- Botanical description of wild rose wrinkled
- Where does the wrinkled rosehip grow
- Varieties of wild rose wrinkled
- The chemical composition and benefits of wild rose wrinkled
- Medical use of rosehip wrinkled
- Features of planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips
- Reproduction of wild rose wrinkled
- Collection and Procurement
- Possible harm from wild rose wrinkled
- Conclusion
Rosehip wrinkled – a beautiful plant, represented by many varieties. Before landing on the site, you need to study its features and requirements.
Botanical description of wild rose wrinkled
The wrinkled wild rose, or rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa) is a perennial shrub from the Rosaceae family. It has straight thick shoots and often forms dense thickets. The old branches are lignified, brown, and the young flowering ones are green, with pubescence and abundant thorns. The leaves are arranged in the next order on the petioles, have an oval-elongated or elongated-elliptical shape, they are serrated along the edge. The photo of the wrinkled dog rose shows that the plates have a relief surface.

On average, the wrinkled rosehip rises up to 2,5 m in height.
In June and July, the plant brings single or compact inflorescence buds of a simple or double type. The hue, depending on the variety, can be white, red, pink or yellow. With good care and in a favorable climate, it blooms again in September or October. By autumn it produces fruits – fleshy, red or bright orange, oblate-spherical.
Edible or not wrinkled rosehip
The wrinkled rosehip berries are suitable for eating. They contain a large amount of vitamins, many varieties have a pleasant taste. On the basis of fruits, teas and compotes, jams and jams, marmalade are prepared.
Where does the wrinkled rosehip grow
In its natural form, the culture is widespread in Japan, China and Korea, as well as in the Far East in Our Country. Rosa rugosa is naturalized in Europe and North America, Australia and New Zealand. Prefers coastal regions, tolerates clay soils and loams, as well as sandstones.
Varieties of wild rose wrinkled
The wrinkled rosehip is especially popular as an ornamental plant. Based on it, many hybrid varieties with spectacular flowering have been bred.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
The hybrid variety Konrad Ferdinand Meyer rises up to 2,5 m above the ground and spreads 1,5 m wide. The shoots of a wrinkled wild rose of a weaving type, the flowers are large, pink, with petals unfolding along the edges. In the decorative period, it emits a rich sweet aroma, the leaves of the shrub are light green.

Konrad Ferdinand Meyer is susceptible to rust and powdery mildew and requires careful maintenance
Moje Hammarberg
The compact rose rugosa rises only 50 cm above the ground. It has large wrinkled leaves of a bright green hue, brings pink-purple flowers up to 9 cm in diameter. It is characterized by high cold resistance.

Rosa rugosa Moe Hammerberg emits a strong fragrance
The hybrid wrinkled wild rose is characterized by very abundant flowering – large raspberry-red brushes are formed on the shoots. Each consists of an average of ten buds, and in structure they resemble a carnation due to a strongly indented edge. The flowers are small in size, only 3-4 cm.

Rosehip Grootendorst grows up to 1,5 m
Varietal wrinkled wild rose grows up to 1,7 m, has thick prickly shoots and is rarely affected by diseases and insects. In early summer, reddish buds form on the branches, which subsequently open with yellow double-type flowers.

Rosehip Rugelda blooms in clusters of 5-20 individual flowers
Kaiserin des Nordens
The wrinkled wild rose blooms in early summer and can remain decorative until late autumn. Brings large, up to 12 cm in diameter, double flowers of a wine-red hue. Emits a strong aroma, produces useful edible fruits.

On an adult bush Kaiserin des Nordens can be located about fifty flowers
Rubra (Rubra)
A variety of wrinkled wild rose up to 2,5 m tall blooms with large pink-raspberry buds from June to September. From August it bears bright red spherical fruits up to 2,5 cm in diameter. Differs in high frost resistance and endurance to a drought.

Rosa rugosa Rubra may re-bloom in autumn
A hybrid variety up to 2 m above ground level, blooms in mid-summer and remains decorative for a month. The wrinkled rosehip inflorescences are light pink or white, up to 8 cm wide, look very beautiful against the background of bright greenery.

Rosa rugosa alba does not bear fruit
Pink noz Klauds (Pink noz Klauds)
The bright pink wrinkled wild rose blooms with beautiful semi-double flowers with a spicy strong aroma. As they wither, the buds turn pale and become creamy in color. It enters the decorative period at the end of June, the flowers are collected in brushes.

Rosehip Pink noz Clouds can tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C
One of the most popular wrinkled varieties up to 2 m high is distinguished by double red-lilac flowers. It blooms in early summer and remains decorative until late autumn, forms dense thickets and is often used for hedges.

