Bras, panties, stockings — it is not customary to talk about these toilet items in a decent society, but meanwhile, according to the author of the book Negligee, British actress Rosemary Hawthorne, who has collected a huge collection of underwear, the history of all these «intimate little things» is inseparable from the history of women’s body and femininity in general.
Bras, panties, stockings — it is not customary to talk about these toilet items in a decent society, but meanwhile, according to the author of the book Negligee, British actress Rosemary Hawthorne, who has collected a huge collection of underwear, the history of all these «intimate little things» is inseparable from the history of women’s body and femininity in general. The origin of the bra, the happy introduction of pantaloons into the women’s wardrobe (it’s hard to imagine today, but before the beginning of the XNUMXth century, ladies got by with only a pair of petticoats), the rise and fall of stockings and garters, the era of pantyhose — Hawthorne writes about all this vividly and witty, accompanying his story. wide cultural panorama of different historical eras.
Kolibri, 328 p.