Rose Maria Theresa is one of the latest achievements of breeders. A relatively new variety, with improved properties, is able to become the main element of the flower bed. The plant is beautiful, lush, gives a sensitive and gentle accent to the site. Deserved a lot of positive feedback and is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers.
History of breeding
Rose “Maria Theresia” (Maria Theresia) belongs to the Floribunda group, bred by German scientists in Germany in 2003 by crossing a tea-hybrid and polyanthus species. Initially, the variety was distributed in Asia and Europe. It appeared on the territory of Our Country 13 years ago.

“Maria Theresa” is beautiful in group plantings, combined with cereals, gives emphasis to the garden plot
Description of the Maria Theresa rose variety and characteristics
“Maria Teresa” is a rose characterized by a long period of budding. It starts from the first summer days and continues until mid-autumn (early October). All this time, its lush peony buds are almost continuously replaced, the opened flowers fall off for 10 days. ‘Maria Teresa’ bushes are branchy, nostalgic in shape, with cupped buds in a soft pink hue and with lighter stripes along the edges. The declared height of the rose is 80-100 cm, but, according to gardeners, it can often reach 130 cm, and requires regular pruning. It grows to half a meter in width. The foliage of “Mary” is shiny, dark green in color. The flowers are quartered, round, slightly pointed, divided into four parts. In appearance, the buds resemble peonies, only their diameter is slightly smaller – 8 cm. Flowers appear on thick racemes, 4-5 pieces per inflorescence, open gradually, exude an unobtrusive pleasant aroma. Each bud consists of a large number of petals, which can be up to 70. On young bushes, due to the gravity of their own weight, they can sink to the ground, so that this does not happen, 2-3 peduncles should be left on the brushes. When cut, a bouquet of “Maria Teresa” looks elegant and elegant, able to stand in water for up to 10 days.

A distinctive feature of the rose – increased resistance to rain
This variety of rose is a perennial, able to grow in one flower bed without a transplant for 3 years. Prefers lighted high areas, without stagnant groundwater with neutral or slightly acidic soil. It is not allowed to plant a crop in a draft, but at the same time, the planting site must be ventilated. The plant is not afraid of such common diseases as black spot and powdery mildew, but may be subject to attack by some pests.
“Maria Theresa” – a heat-resistant rose, however, with strong heat, the buds can change shape, and frost-resistant, calmly withstands temperatures down to -23,3 0C. Best suited for growing in climatic zones 6 and 9. In the regions, the variety is bred in the southern regions. In the middle lane and Siberia, “Maria Theresa” can only grow with good winter shelter. To prepare a rose for frost, you need to start at a temperature of -7 degrees and below. First, it is desirable to mulch the bush (with sawdust, peat), then spud, sprinkle with earth or cover with spruce branches. The shelter should be at least 20 cm higher than the bush. It is best to fix it with wire.
Advantages and disadvantages of Maria Teresa rose
Rosa “Maria Theresa” floribunda is very popular due to a number of advantages:
- long and abundant flowering;
- good resistance to frost and heat;
- high resistance to fungal infections;
- immunity to excess moisture and rainy weather.
Of the shortcomings of the variety most often distinguished:
- too high bushes (up to 130 cm);
- deformed branches;
- long shedding of the bud after flowering.
Methods of reproduction
Rose “Maria Theresa” propagates in the traditional way – cuttings. Most often it is carried out in spring or summer, but if necessary, cuttings can be cut in the fall. To do this, choose healthy green shoots no more than 5 mm thick, about 15 cm high, with 3 or more buds. The cut is recommended to be done at an angle of 45o. After harvesting the cuttings for several days, it is advisable to place them in a stimulating solution. Further, the shoots of “Teresia” are planted in the holes with an interval between them of 25 cm and covered with a film. After a month, you can begin the gradual hardening of the shoots, over time, it is recommended to remove the film.

Young shoots of “Maria Theresa” develop and take root up to two years
Cultivation and care
Rose “Maria Theresia” (Mariatheresia) floribunda has some requirements for growing conditions. She loves the light, does not grow well in constant shade. Feels best in ventilated areas, where the air dries the foliage from raindrops or dew. But at the same time, the plant is afraid of cold wind and draft.
In order for the flowering of “Maria Theresa” to be plentiful, and the bush does not grow much, it must be cut off. The culture needs daily watering, as well as weed removal and fertilizer. It is desirable to carry out top dressing three times per season: in spring, in the middle and at the end of summer. Before wintering, it is recommended to cover the floribunda with peat and cover.
Before planting a rose, you should determine the acidity of the soil and take care of its drainage. A hole for a bush is prepared so that its root system can freely settle down in it (at least half a meter). The soil mixture should be collected from peat, sand, fertile soil and manure. It is desirable to plant the Maria Theresa variety in May, when the earth warms up completely.

Timely pruning of roses is necessary for the formation of buds on the shoots of the current season.
Pests and diseases
“Maria Theresa” is a rose variety that is considered resistant to major diseases, but requires periodic preventive maintenance. In order to definitely exclude the appearance of fungi and microbes, about three times a year, bushes should be sprayed with fungicides, copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. Also, to prevent diseases prematurely, some gardeners use infusions of tobacco, garlic or onions. In addition, it is imperative to trim old and dry shoots, collect fallen leaves.
The most dangerous pest for roses is green aphids, which most often appear in cold and rainy summers. Also, a weevil, a spider mite and a slobbering pennitsa can attack the plant. But if you notice insects in time and carry out processing, then everything will be in order with the Maria Theresa rose.
Application in landscape design
This variety of rose was created for group plantings and is widely used in garden landscape design. Bushes look luxurious in front gardens, as part of flower arrangements, on borders. A well-groomed hedge looks perfect from floribunda. It can be grown in containers. “Maria Theresa” looks gorgeous in combination with cereal herbs, such as: Chinese miscanthus, maned barley, gray fescue. Suitable for rock garden, used as a central figure in a flower bed. Perfectly shows its decorative properties in the cut, and for a long time can decorate the interior.
It is not recommended to plant “Maria Theresa” too close to trees and shrubs, otherwise the plants will begin to oppress each other and the rose may stop flowering.

As an exception, the Maria Theresa rose can be planted as an independent plant.
Rose Maria Theresa has become widespread among flower growers due to its many positive characteristics. The variety is resistant to diseases, not particularly whimsical in care, able to successfully tolerate frosts down to -25 degrees. But its main advantage is the luxurious appearance of the buds, beautiful color and pleasant aroma. In addition, the rose retains its attractiveness in a bouquet for a very long time.