Rotavirus vaccination – when should it be performed? What vaccines are available in Poland?

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Vaccination against rotavirus is not obligatory in Poland, but many specialists recommend it. Rotaviruses are very harmful viruses, and the infections they cause in infants and children end up with intense vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, the infection causes extreme dehydration and even death. When to vaccinate a child against rotavirus?

What are rotaviruses?

Rotaviruses are small spherical-shaped viruses that belong to the reovirus family. The name of rotaviruses is related to their spherical, round shape, as the Latin word rota means circle. In medicine, there are seven separate antigen groups, from A to G. Three of them, antigens A, B and C, are infectious to humans.

Group A virus is the most common virus and is responsible for 90% of all rotavirus infections in humans. It is worth mentioning that rotavirus infections rarely occur in adults and most often affect children. This is because the human body develops immunity to the antigen after each rotavirus infection. Rotavirus is transmitted through the alimentary tract, therefore the symptoms of infection are also most often related to ailments within the digestive and digestive system.

An interesting fact is that currently no specific treatment is used in the case of rotavirus infection. If the course of the infection is mild, it is enough to regularly replenish fluids so as not to dehydrate the body. The only way to prevent rotavirus infections is strict hygiene. Prophylactically, however, especially in children, vaccination against rotavirus is recommended.

More information about rotaviruses in children and adults can be found here: Rotaviruses in children and adults – symptoms, treatment, vaccination

What are the symptoms of rotavirus infection?

Rotavirus infection can be easily recognized because it manifests itself in severe digestive and digestive ailments. Rotavirus infection causes vomiting, watery diarrhea, and a low-grade or mild fever. However, it happens that rotavirus infection is asymptomatic, it can also be mild and acute. There are also cases of temporary lactose intolerance, as well as temporary liver dysfunction.

It is worth noting that the first symptoms of infection do not appear immediately after the virus enters the human body. The rotavirus incubation period in the body lasts about two days, after which time the greatest intensity of symptoms occurs. Diarrhea that accompanies rotavirus infection can last up to 8 days, so it is especially important to stay hydrated.

Dehydration during the infection period is the leading cause of death. Type A rotavirus infections can be practically lifelong, but their highest frequency is in children under two years of age.

If you want to know more symptoms of rotavirus infection, read: Rotavirus symptoms – disease characteristics, hospitalization

Rotavirus vaccines – types available

Vaccination against rotavirus is optional. It is up to the parents to decide whether or not to have their child immunized. In Poland, parents can choose from two available rotavirus vaccines, that is:

  1. Rotarix, which is given in two doses;
  2. from RotarTeq, which is given as three doses.

Vaccines are administered orally. They are most often given to children under six months of age. Rotavirus vaccines are sweet, so children like to take them very much. The vaccine contains live but weakened virus particles. It is worth noting that the vaccine is not very effective against infection. The main purpose of the vaccine is to protect against vomiting and severe diarrhea, which very often require a hospital stay.

The rotavirus vaccine protects 85-98% of vaccinated children from hospitalization due to rotavirus diarrhea.

What vaccinations for children are compulsory? Check: Mandatory vaccinations – everything you need to know

Rotavirus vaccination – indications

Rotavirus vaccine is not compulsory but recommended. It is intended for all healthy babies from 6 to 24 weeks of age. The first dose should be given before the age of 12 weeks. The last dose should be given by the 24th or 32nd week of the baby’s life. The dose interval should be two weeks.

Vaccination against rotavirus is especially recommended for children who stay in hospital longer and more often. Hospitalization is often associated with an increased risk of developing rotavirus infection. Likewise, if parents plan to send their child to nursery, the vaccine is highly recommended. In places where there are many children from all walks of life, the likelihood of rotavirus infection increases significantly.

What is the child’s immunization schedule? Check: 2018 vaccination calendar. Mandatory vaccinations for children

Vaccination against rotavirus – contraindications

Although vaccination against rotavirus is recommended, unfortunately not all children can be given this vaccine. Contraindications to the administration of the rotavirus vaccine are:

  1. gastrointestinal defects or intestinal obstruction;
  2. immunodeficiency;
  3. age over 32 weeks of age.

