Roses have long inspired the creativity of artists, sculptors, perfumers. And confectioners, for example, can make sweet flowers to decorate cakes in several ways. Learning this art requires food, a set of special pastry nozzles, and practice.
Cooking roses to decorate the cake.
To make mastic you will need:
– Marshmallow or Bon-pari soufflé – 100 g;
– icing sugar – 250 g; – butter – 1 tbsp. l .; – food coloring, if necessary; – microwave; – a bowl.
For roses:
– Starch; – lemon juice; – brush; – foil; – a piece of sponge or foam rubber; – water; – two small round molds of different sizes for cutting petals.
Break the marshmallows into pieces, place them in a bowl with butter and place in the microwave for 15–20 seconds. The soufflé will increase in volume.
Add about 100 g of powdered sugar to the resulting mass and stir. Continue adding the icing sugar until the mastic is similar in consistency to plasticine.
You need to store the mass in plastic wrap in the refrigerator
Sprinkle a little starch on the countertop and roll a piece of mastic thinly, cut circles of different sizes with molds. Make a ring with a diameter of about 4 cm out of cling foil.
Now you can start forming the petals. Pass the edge of the petal blank with a pastry stick and ball or replace the fixture with something that can make the edge wavy. Then place the circle on the sponge and press down the middle with your finger. Turn over and press down the middle of the workpiece again. Transfer the petal to a spoon so that the ends hang slightly.
Roll one of the small petals into a cone, wetting part of the workpiece with water. Then place other petals around it, wetting the bottom of the blanks, forming a rose. Spread the large petals over the ring with an overlap, so that you get the bottom tier and the bottom of the rose. Lightly moisten the center of the resulting “bottom” and place the main part of the rose in it and lightly press down.
To make the roses shine, brush away the starch and moisten the petals with lemon juice
It is necessary to dry the roses until fully cooked within XNUMX hours at room temperature. If the surface of the cake is covered with butter cream, then the mastic flowers should be placed on the cake just before serving.
You will need:
– Multi-colored marmalade; – knife; – water.
Slice the marmalade across into thin slices with a wet knife. Collect roses from the resulting circles, as if from mastic.
– Butter cream; – pastry bag or syringe; – flat nozzle; – pencil.
Place a small piece of bread crumb on the pencil. Then, by turning the pencil and squeezing out small portions of the cream from the flat-nozzle syringe, try to form the rose petals.
After the rose is ready, you need to open the scissors and use the blades in order to remove the flower from the pencil and transfer it to the surface of the cake.