Rose Cordana – a beautiful miniature flower

Cordana rose is a miniature rose that can be grown not only in a summer cottage, where spectacular borders are made from it, but even in an apartment. Rosa Cordana grows well in a pot, it can be provided with the necessary care at home, then from May to October it will delight with abundant flowering. Growth is not higher than 30 centimeters, bright dark green foliage and classically shaped buds (and they can be red, pink, yellow and white). This amazing beauty requires the same conditions as all other roses, and it is quite possible to create them at home. The only difference between this rose and all the others is the complete absence of fragrance.

 Care instructions

Rose Cordana mix, bought in a store, will not feel well for the first two weeks in a new place, it may even shed its leaves, but then it will adapt if the owner knows how to care for it. Rose loves sunlight, moderate watering, fertile, well-drained soil. It blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, so regular feeding will not interfere with it, balanced fertilizers can be bought at the store, planted and applied preferably at the same time as watering in two weeks if the soil is depleted, or less often if the soil is nutritious enough.Rose Cordana - a beautiful miniature flower

Like most of its relatives, the Kordana rose does not like excessive heat, so it can be shaded during the sultry midday hours, watering is increased as the air temperature rises, and in the evenings it can be sprayed with clean water. The ground under the bushes is mulched to prevent overheating of the roots. But with watering it is important not to overdo it, if waterlogging is allowed, then the roots can rot, and fungal diseases can be provoked. After watering, you need to loosen the ground around the bush, remove weeds in time, prevent thickening, you can carry out sanitary pruning all summer, remove branches that prevent others from being illuminated and ventilated. Plant residues near the bushes can not be left. Aphids, spider mites, fungal diseases traditional for roses may well disrupt her quiet life, so that this does not happen, you need to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology, carry out preventive spraying.Rose Cordana - a beautiful miniature flower

The same care is provided at home if the flower is grown in a pot. The soil for roses, as well as the composition for top dressing, can simply be bought at a specialized store. The place should be bright, with fresh air, but without drafts. In summer, roses are usually taken out to the balcony, and the rest of the time it is advised to keep it on the southern windowsill. Rosa Kordana, of course, loves a lot of sunlight, but the comfortable air temperature for her should not exceed +20 degrees, so you will have to cover her from direct sunlight if she gets very hot. The limited land in a pot may require more frequent feeding, but overfeeding the plant is also not worth it, the state of the greenery will show if there is a lack of any nutrients.

On the street, the flower winters beautifully under cover, and at home, a rose can have a short dormant period of only one month, although many flower growers maintain equally comfortable conditions all year round, enjoying the flowering of a rose without aroma.

To rest, the rose is cut off, leaving several buds on the shoots, cleaned in a cool room with a temperature of about +8 degrees. At the time of rest, top dressing is canceled altogether, and watering is reduced to a minimum.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn what this flower is.

Indoor rose Kordana Mix

Transplantation and reproduction

Immediately after the purchase, the rose has to be transplanted – usually they are sold in several pieces in one pot. Outdoors, it is best taken if planted in the fall, while at home it can be done all year round.Rose Cordana - a beautiful miniature flower

In order to least disturb the roots, it is better to place the plant in a new pot along with an earthy clod, but if there are several roses, then this will not work. You need to take a pot with holes at the bottom, put pebbles for drainage, then pour soil mixed with fertilizers, put soil without fertilizers on top, carefully plant a seedling in it. The earth is carefully tamped and watered with warm settled water, and 2 centimeters should remain between the upper edge of the pot and the ground. If the rose was alone, then in order to take it out of the container, it was watered well, which means that after planting in a new pot, you do not need to water it again, you can only spray the leaves a little.

Rose Cordana is very easy to propagate from cuttings. To do this, you need to cut a pair of segments of the shoot about 3 mm thick with 3 – 4 buds on each.

The lower cut is made oblique under the kidney itself and lowered into the water. The lower leaves are removed, leaving only half of the top. After two weeks, small roots should grow at the twig, especially if any root growth stimulator is added to the water. After the roots appear, the twig can be immediately planted in a separate pot, soon it will please with new shoots, and then with flowers.

Additional tips

Spraying bushes with water should be treated with caution, use only clean settled, even boiled water. This is done in order to cool the plant or save it from dry air, then the event is best done in the evening, but not too often.Rose Cordana - a beautiful miniature flower

When transplanting a plant from a container or from an old pot to a new one, you need to take dishes 5 cm wider and the same amount higher than the previous one. By the way, before using a new clay pot, it should be soaked in water for several hours, and only then pour the earth.

Rosa loves a room with fresh air, it would be nice to provide her with constant air circulation, but so that she is not among the drafts. Daylight hours should last about 12 hours so that the rose does not stop blooming, so next to it it is worthwhile to provide a fluorescent lamp that will highlight the missing hours.Rose Cordana - a beautiful miniature flower

All transplants are best done with a growing moon, and pests and diseases, if any, are to be dealt with on a waning moon. All parts of the plant affected by diseases must be cut and destroyed. It is advisable not to forget to remove the fading buds, this stimulates the formation of new ones.

Video “Pruning Cordana Rose”

From the video you will learn how to prune this plant.

We cut the indoor mini rose for the winter (Kordana rose)

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