Wrinkled Hans rosehip brings large vitamin fruits
Charles Albanel
A wrinkled rosehip hybrid with double pink flowers blooms in June. The buds on the shoots of the plant are collected in brushes of 3-7 pieces. The variety grows well in width, rarely suffers from pests and diseases. Fruits in large rounded berries.

Rosehip Charles Albanel is suitable for growing in cold regions
Jens Munk
Frost-resistant wrinkled rosehip hybrid blooms in waves throughout the summer and into late autumn. Cup-shaped pink buds look beautiful against the background of embossed bright green leaves. The species is resistant to major diseases, lends itself well to vegetative propagation.

Rosa rugosa Jenz Munch grows up to 1,2 m
The chemical composition and benefits of wild rose wrinkled
Wrinkled wild rose is in demand among gardeners, not only because of the beautiful flowering. The fruits and green parts of the plant contain a large amount of valuable substances. They include:
- vitamins of group B;
- ascorbic acid;
- potassium, magnesium and fluorine;
- vitamins K and PP;
- citric and malic acids;
- pectins;
- manganese, copper and zinc;
- chromium and iron;
- calcium;
- tannins;
- tocopherol;
- cellulose.
Due to the rich composition, rosa rugosa is widely used in folk recipes.
Medical use of rosehip wrinkled
For treatment, not only the fruits of wrinkled rose hips are used, but also its leaves, flowers, young shoots and roots. Rosa rugosa has a pronounced beneficial effect on the body. Namely:
- stops diarrhea due to strong astringent properties;
- helps fight inflammation and colds;
- has a mild analgesic effect;
- relieves vascular spasms and helps with migraines;
- lowers blood pressure and is beneficial in hypertension;
- removes excess fluids from the body, eliminates edema and improves kidney function;
- eliminates bacterial processes in the throat and oral cavity;
- promotes healing of gums in periodontal disease;
- stimulates the immune system and strengthens the body against viruses and infections in the autumn;
- improves blood counts and restores strength after long illnesses and operations.
Wrinkled rose hips are used to speed up digestive processes and to prevent oncology. Plant-based products have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, help get rid of acne and blackheads on the skin, and have a rejuvenating effect.
Features of planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips
Rugoza park rose, or wrinkled rosehip, does not impose particularly strict requirements on growing conditions. To successfully plant a shrub on the site, you need to know only the basic rules.
Landing and soil requirements
The wrinkled wild rose prefers well-lit areas of the garden. It is best to have a shrub on the south side on a slight hill. The root system of the wrinkled wild rose lies quite deep, so it should be planted far from groundwater. The soil should be saturated with humus; loams and sandstones with a neutral level of acidity are optimal for the plant.
How to plant
Before planting in a selected area for a wrinkled rosehip bush, prepare the soil:
- The soil is dug up and fertilized with organic matter and minerals – per 1 m2 it is necessary to add 10 kg of peat or humus, 50 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate.
- Prepared mixed soil is half-filled into a planting hole about 50×50 cm, and a little peat and coarse sand are also added.
- The seedlings are pre-soaked in water and a clay mash, after which they are immersed in the hole, deepening the root neck to 8 cm, and covered with the remnants of the soil.
Immediately after planting, wrinkled rose hips require abundant watering and mulching. When planting several shrubs at once, gaps of 1,5 m are left between them.

