Rose Leonardo da Vinci – a magnificent royal bush

Roses are whimsical plants that usually require maximum effort to grow. However, today this is not entirely true. Every year, breeders produce unpretentious varieties that can survive even the most severe conditions. One such crop is the Leonardo da Vinci rose. Despite its undemanding to external conditions, the plant forms many royal flowers.

Variety description

The description of the rose by Leonardo da Vinci indicates that the variety appeared back in 1993. However, this fact does not prevent the culture from being popular today. The flowers of the variety are grown all over the world. The buds have a rich pink color, and their petals are double to the touch. Such flowers stand out brightly against the background of rich rich green leaves.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush

The variety is characterized by small, even, vertically growing bushes. Flowering is active and lasts quite a long time. The culture does well in rainy regions. Absolutely no harm to the plant and direct sunlight: the color of roses does not fade even in this case.

A variety of Leonardo da Vinci – red, bred in the early 2000s. The main difference of this variety is the rosette-shaped flowers of red color, covered with terry. They are not single, but are collected together in the so-called “brushes”. A rose of this type is very resistant to various environmental influences.

Another specific feature is a moderate smell. The aroma of flowers is not sharp, but you can’t call it weak either. The height of the bushes does not exceed a meter. The culture forms many branches and shoots crowned with tassels of flowers.

Video “Variety Description”

From the video you will learn about the characteristics of this bush.

Роза Leonardo da Vinchi

Recommendations for growing

The Encyclopedia of Roses claims that all floribunda roses are the product of crossing a tea variety with a polyanthus. Therefore, plant cultivation should include the following factors:

  • When planting a graft, a seedling must be placed in the ground at least 0,04 meters. This is the only way to grow a strong, healthy plant with many flowers that will delight you for a long time.
  • Planted young individuals should preferably be mulched with sawdust or wood shavings. This will allow moisture to linger in the soil, rather than instantly evaporate, and also minimize the amount of weeding required. Wood waste will also positively affect the qualitative composition of the soil.
  • The most optimal place for creating a rose garden is a territory protected from northern winds with groundwater lying close to the surface.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush
  • To rejuvenate individuals, it is worthwhile to annually carry out spring and autumn pruning of crop bushes.
  • Pruning, the purpose of which is to form a bush, is usually carried out in early spring and can be either medium or plentiful. It all depends on the age and condition of the bush.
  • Proper cultivation of roses involves removing dry, thin and damaged branches throughout the life of the plant. After all, they usually significantly thicken the planting of the crop.
  • In order for the flowering to be lush, you should alternately feed the plant with top dressings of organic and mineral nature.
  • Top dressing with organic matter, first of all, involves the introduction of humus and compost into the soil.
  • The best mineral fertilizers are a mixture of potassium, nitrate and urea.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush

Although the variety tolerates low temperatures well, it is still worth covering for the winter. Prior to this, it is worth completely eliminating leaves and flower brushes from the bushes, as well as cutting the shoots to 0,35 meters. The raw materials for shelter are usually dry leaves and spruce branches, which are covered with a special material.

Air-dry shelter can also be effectively used, which helps to maintain optimal temperature and humidity throughout the winter.

Application in garden decor

Floribunda individuals are usually planted close to each other. This is due to the small size of the bushes of culture. Flowers planted in groups look much better than those grown separately. Also, culture is often decorated with borders and large flower beds. Representatives of the variety also look favorably as a background for undersized annual and perennial plants.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush

Planting “satellites” of a rose is acceptable in any garden design elements. However, for this it is necessary to take into account the requirements of plants for the type and composition of the earth, the level of humidity and the amount of light. You should not plant cultures with a short decorative period and a late flowering period near da Vinci floribundas (for example, large peonies, asters, dahlias, and others).

It is also important to maintain a distance between individuals in order to avoid thickening and accumulation of plantings, which provokes the defeat of roses by pathogens.

Care instructions

England is considered to be the birthplace of roses. Today, however, flowers are grown in all corners of the globe. This was made possible thanks to the organization of proper plant care. The rose needs systematic watering, loosening and mulching of the soil. It is also worth removing all weeds around the crop.

Overdried land adversely affects roses, so watering should be organized systematically and in sufficient quantities. Every week, a bucket of settled water is poured under each bush. In autumn, the amount of moisture is reduced. A sign of a decrease in the amount of water for irrigation is the end of the flowering of the crop. The bush is actively preparing for wintering, so an excessive amount of water can greatly harm the plants. In conditions of dry and hot autumn, it is necessary to water the flowers. Otherwise, the root system will dry out and freeze from frost.

