Roses with conifers in the landscape

Flowerbeds with conifers and roses are decorative landscape compositions widely used to decorate gardens and parks. On personal plots, low-growing species and varieties are more popular, the care of which is simple.

Roses and conifers in landscape design

Roses with conifers in the landscape

The love of gardeners for roses and conifers has a long history. The beauty of rose bushes does not need advertising. Most varieties bloom throughout the warm season, and the variety of shades allows you to select compositional solutions for every taste. Ephedra, in turn, organically complement decorative landscape compositions, attracting with their valuable qualities:

  • unpretentiousness to climatic and soil conditions;
  • the ability to give shade and absorb dust with a dense crown;
  • revitalize the surrounding air with valuable aromatic substances that repel many pests.

The crowns of undersized and tall conifers are perfectly combined with masonry walls, natural and artificial reservoirs, small groups of trees and shrubs. With their help, not only decorate the existing flower beds, but also outline the boundaries of the paths, create hedges and other compositions.

Important! Against the background of dark green, bluish, yellowish needles, juicy scarlet, yellow, lilac rose petals look even brighter, more contrasting and more picturesque.

The combination of conifers with roses

Roses with conifers in the landscape

It is good to plant rose bushes and conifers together in the same flower bed, not only because both of them are perennials. This is an excellent combination in terms of the same plant preferences for soil composition. Even in a very limited space, you can achieve an impressive result, because roses and conifers can feel great in tubs.

The most popular types of conifers for creating such compositions:

  1. Juniper. Low-growing and dwarf varieties with a height of 10 to 70 cm are ideal for framing flower beds. Among them: Blue Star, Blue Carept, Echeniformis.
  2. Thuya. Its most valuable advantage is the good susceptibility of shaping pruning. Thuja is easy to turn into a ball or cube. Best varieties: Hoseri, Danica.
  3. Fir. Dwarf varieties look amazing in the flower beds, for example, Brilliant, Oberon, Silberlok. An adult plant stretches only half a meter in height in 10 years.
  4. dwarf pine. In landscape decorative compositions, Pug, Pumilio, Mugus varieties are popular. An important advantage of this type is a strong pleasant aroma, wonderfully combined with the smell of roses.
  5. Blue spruce. Usually this tree reaches a very impressive height, but breeders have bred the cutest dwarf varieties: Lucky Strike, Montgomery, Glauka Globoza.
  6. Yew. The red bark and light green crown is a real explosion of color, especially next to roses. Scarlet berries look unusually picturesque.
Attention! Yew is used less often than other types of conifers only because of its toxicity, which is important not to forget.

Rules for creating compositions of their conifers and roses

When designing an individual composition, it is worth taking as a basis time-tested solutions that cause admiration for their beauty. A source of ideas can be photos of conifers with roses in landscape design. A flower bed, in which both types of plants are present at the same time, can be composed according to the following principles:

  1. compact – the most popular, usually located near the fence or facade. Conifers are placed in rows or circles, while their sizes are selected in increasing order – from the edges to the center. The stunted crops, such as juniper, are planted near the edges. The middle row is filled with dwarf trees, such as pines. The center of the composition is given to the conifer, whose crown can be formed, for example, thuja. Roses fill in the gaps.
  2. Bunk – it is created from conifers of the same species, but of different varieties, including in height. For example, the outer tier of the flower bed is formed from dwarf fir, and the inner tier from ordinary fir. Roses between tiers will create additional contrast with their flowers and leaves.
  3. Curly – the most picturesque. Plants of different heights are selected for her, planting them side by side, without forming strict lines. On the contrary, the greater the variation in height between adjacent trees and bushes, the better. A place next to the largest species is given to roses and various ground cover crops, such as mosses and lichens.

By itself, the idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcreating a flower bed with conifers and roses should not be implemented spontaneously. Typically, such work consists of standard steps that increase the chances of success:

  1. They draw a drawing or diagram of the future composition, which indicates the location of each plant and the distances between all participants on a scale.
  2. The perimeter of the flower bed is filled with the selected material: bricks, curbs, curbs, large gravel, etc.
  3. They mark the places for planting all bushes and trees and dig holes of appropriate sizes for them. A small layer of drainage from sand or small pebbles must be poured to the bottom.
  4. Roses and conifers are planted, the pits are filled with nutrient soil mixture. Stem circles are mulched with pine needles.

Garden care with conifers and roses

Roses with conifers in the landscape

The most unpleasant thing that can await a gardener who lovingly planted perennial conifers and expecting an excellent result is the yellowing of the needles, which should please the eye with a juicy green or smoky blue tint. To avoid burning needles on trees and bushes, which occurs in the spring, when the soil is still frozen, but the sun is already very bright, protective screens are installed in front of young seedlings. But it is better to carry out intensive watering in the autumn just before the frosts. Another reason for unwanted yellowing is snowless winters, when the ground freezes to a greater depth than usual.

During the entire warm season, conifer seedlings are rarely watered – 2-3 times a month, but very plentifully, bringing up to 15 liters of water under each. They feed the plantings of trees and bushes in the flower beds with biohumus or compost, adding it at 5 kg per square meter. Emphasis is placed on potassium and phosphorus, but not nitrogen. Sometimes yellowness appears due to a lack of magnesium, which should be added additionally in preventive measures.

Another mandatory measure for the care of all types of conifers in flower beds is regular shaping pruning. How much to cut depends on the type and variety, so you need to check with the supplier of planting material. Caring for conifers is simple, requires only a few hours a month, and the result is truly amazing.

Roses do not respond well to the dominance of weeds, so the open ground around them is often strewn with small gravel or gravel to save their own strength. Reception is also good because it will not allow the soil under the bushes to dry out too quickly on hot days. Conifers respond favorably to such a neighborhood.

Delicate shoots of roses are susceptible to aphids and other pests. Insects can also damage the young needles of neighboring bushes and trees.

Important! In order to protect and prevent, it is worth regularly treating the flower beds with special insecticides. Well proven: “Fitoverm”, “Aktara”, “Lightning”.

Prune roses in spring. They remove shoots frozen over the winter and, in general, shorten the crown by a third, and the tallest varieties by half. Roses in the flower beds need fertilizing every month. In the first year, organic matter is introduced, and in the future, it can be limited to spring and autumn applications of complex mineral fertilizers.

Roses need more watering than conifers. If trees and bushes with lush needles can be watered only a few times a month, then water is poured under roses when the soil dries up. The preferred time is morning or late evening, so as not to harm or burn the delicate petals. Showers are arranged only in arid regions, and where it is cool in the mornings and evenings, only root watering is practiced.

Photo of roses and conifers in landscape design

As picturesque examples for creating your own masterpieces on your backyard, you can use the following photos of a combination of roses with conifers in flower beds performed by professional landscape designers.

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape

Roses with conifers in the landscape


Flower beds with conifers and roses are the pride of a gardener who has chosen a time-tested, elegant and eye-catching combination of plants. For many years, a well-chosen composition of trees and shrubs will only become more beautiful.

33 examples of flowerbed design from conifers

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