Of the 26 product samples, only seven can be bought safely.
This is not the first time that experts from the expert center of the Roskontrol Union of Consumers have checked sausages. This time, dairy sausages from different manufacturers went to the laboratory: “Cherkizovo”, “Dymov”, “Klinsky”, “Okraina”, “Blizhnye Gorki”. Experts did not expect anything good from the study: for several years, Roskontrol managed to check almost 250 samples of various meat products. Violations were found in 85% of cases.
The gloomy forecasts of specialists came true. It turned out that even the GOST marking on the packaging does not guarantee that the sausages are really made according to GOST. This, by the way, is one of the most frequent violations: non-compliance with the requirements of the state standard. In addition, manufacturers often violate safety requirements, indicate the composition on the labels that does not correspond to the real content, and also use names that mislead customers. For example, they call sausages “Children’s”, but in fact it is impossible to feed babies with them.
This time, two companies, Dymov and Klinsky, were the ones who pierced the hardest.
“A vegetable carbohydrate component was found in the sausages of these manufacturers, which the manufacturers add to improve the consistency. GOST does not allow such additives “, – said in
There were also comments to other manufacturers. Basically – about the incorrectly indicated nutritional value. It turned out that in most samples the real fat content is lower than that indicated on the package. But from the point of view of a healthy lifestyle, this is even not bad.
But with what all manufacturers have complete order, it is with microbiology: all products were recognized as absolutely safe. It is impossible to get poisoned with sausages.
Note to the hostess: how to choose high-quality sausages
– appearance: sausages made from natural meat are grayish-pink in color. If the color is bright, pink, it means that there are a lot of nitrites or dyes in the sausages.
– consistency: the sausages should be firm.
– package: there should be no greasy streaks on the wrapper. The artificial casing must be smooth.
– we read the label: according to GOST, the composition should be beef, pork, water, protein, sometimes cream, eggs or egg powder, milk, spices (sugar, salt, nutmeg, ground black and allspice) and sodium nitrite.
– shelf life: sausages by weight are stored from three to five days. Packaged in a modified gas atmosphere – up to 35 days, and according to technical specifications it can be even more. Vacuum packaging allows you to store sausages for up to 15-20 days, but only until the pack is opened.