Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

The rose has long been called the queen of flowers. Many songs and legends are dedicated to her. The inhabitants of ancient India revered this flower in a special way:

  1. If a visitor brought a rose to an Indian king, he had many advantages: the master could fulfill any desire of the petitioner.
  2. The temples of the Brahmins were decorated with roses, the kings always had these flowers in their chambers.
  3. When religious ceremonies were held, the road to the gods was strewn with colorful petals.
  4. During the wedding ceremony, the brides were sprinkled with roses, as a sign of a future happy life.

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and roses do not lose popularity. Breeders have bred many new varieties with a unique color and inimitable aroma. Among them is the climbing rose Black Queen: in the photo there is a huge bouquet of black and burgundy flowers.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)


This amazing variety, which the s immediately fell in love with, is called differently:

  • Black Queen:
  • Black Queen;
  • Dark Queen.

It’s great that one flower has so many beautiful and unusual names! But why such an attitude towards a new variety of roses? It’s all about the elegance, originality of the climbing rose Black Queen. Judging by the reviews, it is the elegance and unusualness of the color that attracts flower lovers.

The height of long flexible whips reaches a height of three meters. Plants are erect, small in size. Rose bushes are surprisingly good at landscaping thanks to their tenacious hold on a support.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

No variety of climbing roses has such a color of petals as the Black Queen: rich burgundy or black anthracite, with tints of crimson and scarlet. The plant blooms profusely, several buds bloom at once. From a distance it seems that black clusters hang on the plant. Each flower individually looks like a huge ball, as in the photo.

Warning! Like a real royal person, the Black Queen is rather capricious, demanding increased attention to herself.


Important! Wild rosehip is used as a scion. In subsequent years, the plant practically does not form wild shoots.

Flowering is plentiful, long. Starting in June, more and more black buds are always blooming in the garden. And so all summer, until the first frosts come. The beauty of the overflows is enhanced, the petals become bright and juicy if the plant is planted in a sunny place where there is a lot of light.

Attention! The Black Queen begins to bloom only in the second year, after planting on last year’s shoots.

Since the Black Queen belongs to climbing varieties, the care rules are no different.

Climbing rose Reproduction and care. Site

Exotic flowers amaze with unusual black, with tints of color, huge double flowers with a burgundy core. If you touch the flower, you feel cool velvet under your fingers. Just look at this branch in the photo below. It’s hard to get past. The finest aroma from the blooming black queen spreads over a long distance, envelops everything around.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

Black Queen – garden decoration

Climbing roses are most appreciated by landscape designers for the ability to create amazing flower arrangements. Judging by the reviews of flower growers, the beautiful Black Gueen rose has a special place. A huge number of large buds, black with tints of color, which do not crumble for a long time, do not lose their charm, allows you to combine the plant with other types of roses. Look at the photo.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

Important! It should be noted that the Black Queen is also good in the cut: the flowers stand for a long time, exuding a pleasant aroma.

In conclusion about the benefits of roses

The climbing rose of the Black Queen variety, like all its relatives, is not only an ornament of a garden, a park. Rose petals, even those of black roses, are valued for their medicinal properties.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

Advice! Most of the nutrients in the newly opened buds. Harvesting is done in the morning, as soon as the dew dries.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

The petals of the Black Queen contain a large number of:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins;
  • iron and calcium;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • quartzite;
  • tannin.

Rose petals are used in the treatment of skin diseases, the healing of small wounds, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Broths from buds are the best remedy for bronchitis. Help to get rid of stress, relieve headaches.

Many flower growers are convinced of the benefits of rose petals as a rejuvenating agent, which is often written about in their reviews. And jam, liqueurs, even homemade perfumes from the petals of the Black Queen can be prepared.

Rose Climbing Black Queen (Black queen)

Reviews of rose lovers

Barbara, 20 years old, city ​​of Tomsk
My mother is fond of flowers. Many years ago she fell in love with roses. At first, her favorites were tea roses. And the year before last, she bought cuttings of a variety with dark, almost black flowers. The Black Queen has become our favorite. She gave us her first flowers last year. The fragrant aroma attracted the attention of the entire neighborhood. The only inconvenience is that we have to prepare a good shelter for the winter, because we have frosts above 35 degrees.
Elena, 43 years old, Barnaul
It turns out I’m not the only one. I was told that roses cannot be grown in Siberia. But this is not true. I have been making roses for over 10 years. I have flowers with large and small buds. All safely overwinter under a reliable shelter. We fall asleep with sawdust, on top with a film and earth. In spring, all the roses start growing together. Today I bought the Black Queen. Although they write that she is capricious, nothing, we will grow up!
Marina, 30 years old, Krasnodar city
I read the reviews of Siberians and was surprised by their hard work. It is much easier to grow roses here due to the mild climate. Climbing roses are my top priority. There are several Black Queen bushes. They grow near the house, along the fence. There is also an arch in front of the entrance to the courtyard. A real miracle, not a flower. Since autumn, I have not cut my roses much, but they do it thoroughly in the spring.
Mikhail, 45 years old, Saratov region
My Queen with black and burgundy tint flowers last year grew up to 3 meters. It grows near the fence, it bloomed all summer with large unusually beautiful flowers.

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