleishaya variety was obtained by hybrid means.
In the photo of the shrub, the action is rough Whitest, which is lower, large snow-white flowers. Their diameter is 3 cm, the length of the inflorescences can reach 10-12 cm.
Features of reproduction
Rough action can be propagated in several ways:
- seed;
- layering;
- grafting;
- division of the bush.
The method of harvesting cuttings and propagation by layering is more commonly used. Large old shrubs are dug up and divided into 3 parts, which are then planted. With this breeding method, all dry and damaged shoots are cut off.
Planting material is harvested in the spring.
Rules of landing and care
Planting and caring for a rough action in the Moscow region are not particularly difficult even for a novice gardener. The shrub cannot be called capricious, it grows on almost any type of soil, does not need frequent watering and rarely gets sick. Insect action attracts weakly, only one species poses a threat to the plant. The advantages of culture include the rapid pace of recovery after frostbite. If the bush was covered for the winter later or incorrectly, the shoots after freezing grow back in a season.
Recommended dates
Rough action is planted in open ground from April to June, more precise dates depend on the local climatic conditions of the region. Planting is recommended after the ground has warmed up.
Site selection and soil preparation
A place for planting a bush is chosen taking into account the following recommendations:
- Rough action is very vulnerable to drafts and cold winds. Landings should be located in a place sheltered from strong gusts of the north wind.
- Groundwater on the site should not be too high. The distance from them to the ground surface should be at least 2-3 meters, preferably more.
- Rough action is undemanding to the composition of the soil, the best type of soil for it is loose, fertile soil with good water permeability. The shrub develops well on neutral and slightly acidic soils.
If the soil in the selected area is scarce, it is dug up on a shovel bayonet 2-3 weeks before planting the action and fertilizers are applied to the soil. A mixture of sand, soddy garden soil and humus, taken in a ratio of 1:2:2, has proven itself well. Additionally, this combination is diluted with mineral compounds containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. In addition to them, you can add a small amount of wood ash or lime powder.
Landing algorithm
The procedure for planting a rough action is as follows:
- On the prepared site, they dig a landing hole 50-60 cm deep and about 50 cm wide.
- If the seedling has open roots, then they are straightened before planting. All dried and broken ones are removed, after which the planting material is lowered for 2-6 hours into the Kornevin growth stimulator.
- If the planting material was grown in a container, carefully inspect the earth seedling. Sometimes the roots in the lower part of the coma are strongly intertwined. In this case, they are separated.
- After that, the seedling is buried, the root neck should be at ground level.
- Finish planting with watering. To do this, use a solution of a root formation stimulator.
Additionally, the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe near-stem circle is mulched. So moisture will be better retained in the soil.
Care instructions
Action rough – the view is unpretentious, but he needs care. It allows you to protect the shrub from a few parasites and provides the shrub with abundant and long flowering. The main procedures for caring for the rough action include the following:
- watering;
- loosening of the soil;
- top dressing;
- pruning;
- winter preparation.
Water the plant moderately, 2-3 times a month, if the season is hot and dry. During the period of prolonged rains, watering is reduced to 1 time per month, if precipitation is heavy, then stop. Additional moisture will not benefit the shrub, on the contrary – stagnation of water in the soil can cause root rot. Resume watering when the top layer of soil is completely dry.
After watering and rains, it is desirable to loosen the region of the near-stem circle – this is done in order to break the compacted topsoil, which blocks the flow of oxygen to the roots of the plant. Loosen shallow so as not to damage them.
Additional fertilizing
Top dressing of the rough action of all varieties is carried out 2-3 times per season according to the following scheme:
- The first time the shrub is fertilized with humus when the trunk circle is mulched immediately after planting. Enough ½ bucket for 1 bush.
- During flowering, the action is fed with liquid mineral solutions.
- Shortly before pruning, you need to add a solution of mullein to the soil, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. It takes no more than 1 bucket per plant.
Sanitary pruning of the rough action is carried out in May-June, when all frozen and broken shoots are removed. As soon as the shrub fades, you can take on the formative pruning. Branches aged 4-5 years are cut into a ring, weak and poorly developed shoots are also removed. In addition, young branches that stand out from the total mass are cut off.
Preparation for winter
The preparation of the rough action for winter is carried out in several stages:
- The first step is to reduce watering from the beginning of August. By the end of the month, the action is stopped watering.
- In early September, it is recommended to cover the shrub with waterproof material so that excess moisture does not enter its roots. This is necessary so that the wood of the rough deutsia is well ripened before the onset of the first frost.
- The first time the plant is covered immediately after lowering night temperatures. To do this, the shoots of the bush are pressed to the ground, trying not to damage. To prevent the branches from unbending, they are pinned to the ground with staples.
- Shoots bent to the ground are covered with dry grass or fallen leaves.
- Additionally, you can insulate the rough action with spruce branches. Spruce branches cover the bush when the average daily temperature drops to below zero. Lapnik holds snow and prevents freezing of the action during the winter months.
In the spring, with the onset of heat, the shelter is removed. It is impossible to delay with this, since the insulated action in warm weather can break. ten
Pests and diseases
Rough action is immune to most diseases of horticultural crops, so it does not need preventive treatments. Of the insects, the bumblebee or bumblebee proboscis poses the greatest threat to the shrub. Bumblebee caterpillars are able to eat a large number of leaves from the plant in the shortest possible time, so you should not delay the treatment of the bush – as soon as possible after the detection of insects, the action is sprayed with insecticides. Among them, the most effective against parasites are the means:
- Carbophos;
- “Decis”;
- “Lepidocid-BTU”;
- 15% solution of “Ftalofos”.
Rough action, among other species, is distinguished by long flowering – the shrub retains an attractive appearance for 1,5-2 months. The advantage of this culture is that the action blooms immediately after the lilac. This allows you to expand the boundaries of decorative landings on the site.
You can learn more about how to grow a rough action in a garden plot from the video below: