Rosa Rosarium Uetersen: the basics of growing an unusual variety

Rose Rosarium Uetersen is represented by dense, rich pink flowers with terry at the ends of their petals. The glossy leaves of the bush give it a very attractive appearance, which is why the culture is often used as an element of landscape design.

Unusual variety

The “life” of the plant began in 1977. However, at that time the variety was not approved by gardeners, who considered such flowers old-fashioned. However, years later, Rosarium Yutersen still gained well-deserved popularity.Rosa Rosarium Uetersen: the basics of growing an unusual variety

Intense pink “double” flowers are combined into large brushes. During the period of its development, rose petals acquire a light shade of silver. The variety blooms actively, but gradually. In each brush, on average, 5 – 7 flowers with a diameter of up to 0,12 meters are formed.

After the first flowering and until autumn, only a few flowers will appear. The culture smells light and pleasant, in its aroma you can catch a combination of notes of apple and wild rose.

In height, the bush usually reaches from 3 to 3,5 meters, and in width – 1,5. The branches of the bush are thick, covered with thin thorns and rich green leaves. The culture is not very susceptible to diseases, it tolerates frosts well under thin cover.

Video “Unpretentious variety”

From the video you will learn what this variety of rose is.

The most unpretentious roses Rosarium Uetersen

Preparing for planting

You need to plant a variety in an area about half a meter long. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance between the rose and other plants or buildings of at least 0,5 meters. The site of the intended landing should be well lit and ventilated. The ideal place is the hills located in the south. There the plant will be able to fully develop. The number of blooms of a rose bush directly depends on environmental conditions. Rosarium Uetersen usually blooms most brightly in the southern territories.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the holes in advance. They must be at least one and a half meters deep. Pits for seedlings are filled with water and manure is placed on them (at least half a bucket). After that, the seedling is placed in the hole and sprinkled with soil.

Rose care during the growing season

Active care, which includes watering, fertilizing and pruning, is necessary for flowers only in the first two years of life.

For the first time, a plant is fertilized at the time of its planting. In this case, manure serves as top dressing, which fills the hole. Such feeding of the culture is enough for the first 2 years of life. However, in addition to such organic matter, the flower also needs minerals.Rosa Rosarium Uetersen: the basics of growing an unusual variety

A positive result will be given by fertilizing with special mixtures for flowers, nitrogen, peat and mineral additives. The frequency of nutrient application depends on the stage of the crop life cycle. For the entire growing season, top dressing is permissible no more than 5 times. At other stages, 2-3 fertilizers are enough.

This variety needs regular pruning. This event will help form the crown and prevent the neglect of the bush. But pruning also has a positive effect on flowering. In addition, this event, carried out correctly, will give the bush a beautiful look.

Moisturizing a rose is enough just a couple of times a month. A medium-sized bush needs a bucket of water.

Young shoots

During the season, this variety of the queen of flowers is able to form about 3,5 meters of young shoots that require special care. In winter, they must be reliably protected from frost by covering with a dense film.

In the spring, it is worth pruning dead organs, and then watch those branches that creep around the bush. Shoots that have reached 0,7 meters or more should be tied to wooden planks installed nearby.

If the plant blooms only once a season, the faded material should be eliminated. If there are several blossoms from one shoot, such an organ must be preserved.

Winter period

Although Uetersen is a frost-resistant variety, it cannot survive without shelter in severe cold. Therefore, when the first frost sets in, the bush should be sprinkled with a mixture of dry soil and humus. When the frost sets in, all tied branches are removed from the supports, placed on a pillow made of spruce branches and covered with straw or other special material.Rosa Rosarium Uetersen: the basics of growing an unusual variety

It is permissible to insulate a shrub individual with burlap, wrapping the trunk 0,3 – 0,4 meters in height.

So, the Rosarium Yutersen variety is quite popular today among gardeners, which is explained by the ease of care for it and the possibility of using a bush in landscape design.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow roses.

ROSES: planting, pruning, reproduction (cuttings, cuttings). Helpful Tips

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