For quick engraftment, it is better to cut the aerial part of the wild rose to 1/3 of the length of the shoots
When and how to fertilize
In the first two years after landing on the site, the wrinkled wild rose does not need to be fed. For the third season, it can be fertilized with nitrogen – usually urea is applied at the rate of 20 g per 1 m2.
After entering the fruiting period, the shrub begins to be fed with potassium and phosphorus. In autumn, 50 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt are added to the soil.
Fighting diseases and pests
Rosa rugosa is resistant to diseases and pests, but can suffer from some ailments with poor-quality care. Of the fungi for culture are dangerous:
- rust – orange spots appear on the leaves and young stems, similar to pads;
Wrinkled spike rust develops especially often when waterlogged
- powdery mildew – a dry whitish coating appears on the leaves;
Under the influence of powdery mildew, the processes of photosynthesis of wrinkled rose hips are disrupted
- black spotting – the leaves of the plant are covered with dark marks of an uneven shape;
As the black spot develops, the marks turn into necrotic areas and holes.
Treatment of wrinkled rosehip diseases is carried out with Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate and Fundazol. Spraying is performed several times per season at intervals of 2-3 weeks, all affected shoots are pre-cut.
Of the pests on the wrinkled wild rose, you can most often notice:
- spider mite – an insect entangles the shoots with a thin cobweb and usually appears during a drought period;
A good prevention of spider mites is regular spraying on the crown.
- leaflet – under the influence of an insect, the plates of wrinkled dog rose are deformed and folded;
The danger for the wild rose is not the leaflet butterfly itself, but its caterpillars
- rose sawfly – an insect attacks leaves and young shoots, weakens the culture and interferes with its development.
The sawfly lays its eggs under the bark of young rosehip shoots.
In pest control for wrinkled wild rose, insecticidal and acaricidal preparations are used – Karbofos, Rogor, Aktellik and others. You can also process the shrub with soapy water and kerosene, diluted with plenty of water. Spraying is performed 3-4 times per season from early spring to the start of fruit set.
Preparation for winter
Rosa rugosa has good frost resistance. Most varieties do not require careful shelter for the winter. However, it is still necessary to take care of the warming of the roots – shortly before the cold weather, the trunk circle of the shrub is abundantly mulched with humus or peat and covered with dry straw. It is recommended to cover the crown of wrinkled wild rose up to three years with lutrasil or burlap.
Reproduction of wild rose wrinkled
On the site, wrinkled dogrose is propagated in three main ways:
- Green cuttings. In late June or early July, shoots about 10-15 cm long with three nodes are cut from an adult bush. The lower cut is made at an acute angle, the stalk is placed in a growth stimulant solution for a day. After that, the shoot can be immediately rooted in the ground – until the fall it will take root on the site.
Green cuttings are planted first in a school and transferred to a permanent place a year later
- Root growth. The wrinkled rosehip produces abundant daughter shoots in the lower part, which can be used for propagation. A healthy offspring about 40 cm long is dug out along with part of the root and immediately planted in a new place.
Rosehip offspring can also be spudded to the formation of their own roots and separated after a year
- The division of the bush. If an adult rugosa rose has grown strongly, it can be cut into several parts along the rhizome with a sharp shovel. The sections are sprinkled with ash or crushed coal and, according to the standard algorithm, the delenki are seated in separate holes.
- It is recommended to propagate by division bushes at the age of 5-6 years
It is recommended to propagate by division bushes at the age of 5-6 years
Collection and Procurement
For medicinal purposes, you can collect any parts of wrinkled rose hips. The fruits are of the greatest value; they are harvested as they ripen, from August to the end of October. You need to pick bright red, but dense berries from the branches, without waiting until they begin to darken and soften. The fruits are consumed fresh, used to make compotes and jams, and also dried – both in air and in an oven or dryer at a temperature of about 60 ° C.
The buds and leaves of wrinkled wild rose are harvested during the flowering period of the culture. For medicinal use, they also need to be dried under a canopy or in an oven. But in the latter case, the temperature is set to only about 45 ° C in order to preserve the maximum of valuable components in medicinal raw materials.
The roots of wrinkled rose hips must be dug out while the plant is dormant, in late fall or early spring. The collected raw materials are washed from the remnants of the earth and dried, previously cut into pieces of 8-10 cm.
Store any parts of the medicinal plant at low humidity and away from sunlight. It is best to remove the wrinkled wild rose in paper bags or linen bags and put in a closet. Raw materials retain their benefits for two years, and rugosa rose roots can be used for treatment for three years.
Possible harm from wild rose wrinkled
Wrinkled wild rose Rosa rugosa can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is impossible to use the fruits of the plant and medicines based on it:
- with inflammatory diseases of the myocardium;
- with chronic hypotension;
- with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and pancreatitis;
- with an excess of vitamin C in the body;
- with individual allergies;
- with a tendency to thrombosis;
- with acute inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract;
- with infectious jaundice and large stones in the gallbladder.
During pregnancy, wrinkled rose hips should be used with caution and with the permission of a doctor. When breastfeeding, it should be abandoned in the first three months, the plant can provoke an allergy in an infant.

Rosehip in the form of compotes and decoctions can be offered to children from six months, but in small dosages
When consumed in excess, wrinkled rosehip can cause an overdose of vitamin C. Side effects can develop when berries and drinks based on the plant are taken on an empty stomach, especially if the stomach is acidic. Rosehip negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel, therefore, after decoctions and compotes, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water.
Rosehip wrinkled – a beautiful and very healthy plant. Planting it in a summer cottage is easy. In the process of caring for the culture, attention should be paid to periodic feeding and prevention of fungi and pests.