In the case of these contraindications, no studies have been conducted to establish whether the vaccines are as safe as in healthy children under 32 weeks of age. In addition, if the child has received blood or a blood product within the last 6 weeks, the decision to vaccinate may be postponed. Any doubts as to the appropriateness of vaccination at the moment should be reported to the doctor.

You can read more about contraindications to vaccinations here: When not to vaccinate a child? Contraindications to vaccinations

When should I vaccinate against rotavirus?

Complete rotavirus vaccination consists of two or three doses depending on the type of vaccine chosen. The vaccine is given orally every 4-8 weeks, starting from 6 weeks of age. Rotavirus vaccine is best given at the first vaccination visit.

Optimally, the vaccination course should end around 24 weeks of age. The short period for starting and completing vaccination is due to the need to protect against disease as quickly as possible, and also for safety reasons. As previously mentioned, the effects of the vaccine on babies over 32 weeks of age have not been studied. Vaccines are liquid and administered orally.

Remember that rotavirus vaccine is never injected. This vaccine can be given to your child alongside other vaccines during a single visit. If the child vomits or vomits the vaccine after vaccination, the procedure can be repeated. However, many specialists say this is not necessary because the child has swallowed enough to protect the body from rotavirus infection.


The safety of the vaccine in older children has not been studied and the rotavirus vaccine should be given before the age of 32 weeks.

Rotavirus vaccination effectiveness

The rotavirus vaccine is effective, so many doctors recommend that parents give it. Vaccination is especially done to protect your child from developing more severe rotavirus diarrhea.

Both types of vaccine, both in two and three doses, are equally effective. It is estimated that 90-100% of children are protected against developing severe rotavirus diarrhea, and 70-90% will avoid developing this type of diarrhea altogether. This high level of protection against infection persists for 3 years after vaccination. During this period of life, children are at greatest risk of developing severe rotavirus diarrhea. However, it is worth remembering that vaccination against rotavirus does not protect a child against diarrhea caused by other bacteria or viruses.

Is rotavirus vaccination safe?

Many parents wonder if it is safe for their child to have the rotavirus vaccine. Experts indicate that vaccination is safe and well-tolerated by children in the first six months of their lives if the vaccination is performed in accordance with the recommendations. To date, no serious health problems have been identified in children who have received the vaccine.

Of course, as with any immunization, there is a risk that some children will not tolerate the vaccine or develop distressing symptoms that require medical attention. If you experience symptoms such as a bloated stomach, fever, diarrhea with mucus or blood after vaccination against rotavirus, consult your doctor as soon as possible. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that vaccinating a child against rotavirus is much safer than the health consequences that may be caused by severe rotavirus diarrhea.

Lack of vaccination against rotaviruses and the risk of falling ill

Rotavirus is widespread all over the world and practically every child up to 5 years of age comes into contact with it. The most severe symptoms are usually caused by the first rotavirus infection, while others are much lighter thanks to acquired immunity.

Rotaviruses are very contagious and a child can catch the infection from direct contact with an infected person or object contaminated with these viruses. The greatest risk of developing the disease is in the first three years of a child. It is estimated that in Poland, on average, 5 in 1-3 children suffer from rotavirus diarrhea during the first 20 years of life. One in 17-20 children is hospitalized because of severe diarrhea. The risk of developing rotavirus infection increases if the child stays in hospital wards, nurseries or kindergartens.

How much does rotavirus vaccine cost

Vaccination against rotavirus is not a compulsory vaccination, therefore it is not reimbursed. The average price for a rotavirus vaccine ranges from PLN 280 to PLN 350 for one dose. Considering that two or three doses are administered, you should expect to spend about PLN 1000 for the entire vaccination cycle.

How much do combination vaccines cost? Check: Vaccinations 5 in 1 – action, dosage, price

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