Fragrant park roses or decorative rosehip varieties are unpretentious to care for. They do not freeze, are almost not susceptible to disease, bloom for a long time and grow quickly. No wonder the rosehip is used as a rootstock for thermophilic roses in regions with a cold climate. Rosehip berries with a high content of vitamins are also valuable; on cultivated varieties, berries are especially large and useful.
Description of species and varieties of rose hips
According to the modern classification of the dog rose, the genus is divided into 4 subgenera, 3 of which are represented by one or two species. 4th subgenus – rose includes 10 sections and about 190 species. Various cultivars have been developed on the basis of wild-growing varieties.
Many decorative rose hips have simple five-petal flowers.
The most famous such rosehip:
- “May, or cinnamon” – bushes from one to three meters high, flowers are small, pink, red fruits;
- “Wrinkled” – wrinkled leaves, consist of 9 or 5 leaves, flowers are large, fragrant, sometimes double, well-known varieties: “Hanza”, “Agnes”, “Georges Kend”;
- “Thorny” – a small bush with many thorns, single white flowers, black fruits, varieties: “Frulingsdaft”, “Karl Foerster”, “Schlos Seutlitz”;
- “Ordinary, or dog” – a tall bush with branches bent in the form of an arc, flowers in multi-flowered inflorescences are pale pink, small, red berries;
- “French” – a short bush, pink or dark red flowers, large, sometimes double, varieties: “Versicolor”, “Compliment”.
Rosehip is considered an excellent stock for thermophilic roses. And the French rose hips have many garden forms, there are dwarf plants up to 10 cm tall and thornless, completely devoid of thorns.
Brief description of domestic rosehip varieties
In total, there are several thousand varieties of rose hips. In Russia, new varieties are bred to obtain high-quality fruits, which are used for the preparation of vitamin preparations in pharmacology. Famous large-fruited domestic varieties:
- “Vitamin” – the height of the bush is up to 180 cm, the flowers are pale pink, small, collected in inflorescences, the fruits are large, weighing up to 4 grams;
- “Jubilee” – a powerful bush up to one and a half meters in height, flowers are large, pink;
- “Apple” – the flowers are red, grow in inflorescences of 5 or 7 pieces, the bush is low, up to 1,2 m;
- “Ruby” – small, pale pink inflorescences, vigorous bush;
- “Titan” – flowers are light pink, collected in brushes of several pieces, the height of the bush is up to two meters.
Having planted a rose hip in the country, you can pick healthy berries every fall, and admire the lush flowering in the spring. Most cultivars have larger fruits than wild varieties.