Rose, rubella, tennis elbow – will you recognize the disease by its name? Check yourself!

The names of some diseases can be remembered. However, the most important thing is to know what they really mean – this is a guarantee of early diagnosis that can save health and life. Rose, rubella, tennis elbow, dementia – will you recognize these diseases? Check yourself in our quiz.

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1. Acidosis is a disease:

The stomach
A condition in which the blood pH is lowered
A condition in which the blood pH is lowered Next question
Acidosis is one of the basic disorders of the acid-base balance of the body. It stands for any process that causes the blood pH to drop.

2.The signs of dementia are:

memory impairment
reduction of the ability to learn, understand and recognize objects
all answers are correct
all answers are correct Next question
Dementia is a disorder of the cognitive functions that, simply put, allows each of us to get to know our surroundings. They enable us to receive, modify and create information about the world that then shapes our behavior.

3. Rabies is a disease:

nervous system
movement system
related to speech
nervous system Next question
Rabies is a deadly disease of the nervous system that is transmitted by animals. The rabies virus is transmitted with the saliva of an infected animal through the bite / drooling of damaged skin / mucous membranes. The disease manifests as encephalomyelitis, nerves are paralyzed, leading to death.

4. Sepsis means:

stomach disorders
systemic infection that progresses very quickly
muscle necrosis
systemic infection that progresses very quickly Next question
Sepsis, also known as sepsis, is a violent inflammatory reaction of the body to an infection most often caused by bacteria and their toxins (less often viruses or fungi). It is violent and is a direct threat to life.

5. Heartburn manifests itself:

stomach pain
burning around the esophagus and breastbone
burning around the esophagus and breastbone Next question
The cause of these sensations is gastroesophageal reflux, i.e. the reflux of gastric juices into the esophagus. The cause of heartburn can include overflow of the stomach or hasty and thus inaccurate chewing of food.

6. Echinococcosis is caused by:

tapeworm larvae
insect bite
tapeworm larvae Next question
Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by the larvae of echinococcal tapeworms. Echinococcosis rarely attacks people, but its appearance means a threat and irreversible complications.

7. Tennis elbow causes pain:

wrist area
on the inside of the elbow
on the outside of the elbow
wrist area Next question
Tennis elbow is a colloquial term for a disease the source of which is degenerative changes in the structure of tendon collagen fibers caused by overloads and micro-injuries. The pain occurs whenever we try to activate the wrist, i.e. when grasping, tightening, lifting. In the advanced stage, pain may appear even at rest.

8. An erosion is:

A difficult-to-heal skin wound
Defect of the mucosa in part of the cervix
Wounds under the fingernails
Defect of the mucosa in part of the cervix Next question
An erosion is an irregular red area called erythroplakia on the cervix. The most common cause is ongoing inflammation, caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. We deal less frequently with a mechanical injury.

9. The symptom of a heel spur is:

Swelling of the heels
A growth on the back of the heel
Pain located under the heel
Pain located under the heel Next question
The heel spur is characterized by nagging pain under the heel that prevents or restricts standing and walking. The heel spur is formed by inflammation where the heel bone meets the heel spur.

10. Cat scratch disease is:

inflammation of the lymph nodes
skin infection
inflammation of the eye retina
inflammation of the lymph nodes Next question
Cat scratch disease is a bacterial zoonotic disease that is mainly transmitted from young cats. Its onset is asymptomatic. After a few days, fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches and fatigue appear.

11. Rubella is:

rash infectious disease
skin disease caused by streptococci
inflammation of the skin
rash infectious disease Next question
Rubella is an infectious rash disease caused by a virus in the Togaviridae family. During the disease, the pathogen is present in nasal and pharyngeal secretions, blood, faeces and urine. We experience this disease mainly in childhood.

12. Gout attacks:

joints Next question
Gout, also known as gout and arthritis, is a disease for which extremely violent and painful arthritis is specific. Gout is caused, among others, by elevated levels of uric acid, which, without an outlet, crystallize and accumulate in joints, tendons and the surrounding tissue. Occupied places are swollen, red and extremely painful.

13. Rose is:

advanced form of rubella
infectious disease of the skin
an extensive allergic reaction
infectious disease of the skin Next question
Rose is an infectious skin disease that causes inflammation. It is caused by streptococci. The first symptoms of erysipelas are erythema appearing on the skin, which may be accompanied by blisters.
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