Rose petal tinctures and liqueurs – 5 best recipes

The purpose of the rose is unique and its life is fleeting – it exists to attract the attention of the weaker sex with its seductive aroma and catchy color. After that, the smell of the flower subsides and it gradually fades. It’s great that we, who know the secrets of “au-de-vie”, are able to give plants a second life. Is not it?

First of all, purchased roses are not suitable for making homemade alcoholic beverages, because they are sprayed with pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. No, we need flowers from an ecologically clean area, grown away from the roads. Any representatives of the genus Rosehip will do, of which there are more than 350 officially registered and more than 3000 unrated species. In their gardens, homeowners most often grow wrinkled rose hips (Rosa rugosa) and the so-called tea rose (Rosa odorata) – they will suit us perfectly.

It is better to collect flowers in early June, in the morning, until the sun has “pulled out” all the aromas from them. Do not take roses the day after the rain. If you have read the article about flower tinctures, then you should already know that it is better to use dried petals for their preparation. In the same article it is written and how to dry them, in fact. But rose corollas, even when fresh, have a very strong aroma, so some recipes use fresh rather than dried rose petals. Pay attention to this!

Liqueur Sauternes Rose

In the last article, I told you about the amazing dessert wine Sauternes, which is made in Bordeaux. So, from it you can make a stunning, fragrant, very, very summery drink with the addition of rose petals, which are perfectly combined with the fruity character of the wine. Sauternes, as you know, cost some fabulous money, but for such homemade drinks you can use the simplest examples, for example, a simple Chateau Liot 2009 (about 750r / 0,75l) or Petit Guiraud 2012 (about 800r / 0,75 ,XNUMXl). Still left to try. Sauternes, of course, can be replaced with other, less premium dessert wines.

  • 500 ml Sauternes (about 15% alcohol)
  • 250 ml of vodka or alcohol 40-50%
  • 25g dried rose petals (about a half liter jar)
  • 200-250 ml simple syrup

Mix Sauternes, vodka and rose petals in a jar of suitable volume, mix well. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 3 to 5 days, until the tincture acquires a distinct taste and aroma of a rose. Strain the tincture through a sieve or several layers of gauze, do not squeeze out the solid fractions. If necessary, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters. Add sugar syrup to taste, boiled from equal parts water and sugar. Pour the finished liquor into clean bottles and let it rest for 2-3 weeks. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled in small glasses. In summer, you can use Aperol Syringe to make a cocktail.

Persian rose liqueur

Recipe from Folk Wines, Cordials and Brandies How to Make Them, Jagendorf, MA, 1963. According to the author, this recipe was given to him by the owner of the house where he stayed in Zahedan, Persia (southeast of Iran). The author recommends preparing the liquor in early June (but the hotter Persian climate should be taken into account).

  • 20-30 fragrant roses
  • 700 ml sugar (by volume)
  • 500 ml of water
  • 0,9-1 l of neutral alcohol

Take petals from 10-20 fragrant roses and place in a jar of a suitable volume. Pour the petals with alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, cool place for a month, remembering to mix the contents of the jar 1-2 times a week. In a saucepan, mix sugar, water and a dozen more rose petals, cover and bring to a boil, then simmer for about 1 hour. Strain the syrup, cool, strain the tincture. Mix both liquids, filter if necessary, let it brew for another 12 hours, and then pour into clean bottles. Store in a dark cool place up to 1 year. An extract is welcome.

Rose petal liqueur with raspberries

A delightful ethereal fruit liqueur that surprisingly keeps the rose in the background, giving way to vibrant raspberries. An excellent ingredient for making refreshing cocktails. By the way, here is one of them: 2 parts liquor, 1 part sour mix, 4 parts soda, lemon and raspberries for decoration, mix in a shaker (only sour mix and liquor, add soda to a glass).

  • 750 ml of vodka or alcohol 40-50%
  • 25g dried rose petals (about a half liter jar)
  • 250 ml fresh raspberries (by volume)
  • zest of 1 tangerine (can be substituted with orange)
  • 100-250 ml simple syrup

In a jar of suitable volume, combine water, rose petals, raspberries and tangerine / orange zest, mix thoroughly. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for a period of 3 to 5 days. When the liquid acquires a strong smell and taste of a rose, the tincture can be drained through a sieve or several layers of gauze without squeezing out the solid fractions. If necessary, the liquid can be filtered through cotton wool or coffee filters. Add simple sugar syrup to taste and pour the finished drink into clean bottles. Store in a dark cool place up to 1 year. Wait at least 2 weeks before use.

Rose tincture with cinnamon

Simple, refined and very fragrant tincture. Not as sweet and refined as the aforementioned liqueurs, but that makes it even more attractive for a true master of home brewing.

  • 4 presses of rose petals
  • 250 ml of vodka
  • 500 ml alcohol 95%
  • 65 g sugar
  • 1 hours. L. ground cinnamon
  • 500 ml of pure water

Mix dry rose petals with 20 g of sugar and vodka in a suitable jar. Add alcohol and cinnamon, then close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for up to 10 days. Shake the jar lightly every day. Dissolve the remaining sugar in water and add to the tincture. Wait another 10 days, strain, do not wring out. If necessary, filter, pour into clean bottles and leave to rest in a dark place for at least 3 months. Drink tincture should be from small glasses, slightly chilled. Store no more than 1 year.

Medical liquor “Pink Nocino”

Based on the legendary Nocino, an Italian liqueur made from green walnuts, which are traditionally harvested on the 20th of June. Remarkably, in Italy, rose petal liqueurs are in no less demand. The hybrid drink has taken root in Poland, where it is actively used to treat indigestion – just drink 30-50 ml of liquor. Once again, this is not a drink for heavy drinking, it should be drunk in small doses and only in suitable cases.

  • 2 presses of rose petals
  • 20-25 green walnuts
  • 300 g sugar
  • 300 ml alcohol
  • 300 ml of water
  • 2-3 cm cinnamon bark
  • lemon zest 1

Rinse the nuts, cut in half or pierce in several places with an awl, and then place in a jar of a suitable volume. Add syrup made from equal parts water and sugar, finely grated lemon zest, cinnamon and rose petals. Pour in alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave in a sunny place for 40-60 days. The contents must be stirred periodically. After the set time has elapsed, strain the liquor through several layers of gauze, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters and pour into dark glass bottles. Store in a cool place. Keep for at least 3 months before use.

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