On a hot day, watering is best not to carry out. In addition, water must be poured to the base of the bush, without touching the leaves and flowers.

The first fertilizers are applied in the second year of the plant’s life, since in the first year the culture has enough minerals introduced during planting.

In the warm season, recharge is made at least 5-6 times.

The first two top dressings are carried out with nitrogen-containing substances or a solution of mullein. The procedure usually falls in early spring.

Fertilizers are applied three or four times during the appearance of buds and flowering.

In early autumn, the rose needs potassium. Therefore, during this period, potassium sulfate should be added to the soil.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush

The da Vinci flower is very resistant to almost all known diseases. However, under adverse conditions, the fungus can progress on individuals. To avoid such a development of events in early spring, you can treat the bush with copper sulphate.

A large number of weeds in the territory, as well as excessive moisture and air deficiency at the roots, contribute to the progress of diseases. That is why it is worth paying attention to watering, weeding and loosening the earth.

Improper formation of shelters can provoke a burn of an infectious nature. Insufficient ventilation and high humidity are common causes of fungal attacks, as a result of which most branches die. If red spots appear on the shoots in the spring, after the elimination of shelters, they should be cut out. Small lesions can simply be cleaned and covered with garden pitch. As soon as sunny weather sets in, the remnants of the disease will disappear without a trace.

Mineral deficiency often provokes the appearance of chlorosis. The leaves in this case turn yellow and dry. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, the soil must be fertilized and acidified. For this, the drug Kemira-Universal-2 is ideal.

Pruning varieties should be moderate, 5-6 eyes. In this case, the flowering of the culture will be long, the old shoots will develop, and the young ones will grow.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush

Before sheltering the bushes for the winter, all weak branches are removed, as well as herbaceous ones. In the spring, dry and damaged shoots are eliminated. For the proper development of the bush, you need to leave only 3-4 main stems on it.

In summer, withered shoots damaged by parasites are subject to removal.

Protection against pests

Most often, bushes of da Vinci varieties are attacked by rose aphids and spider mites. Aphids usually live at the base of the leaf or directly on the stem. Organs affected by the parasite begin to dry out and change their natural shape. The appearance of small cobwebs on the leaves indicates a settlement on the culture of the spider mite. Alatar, Aktellik, Spark, Commander will help to defeat insects. Before treatment with these preparations, the bushes must be washed well with water under pressure.

Other pests can also attack a rose:

  1. Rosan leaflet, due to the attack of which the leaves are twisted into tubules parallel to the central vein. Outwardly, the organs become similar to cigarettes. Damaged leaves are subject to liquidation and destruction. When attacking a rose leaflet, it is worth treating the plants with the insecticidal substance Nitrofe.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush
  2. Rose sawfly, destroying shoots, buds and leaves. Small holes appear on the leaves, the stems wither, because the internal contents of the branches have already been eaten. If signs of the appearance of an insect are found, individuals should be washed with water under pressure and sprayed with Alatar or another insecticide.
  3. Shchitovka affects plants with a lack of moisture. Scales appear on the green organs of the plant. It is impossible to destroy the pest with poisons, since it has a strong shell, it is reliably protected from chemical influences. Therefore, the pest is eliminated mechanically, after which the plant is sprayed with Aktara.
  4. Thrips. These parasites settle inside the buds, preventing them from blooming. The appearance of thrips is indicated by the dark framing of the petals. Insects quickly get used to poisons, so it is not easy to defeat them. A component of success is the frequent change of chemicals, loosening the earth and burning the affected leaves.Rose Leonardo da Vinci - a magnificent royal bush
  5. Saliva is a penny. Settling in the shoots, forms white foam at the penetration points. You can destroy insects by pressing on the places of foam formation. After eliminating pests in this way, individuals are treated with Commander, Aktara or Actellik.

So, the artificially bred variety of roses by Leonardo da Vinci is very popular among gardeners. The culture is grown in almost all countries of the world. This is due to the resistance of flowers to adverse environmental conditions, the breadth of the use of this variety of culture, as well as the unusual appearance and calm aroma.

Video “Pest and disease control”

From the video you will learn how to deal with diseases and pests of the bushes.

Diseases and pests of roses. Fight them

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