Rotavirus during pregnancy – treatment and prevention during an epidemic
Intestinal flu is caused by rotavirus. They are infected with airborne droplets and / or fecal-oral route. Rotavirus during pregnancy complicates or inhibits the normal development of the fetus.
Lethargy in the morning, nausea and vomiting on an empty stomach, decreased appetite – all these are the first signs of rotavirus. Toxicosis during pregnancy has similar symptoms, so it is not easy to recognize intestinal flu at an early stage during pregnancy.
You can get infected by eating poorly washed products, staying in the affected area of the virus when a sick person sneezes. The disease is also transmitted by touching objects that an infected person has taken up.
Rotavirus during pregnancy causes common symptoms for all – vomiting and diarrhea
Pathology has 3 cycles:
- incubation – lasts up to 5 days;
- then the disease proceeds in an acute form for 5-7 days – treatment is required;
- convalescence – the recovery period takes 1-2 weeks.
On the 4-5th day from the moment of infection, the body temperature rises sharply, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting begin, diarrhea appears. Rotavirus during pregnancy, due to the presence of these symptoms, can provoke abnormal fetal development.
Rotavirus during pregnancy: how to get rid of
The therapy is aimed at enhancing immunity and eliminating symptoms.
Treatment for intestinal flu during pregnancy:
- drinking – with a solution of salts, for example, salted boiled water or the drug Regidron. This is how the water-potassium balance is restored: liquid is consumed in 50 ml every 30 minutes;
- lowering the temperature, if it exceeds 38,1−38,5 ° C – take paracetamol or another drug prescribed by the doctor;
- detoxification – Smecta, activated carbon, other sorbents must be used according to the instructions to cleanse the body of toxins;
- restoration of useful intestinal microflora – use lactic and enzyme preparations: Linex, Atsilakt, Mezim.
If, in the social circle, family, at work, someone has the first symptoms of a cold, prevention should be started right away. An expectant mother cannot self-medicate so as not to cause complications.
Rotavirus and pregnancy: prevention
During an epidemic, medical masks are used when you need to visit a public place. It is recommended to tighten the rules of personal hygiene.
What to do:
- consult a doctor at the first suspicion of a disease;
- use hand sanitizers;
- rinse vegetables, fruits, and other foods before eating;
- drink purified or settled boiled water;
- wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, using public transport, and so on.
An effective way to fight rotavirus is a diet that is aimed at restoring the water-salt balance in the body. The diet should include stewed and raw vegetables, meat broth and fruits rich in vitamin C: lemons, kiwi, oranges.