Roseola at Baby

Roseola, what is it?

Roseola is a viral infection, also called sudden exanthema or sixth disease, because it is the sixth disease of childhood causing a red rash of the skin. It appears by a rash fever.

She is contagious and is spread by direct contact during periods of incubation and fever before the onset of pimples. Children get it during epidemics.

Roseola: which children are affected?

Benign, roseola concerns children aged About 1 month and a half to 2 years. She becomes rare after 4 years.

Symptoms of roseola

A fairly high fever, 39 or even 40 °, for about three days (beware of the risk of seizures), without any other symptoms. The temperature suddenly drops on the fourth day.

The small pink buttons appear all over the body for up to 48 hours. These small spots are superficial, pale pink, predominant on the trunk but can also affect the limbs, while sparing the face. From that moment, Baby is no longer contagious.

Treatment of roseola

Roseola heals spontaneously, often as quickly as it arose.

However, the doctor will certainly prescribe paracetamol in order to fight the fever. To avoid dehydration, it is also recommended that the child drink regularly during the day.

Not to be confused with other diseases:

– With other eruptive diseases of childhood: measles, scarlet fever and rubella in particular.

– Chickenpox showing vesicles and not spots, there is no possible confusion.

How to prevent roseola?

There are a few simple things you can do to avoid transmission of the roseola virus.

– Wash your hands well before and after touching your child. Also wash his hands, or if he’s tall enough, teach him this gesture.

– Take care to cut his nails so that they remain clean.

– Blow your child’s nose with each sneeze or when he coughs. Use a clean tissue that you throw in a closed garbage can.

– Avoid sharing glasses, cutlery, toothbrush, toys with your child. 

– Air your home daily and keep the temperature in your room at 19 ° C.

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