Rosa Marie Curie is an ornamental plant valued for its unique flower shape. The variety has numerous advantages over other hybrid species. The plant is resistant to adverse factors and is suitable for growing in different climatic zones. Like other varieties of roses, it requires compliance with the rules of care.

History of breeding

Variety “Marie Curie” (Marie Curie) bred in the nursery of Meilland International, which is located in France. The organizer of the breeding work is Alain Mailand. The variety was bred in 1996 and registered in the international catalog in 1997.

Marie Curie is an interspecific hybrid. In breeding work, the varieties “Coppelia” (Coppelia) and “Olgold” (Allgold) were used. The plant is named after the famous physicist Marie Skłodowska-Curie.

Initially, the rose was intended for indoor planting. After testing, it began to be grown in open ground.

Marie Curie rose variety description and characteristics

Shrub type plant with numerous stem shoots. The average height of the Marie Curie rose is 60-70 cm. The width of the bushes is up to 1,5 m. The variety is one of the floribundas and is an intermediate link between scrubs and ground cover roses.

Shoots are dark green, thin, form a sprawling bush. To maintain the shape, a garter or frame supports are required. The stems are covered with dark green glossy feather-shaped leaves and notches on the edges of the plates. The number of spikes is average.

Rosa Marie Curie (Marie Curie): photo and description, reviews

Roses Marie Curie bloom continuously until the beginning of autumn

The budding period takes place in late April or early May. Flowering begins in June, less often in the last weeks of spring.

On each stem, from 5 to 15 buds are formed. The flowers are terry, elongated cup-shaped. The number of petals is from 30 to 40. The color of the flowers is apricot with pink hues. When the bud fully opens, yellow stamens appear in the center.

Important! Flower color may change throughout the season. In early summer, it is light pink, later it begins to turn yellow.

The diameter of each flower is 8-10 cm. The plant exudes a pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of cloves. It can get stronger or weaker depending on weather conditions.

Variety “Maria Curie” is characterized by high winter hardiness. In warm regions, it tolerates frost without shelter. Only hilling is required to protect the roots from freezing. In the regions of the middle zone, as well as in Siberia and the Urals, the plant must be covered until persistent spring warming.

‘Marie Curie’ has medium drought tolerance. Prolonged lack of moisture, as well as waterlogging of the soil, negatively affects the decorative qualities. Heavy rainfall during the flowering period can lead to premature wilting, excessive soil compaction and root rot.

The variety shows low sensitivity to infectious diseases common among roses. Very rarely affected by spotting, rust and powdery mildew. Preventive treatment with fungicides completely eliminates the risk of developing the disease.

Roses “Marie Curie” are photophilous. They need to be grown in a well-lit area. Otherwise, the buds on the bushes will form unevenly, which will lead to a loss of decorativeness.

Plant overview:

ROSE Marie Curie Meilland 1997

Advantages and disadvantages

Variety “Marie Curie” has gained wide popularity among foreign and domestic gardeners. It is valued for the specific shape and color of flowers and other decorative features.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • long continuous flowering;
  • high frost resistance;
  • low sensitivity to infections;
  • pleasant aroma of flowers;
  • low demands on the composition of the soil.

The main disadvantage of the variety is sensitivity to waterlogging. Among the minuses include the average drought resistance, the possibility of damage by pests. Rose “Marie Curie” is considered undemanding and unpretentious in care.

Methods of reproduction

Vegetative methods are used to obtain new instances. It is possible to grow a rose from seeds, but there is a risk of losing varietal qualities.

Breeding methods:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • cuttings growing.
Rosa Marie Curie (Marie Curie): photo and description, reviews

When dividing a rose, the surface shoots are cut off, leaving 5-7 cm

Usually the breeding procedure is carried out in the spring before the formation of flowers. When growing by cuttings, planting material is first placed in a container and transferred to open ground for the next year.

Growing and caring for rose floribunda Marie Curie

The plant needs a well-lit, protected from strong winds place. It is desirable that the site is not located in the lowlands, where groundwater flooding is possible.

Important! Seedlings are planted in early autumn. The bush adapts to a new place and tolerates the first winter well.

