Rosehip – a natural remedy for joint pain and degeneration
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Rosehips are not only an excellent medicine for improving immunity or colds. Scientific research has proven that the powder of the fruit of this plant is anti-inflammatory and effective in diseases of the joints.

The process of producing LitoFlex® powder from rosehips preserves all its health ingredients. The combination of vitamin C, antioxidants and the unique GOPO® compound guarantees significant support for the immune system, but also protects the cartilage of the joints by inhibiting inflammatory processes. Therefore, the powder can be used in patients with degeneration of the joints and rheumatoid arthritis.

Wild rose is not only for colds

The health benefits of wild rose have been known since antiquity. Pedanius Dioscorides – Greek physician and pharmacologist who lived and worked in Rome during the time of Emperor Nero, healed intestinal catarrh with dried rosehips. However, due to the very high content of vitamin C, it was quickly discovered that it supports the immune system. So wild rose was used to treat colds and flu. However, the fruits of this plant are not only vitamin C.

They are also a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E and K, as well as the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium. However, this is part of their properties. A groundbreaking discovery was made by Danish researchers in the 90s. They isolated an active ingredient called galactolipid that blocks inflammatory responses. It can reduce and even suppress inflammatory responses in the joints, which inhibits the destruction of cartilage. The pain subsides and the reduced mobility of the joints improves.

The mysterious GOPO®

Galactolipid is a compound of sugar and fatty acids and is a valuable component of rosehips. Discovered in Denmark in 2002, GOPO® galactolipid has been scientifically proven in over 30 studies, including 9 clinical studies, to have anti-inflammatory properties. The patented method of producing LitoFlex® rose hip powder guarantees the appropriate content of GOPO® galactolipid.

Scientific studies have shown that it fights inflammation in the body, which is reflected in a reduction in blood CRP. CRP is a protein that indicates inflammation, the level of which increases during infection. GOPO® may also slow down the migration of leukocytes into the inflamed tissue. White blood cells – leukocytes are involved in inflammatory reactions in the joints, causing tissue damage and, as a result, pain. They release degrading enzymes and toxic radicals, thus damaging the joints. As a result of osteoarthritis, their cartilage is destroyed and bone changes. Inflammation causes swelling and pain.

Efficacy proven in research

The effect of the LitoFlex® rose hip powder has been proven in a number of scientific studies in the world and in numerous clinical trials. The results of the LitoFlex® study, published in Australian Family Physician, confirmed its specific anti-inflammatory properties. The powder has shown antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well as clinical benefits in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Research by the University Hospital in Copenhagen and the Danish Pharmaceutical University in patients with joint diseases has shown that the powder reduces joint pain and increases motor skills. A clear effect was seen after 3 weeks of treatment with rosehip powder, which was effective in 80% of the patients included in the study. In addition, a meta-analysis of four other clinical trials found that the powder helps reduce pain and disability. Pain relief was comparable to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. Comprehensive clinical and scientific studies on over 400 patients have confirmed the anti-inflammatory effect of the powder and showed no side effects or interactions with drugs used in the treatment of arthritis.

Why the powder?

Most of the substances in the rosehip pulp are sensitive to heat, so the process of its processing has a great influence on the content of active ingredients. At temperatures above 40 ° C, galactolipids break down irreversibly. Therefore, a special method of drying is the key to preserving the healing properties of wild rose. The process of making the powder not only does not destroy the valuable ingredients, but also provides special anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The positive effect of the powder is not only influenced by galactolipid. It also contains single and double glycerol glycosides, which are part of the galactolipid group, as well as vitamins C, E, minerals and bioflavonoids.

LitoFlex® powder is a 100% natural and vegan product, without any improvers or other chemicals. Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and does not affect the blood coagulation process.

Since LitoFlex® does not dissolve in water, it is recommended to mix it with yoghurt, muesli, fruit pudding or apple juice. It is also available in capsules that are best taken with meals. Both forms contain GOPO®.

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