Roses in landscape design: an original garden with your own hands

The rose has long been recognized as the queen of flowers. The main function of this flower is decorative. That is why roses are widely used in landscape design. After all, they are able to give an aesthetic touch to any site. To improve your own site, you do not need to be a designer – just follow simple recommendations.

Choice of varieties

The right combination of roses is the basis of any landscape design. As for the color scheme, it should be borne in mind that plants similar in color do not emphasize, but rather “hide” each other. Therefore, it is worth choosing different, even opposite colors of cultures, which at the same time are perfectly combined with each other.Roses in landscape design: an original garden with your own hands

Very favorably, roses can be combined with other plants, for example, juniper flowers, because against their background the queen of flowers really looks like a “queen”. In addition, a flower bed, on which only roses grow, is very boring in winter: it contains only covering material for flowers.

If it is difficult to make a choice of varieties that combine with each other on your own, you can purchase ready-made seed mixtures or look for options on the Internet.

Video “Varieties”

From the video you will learn which varieties are suitable for landscape design.

Garden roses in the landscape

Forming a rose garden

To create a flower bed with roses, that is, a rose garden, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the right place for its placement. Roses need a lot of sunlight, but not direct rays. The ideal area will be where the roses will receive about 6 hours of sunlight per day. Well, if it is protected from the wind.

After studying what colors roses go with, you will have to buy seedlings. It is better to opt for individuals growing in containers, because they will quickly take root in a new place.

Before planting, the land is enriched with humus. Young plants need regular moisture, and adults need moisture only during the drought period.

You need to feed the flowers twice a season: in late March and mid-summer. Withered flowers should be removed. And in the spring it is necessary to cut off the dried edges of the branches.

Site decoration options

Breeders are actively creating new varieties of roses. On average, they offer several varieties per year. Therefore, you can safely implement ideas for ennobling your garden. The most popular design options are borders, living arches and hedges, a garden in containers.


This is a low fence, which is usually used to divide the site into zones. A white border, for example, can separate paths, and a pink one can decorate a gazebo.

The design of the paths in the garden, recreation areas, gazebos looks good with borders.

This design can be alternated with borders of other colors.

hedge and arches

A hedge looks very advantageous in any garden.

Arch – a small gazebo, consisting of 4 wires, which are tightly wrapped around roses. A garden with such a design looks especially profitable.Roses in landscape design: an original garden with your own hands

For arches, landscape roses of climbing forms are used, which actively bloom in large flowers. English and park varieties are well suited for these purposes.

Arches can be made in any size. Sometimes a bench is even placed under them, which allows you to relax and enjoy the beauty and aroma of these royal flowers at the same time.

Solo rose

Any flower bed looks very advantageous with a single flower bush. This option is ideal for those areas where it is impossible to plant a large number of flowers.

It is better if single individuals are representatives of ornamental varieties. A solo rose will become a real decoration if it is planted in open, well-viewed areas.Roses in landscape design: an original garden with your own hands

Single flowers perfectly complement various garden structures – alpine slides, borders, and also combine favorably with relief compositions.

Garden in containers

The landscape design of the rose provides not only for planting flowers directly in open soil, but also in special containers – containers. Such “pots” can be placed anywhere in the garden: where they will look more advantageous, in your opinion.

The staircase leading to the house will look very rich if flowerpots with roses are placed on its steps.

Dwarf varieties and the Floribunda variety are excellent for container growing. But you should refrain from English and park varieties.

pink stream

It is a “stream” made entirely of flowers, not water. Therefore, it is also called “dry”.

The “correct” stream is connected by cascades of flowers or their waterfalls. This decorative design allows you to make the site luxurious and “royal”.

To create such a flower stream, it is worth using soil varieties in combination with stones, pebbles and gravel.

Alpine slide

This design is a luxurious option for landscape design. Along with delicate colors, rough natural stones will look most advantageous. For slides, dwarf varieties are usually used.Roses in landscape design: an original garden with your own hands

Bright flowers look good with white stones. As for varieties, English, park, and standard varieties are suitable for an alpine slide. Sometimes climbing roses are also used.

Video “Design Methods”

From the video you will learn how to use roses in design.

Rose. Landscape tricks. Issue 136

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