Rose prince black: description

Rose prince black: description

Lovers of exotic varieties of roses have heard of such a variety as the “Black Prince”. Ideally, it should be black, but not everyone knows that, due to biological characteristics, roses do not have black color. Therefore, this variety is as close as possible in color to black, but it is just a dark red shade.

Rose “Black Prince”: characteristics

“Black Prince” – a find for lovers of exotic and unusual varieties of roses

The variety is quite thermophilic and requires good shelter for the winter. The external data is very impressive, so as soon as you see the flowering of your pet, you will immediately forget about the efforts that were made to grow it.

The “Black Prince” is not sufficiently resistant to disease damage, therefore it requires constant and systematic treatment against the main pests and diseases. Despite everything, this rose will not only complement group plantings with its unusual appearance, but will also look great alone.

The plant should be watered as needed, avoiding stagnant water and excessive soil moisture. In dry weather, watering is carried out about 3-4 times a month. Water consumption is 1 bucket per 1 bush

To form a decorative crown, the rose must be constantly cut and looked after. Abundant flowering is guaranteed only if fertilizers are constantly applied to the soil.

“Black Prince” (decorative rose): description

The bush reaches a height of 1,5 meters, and its diameter can be up to 0,9 meters. The leaves, although they have a rich green color, are unattractive in themselves. On each shoot, from 1 to 3 fairly large flowers can be formed.

The diameter of the flower reaches 9 centimeters. The petals are very double, dense, the central part of the bud is well filled. The color of the petals is maroon, there is a light velvety black shade

The Black Prince is a very aromatic rose, the scent of which is often compared to good wine. Great not only for decorating flower beds, but also for cutting. It stands well in a vase, does not lose its characteristics for a long time.

“Black Prince” is a real decoration for your site. This variety of roses can not only please the owners, but also cause the envy of the neighbors. Despite the fact that the rose is demanding in care and needs good preparation for wintering, its external data compensate for all these shortcomings. Large burgundy flowers with black terry are unable to leave anyone indifferent. If you find a place for her on your site, you will never regret it.

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