Rosehip drink: how to brew in a thermos? Video
Rosehip drink is not only a tasty and aromatic drink, but also a real vitamin C concentrate. Each wild rose fruit contains about 3000 mg of ascorbic acid, which is 50 times more than lemon! The zealous housewives strive to preserve the value of an amazing product. To always have on hand a natural remedy for raising immunity, stock up on rosehips for future use and learn how to properly prepare vitamin infusions.
Cooking raw materials for a vitamin drink
The hostess will not always be able to brew freshly picked wild rose fruits that are not touched by mold. Even if the dog rose grows in your country house, it will have to be stocked up for the winter for future use. Fortunately, these amazing fruits do not contain oxidative enzymes, so vitamin C in them is not destroyed during heat treatment. You should buy or collect ripe raw materials only between August and September (frost destroys ascorbic acid!). For drying, hard berries that have not had time to soften strongly are best suited.
In order for the healing fruits of a wild rose after drying to retain as much ascorbic acid as possible, collect or purchase selected, fresh specimens with well-preserved receptacles and stalks
Dry in the oven immediately after collecting or purchasing the rose hips that have been removed from accidental debris (but not washed!). The oven door should always be ajar to prevent burning of raw materials. The total heat treatment time for rose hips is 8–10 hours. At the beginning of the drying process, keep the temperature in the oven no more than + 40 ° C, then gradually increase it to + 60 ° C. Before preparing a drink, raw or dry fruits must be rinsed well in running water, mash each in your hand and pierce with a needle – this way the rosehip will give more useful nutrients.
How to brew rose hips in a thermos
To make the rosehip drink quite rich, but not too concentrated, observe the classic proportions of the components:
– boiling water (1 l); – rose hips (100 g).
Place the berries in an enamel pot, cover with boiling water and keep on medium heat for 5 minutes. After that, you need to quickly pour the contents of the dishes into a clean thermos, screw the lid tightly and infuse the rosehip broth for 7 hours. In addition, without preliminary cooking, you can put the washed fruits in a thermos and pour boiling water over them, but in this case, the holding time of the infusion should be increased to 12 hours. Before using the ready-made vitamin drink, be sure to strain it through a fine sieve and make sure that there are no prickly hairs in the drink (they get into the liquid from the pulp of the fruit).
Doctors recommend drinking vitamin infusions of rose hips 3 times a day before meals or a glass for breakfast. After a month, you need to take a break for a week, after which the course of natural vitamin therapy can be repeated
In order for as many useful substances as possible to “come out into the water” from the rose hips, you can first boil them in a sealed container, and then insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Strain the present broth and drink a glass before meals. Before use, both the decoction and the infusion of rose hips must be passed through cheesecloth so as not to swallow the hairs that are inside the fruit.