Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

Everyone wants their site to be the most beautiful. Many people use various decorative varieties of roses to decorate the yard. Climbing roses, which can be grown in different ways, can give it a special sophistication. Some build supports for them to their taste, others decorate arches with their help. Also, these branchy bushes can be interesting to decorate any nondescript wall or extension that does not fit into the overall interior. They are often planted near fences and just in flower beds.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

The variety of varieties of roses today is simply amazing, and this makes it very difficult to choose. Each variety is beautiful in its own way, but still, you can find something special. For example, a variety of climbing roses Hendel. Its color will compete with even the most luxurious roses. It is worth considering in more detail the description of this variety, as well as how to grow it correctly.

Characteristics of a variety

The appearance of this variety was a real sensation. This color is rare among climbing roses. Also, this variety of roses is notable for the fact that it is able to bloom repeatedly, so you can admire beautiful flowers for almost a whole season. Flowers at Hendel form inflorescences, 4-9 pieces on one long shoot. The flowers are creamy white at first, but eventually become creamy with crimson edging. The petals are slightly curved, which gives the flower a bit of splendor. The buds of the Hendel variety are long, goblet-shaped. Best of all, the flowers look in a half-blown state, as in the above photo.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

Flower color may vary depending on weather conditions. In the heat, they become more saturated, the raspberry edging begins to spread lower, creating a gradient effect. In cold regions, the color is usually paler. The size of the flowers is approximately 9–10 cm. They have a pleasant, not very pronounced aroma.

The grade has high resistance to frosts, well transfers winter. In warm regions, the rose is able to winter even without shelter. The plant may be susceptible to black spot. The growth of the bush is not particularly rapid, but it is able to constantly form young shoots. In the scorching sun, the flowers fade very quickly. The variety grows best in cool, dry climates.

Important! The flowers begin to bloom one after another, so both closed buds and fully bloomed ones can be located on the bush at the same time. This makes the bush even more attractive.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

The bush is very branched, can reach up to 4 m in height. The shoots are tough and strong, making the plant highly resistant to winds. The first flowering is the most abundant, then the flowers on the bush appear gradually.

Preparing to plant roses

In order for the rose to please the owners with its beautiful flowering, it is necessary to approach the choice of a place for planting with responsibility. In order for the bush to feel comfortable, several factors should be taken into account. This variety does not like too hot weather. Therefore, when choosing a site, you should pay attention to slightly shaded places. The place for planting a rose can be exposed to direct sunlight only until lunch, then a thin shadow should cover the bush. In open areas, the sun can burn the petals and harm the plant itself. And as you know, weakened bushes are most susceptible to pest damage.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

Like other roses, Hendel should be planted on the south side so that north winds cannot blow over the bush. The variety, of course, is resistant to cold, but excessive and constant stay of the rose in the cold can also affect the general condition of the bush.

It is best to plant seedlings in mid-May, but not earlier than April. Landing time depends on the climatic conditions of the region. The most important thing is that the soil has time to warm up to +10 ° C.

Important! If you are planting a bush grown in a greenhouse, then there is no need to rush to transplant. You should wait until the leaves fully bloom on it. Then you don’t have to worry that the bush will not withstand temperature fluctuations or freeze.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

Planting and caring for roses

Loose loamy soil is best suited for climbing roses. It should be fertile and pass air and moisture well. If the soil is not loose enough, you can add a little lime to it. The following can be used as fertilizers:

  1. Humus
  2. Fertilizers containing phosphorus.
  3. Hummus.
  4. soil bacteria.

The depth of the hole for planting roses should be no more than 65 cm. If you plant several bushes at once, then a distance of about 1 meter should be left between them. This is necessary for the normal development of the root system of the bush. When planting, you need to deepen the root neck by 10 cm into the ground so that it is protected in frosty weather.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

Advice! Do not plant roses in sandy or heavy clay soil. If your site has only clay soil, then it must be mixed with sand, and vice versa.

Roots should be loose in the hole. When burying a bush, it is important to carefully fill in all the empty space between them. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the bottom of the hole. Having completely filled the hole, it is necessary to lightly compact the soil around the bush.

Care of roses after planting includes regular watering, fertilizing and removing weeds. You can also mulch the soil around the bush. This will help the soil retain moisture better and prevent it from drying out.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care

To protect the bush from frost, it is better to cover roses for the winter. The shelter should not be too tight so that air can easily enter inside. The bush should not be left on a support for the winter. In autumn, they carefully remove it, cut off dry and damaged branches, and then wrap it with twine and lay it on the ground, attaching it well to the surface. From above, the bush is covered with leaves, wooden boards or other material.


Climbing rose Hendel has been holding the bar for a long time, being one of the most beautiful spray roses. Even if you are not a professor of botanical sciences, you will not have any difficulties with growing it. The most inexperienced gardener can easily cope with this task. The basic rules for planting and care are set out in this article. Putting them into practice, you can grow beautiful profusely flowering bushes.

Rose climbing Hendel: description, planting and care


Svetlana, Voronezh
Climbing rose variety Handel appeared to me about 4 years ago. Started blooming in the first year, which is very pleased. Flowering is simply incredible, delicate and openwork. Now the bushes have already grown to the level of my window. Every morning a rose cheers me up with its appearance.
Olga, Belgorod
The first time I planted a bush in a sunny place, which I soon regretted. The plant grew, but bloomed very poorly. It has been 2 years since I transplanted the bush into a flower bed near the house. Everything is fine, it blooms profusely, it always tolerates winter well.

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