Landing steps:

  1. Prepare a planting hole with a depth of 60-70 cm.
  2. Place a drainage layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or pebbles at the bottom.
  3. Cover with a loose soil mixture of soddy soil, compost, peat and sand.
  4. Soak the seedling in an antiseptic solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Place in a hole, straighten the roots.
  6. Cover with soil.
  7. Compact the soil on the surface and irrigate.
Rosa Marie Curie (Marie Curie): photo and description, reviews

Roses Marie Curie when planting deepen by 4-5 cm

After two weeks, abundant watering should be done. On a bush use 20-25 liters of water. This is necessary so that the seedling absorbs enough moisture for the winter. After that, the rose is not watered until spring.

The plant experiences the greatest need for liquid during the flowering period. Bushes are watered 2-3 times a week as the soil dries out.

At the same time, loosening and mulching should be carried out. Such procedures protect the roots from fluid stagnation and at the same time maintain normal humidity. In addition, mulching with bark or sawdust in the summer protects the root system from overheating. In the area around the bush, weeds should be regularly removed.

The flower responds well to feeding. But an excess of minerals can harm the rose. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season and before flowering, organic fertilizers are introduced. Top dressing with potassium and nitrogen is advised to be carried out in the summer so that the buds do not wither prematurely. In autumn, the bush is fertilized with organic matter in preparation for winter.

The plant needs to be pruned periodically. Sanitary haircut is carried out in spring and autumn to remove dried shoots. In summer, pruning is allowed to give the bushes the correct shape.

For the winter, the bush is spudded. If necessary, it is covered with a non-woven material that is well breathable.

Pests and diseases

Numerous reviews, descriptions and photos of the Marie Curie rose indicate that the variety practically does not get sick. Due to improper care and adverse weather conditions, powdery mildew, rust or black spot may appear on the bushes. The fight against such diseases consists in the removal of affected shoots, treatment with fungicides. For preventive purposes, the bushes are sprayed in the spring, after the appearance of foliage.

Among the pests of roses are common:

  • aphid;
  • drooling pennitsa;
  • bear;
  • leaflet;
  • shield;
  • rose cicada.

Insecticides are used to kill harmful insects. Shoots and leaves with a large accumulation of larvae are removed. The bush is sprayed 3-4 times with an interval of 2-8 days, depending on the properties of the preparation used.

Rose Marie Curie in landscape design

The flower is used for single and group plantings. Some gardeners grow the Marie Curie rose as a groundcover. To do this, the bush is regularly pruned so that it remains low, but at the same time actively grows in width.

Important! Neighboring plants should be placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from the rose.

Variety “Marie Curie” is often used for planting in rose gardens and mixborders. The plant is placed in the background, leaving space in front for undersized ornamental crops.

Rosa Marie Curie (Marie Curie): photo and description, reviews

For 1 sq. m plot can be planted no more than 5 rose bushes

The plant is best combined with other varieties of floribunda. It is advisable to plant a rose “Marie Curie” with flowers of a gentle, calm shade.

Shrubs can be grown in large pots and flowerpots. In this case, the volume of the container should be 2 times the size of the roots.

Planting next to perennial ground cover plants prone to rapid growth is not recommended. They are ways to damage the roots of roses and lead to gradual wilting.


Rosa Marie Curie is a popular hybrid variety, characterized by long continuous flowering and the original shape of the buds. The plant is highly regarded by gardeners and landscapers for its resistance to cold and disease. Compliance with growing technology and planting rules provide conditions for normal growth and flowering. The plant is unpretentious and ideal for single and group plantings.

Floribunda Marie Curie Reviews

Leonid Kovalenko, 53 years old, Bryansk
Marie Curie is an excellent choice for those who need a light-loving rose. When planted in the sun, burns do not appear on the plant. The color of the petals does not fade and remains saturated until the end of flowering.
Evgenia Kondratyuk, 38 years old, Tambov
Marie Curie roses grow well in any type of soil. But the most important advantage of this type is frost resistance. He endures the winter without shelter, which does not affect the quality of flowering.
Marina Kushnir, 44 years old, St. Petersburg
In the Leningrad region, ‘Marie Curie’ roses should only be grown in well-drained soil. Due to frequent rains, there is a risk that the roots will experience waterlogging. Therefore, care involves regular loosening of the soil.

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