The most popular varieties of roses are those that take root in different conditions, have a picturesque look and do not need constant attention. The famous Laguna rose belongs to climbing species that can not only decorate the site, but also decorate individual details of the local area. The benefits of culture, the features of its cultivation and use in landscape design will be discussed in this article.
History and description of the Laguna rose
The flower was bred by the famous German company W. Kordes’ Söhne Rosenschulen GmbH & Co KG, whose products are famous all over the world. Variety Laguna (Laguna) was introduced to the general public in 2004, adding to the collection of picturesque and unpretentious pink varieties, started by the company’s specialists at the end of the 2007th century. In a short time, the novelty became popular among gardeners. In 2012, the variety was awarded gold medals at flower competitions in Germany and Switzerland, in XNUMX in the Netherlands it received a prize for the best aroma.

Here is a brief description of a crop belonging to the group of climbers (climbing climbing species with thick stems) with repeated flowering:
- Tall perennial up to 1,8–2,5 m, bush width – 1 m.
- The shoots are erect, strongly branched, covered with dense foliage and sharp thorns.
- The leaves are deep green, shiny, medium in size.
- The buds are massive, formed from 50-60 petals, bright red or bright crimson, the tops are pointed. Opening, they take a cup-shaped shape up to 10 cm in diameter. Grouped in inflorescences of 6-8 pieces (the number is determined by age). The shape resembles the buds of classic varieties bred in the old days.
- It has a rich pleasant fruity aroma with an admixture of wild rose.
In the flowering season, which lasts from the beginning of summer until the first autumn cold, the bush is completely covered with opened buds, almost completely covering the foliage. Repeated flowering in density and brightness is not inferior to the first. The variety is resistant to common rose diseases – black spot and powdery mildew. Withstands frosts down to -23 °C.
Video “How to plant roses”
In this video, an expert will tell you how to plant roses in the garden.
Varieties of the variety with a photo
The culture has several popular varieties that are in demand among gardeners.
Blue Laguna
German breeders managed to give the petals of the variety a lilac color, eventually turning into light blue. The buds of the Blue Lagoon are semi-double and not as massive as those of the parent variety, since the variety does not belong to climbers, but to ramblers, that is, it has thin flexible shoots. The stems are densely dotted with twisted spines, the flowers are formed by fewer petals.

Sweet Laguna
A variety was bred in 2012. From the parent variety, Sweet Laguna inherited the main technical characteristics, but acquired an exceptional pink tint of petals. The smell of flowers is more intense, it contains shades of lemon and geranium. The flowers are as massive as those of the mother variety, also densely doubled.

Pros and cons of the variety
The steady demand for the pink variety Laguna is explained by a number of advantages over representatives of other varieties.
- abundant flowering, buds overlap the foliage on the shoots;
- unpretentiousness, resistance to drought and heavy rainfall;
- a strong, thick fragrance that fills the garden;
- immunity to the main diseases of the culture;
- rapid and rapid growth;
- resistance to sunlight – the petals almost do not fade.
- an abundance of sharp thorns;
- the need for sanitary pruning of wilted buds that spoil the appearance;
- poor resistance to frost (needs shelter for the winter);
- attraction for aphids and spider mites.
Features of growing Laguna climbing roses
Like most pink varieties, Laguna loves plenty of light, but does not tolerate scorching afternoon sun. These and other factors explain the approach to site selection.
Site selection and preparation of soil
The ideal option is a site where the bushes will be illuminated by the sun, but in the very heat (from 12 to 16 hours) they will be able to stay in partial shade. Groundwater should lie at a depth of 1 meter or more, so that roots do not reach them. It is also desirable that water from nearby buildings does not flow onto the bushes.
The soil is required light and fertile, with good aeration. Favorable weak acidity (5,6–6,5 pH). Such land is purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently by mixing:
- 10 kg of land from the garden;
- 10 kg of sand;
- 5 kg of humus;
- 5 kg of peat;
- 400 g wood ash;
- 40 g of complex mineral fertilizers.
Proper selection of a place will allow you to enjoy the first flowering a year after planting.

Tips for planting
In gardening stores and on the market, you can buy seedlings of the variety, the root system of which is immersed in special bags with peat or is open. It is better to purchase the first ones, but with the second option, the roots must be carefully examined, cutting off defective and rotten areas.
Planted in the same way as the rest of the pink crops:
- Planting takes place in spring (late April – early May), when the soil warms up to + 10–12 ° С, or in autumn.
- The depth of the hole for the seedling is 50 cm, the width is 60 cm. The distance between the holes is 1,5 m, the bushes grow large.
- A couple of hours before planting, the open root system is immersed in a liquid mixture of clay and mullein (2: 1). The soil in the hole is watered abundantly.
- A seedling is installed, open roots are freely straightened. Buried with prepared substrate, compacted. The root neck should be immersed by 6–7 cm.
- Watering, mulching. The shoots are cut off, leaving 20–25 cm sticking out of the ground.
During the first two weeks after planting, the seedling needs shelter so that the sun does not scorch it.
Basic Care Activities
Consider the rules for growing a bush:
- It is necessary to water once every 5 days in the first year of life and half as often – in subsequent ones. The main criterion for the need for watering is the drying of the soil in the near-stem circle. In rainy seasons, for this reason, watering is stopped, on hot days it is carried out more often.
- Top dressing. Organics are introduced at the planting stage, in the future mineral fertilizers will be needed. To improve the growing season, nitrogen compositions are used, potassium-phosphorus are used during the budding season, and potassium compositions are used after flowering. Organics are added every 2 years, mixing compost, bone meal and humus.
- Garter. Needed to give the shrub the desired look. A horizontal garter makes the bush look like a cloud, a fan garter makes it more magnificent, a spiral garter will allow you to embrace arched structures (although this is not easy to achieve with upright shoots).
- Pruning. Sanitary pruning is needed to rid the culture of dried or frozen shoots. By winter, the stems are shortened by a third to make it easier to cover. Three-year-old shoots are removed, since they no longer give abundant flowering.
- Wintering. It is carried out during autumn cooling down to -7 ° С. To do this, the shoots are removed from the supports, shortened, bent to the ground, filling the voids with spruce branches. They cover with burlap, coniferous branches, roofing material and boards are laid on top.
Pests and diseases of the variety
Diseases affect the variety infrequently, therefore no measures are taken. Parasites have to be fought. Aphids and spider mites are dangerous. Broad spectrum insecticides are used against pests. Suitable “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”. Spraying is performed twice with a break of 3 days. Also, timely thinning of the crown of the bush helps well against aphids.
Rose Laguna in landscape design
Such beautiful flowers are created for admiring, so they need to be planted where the bushes are clearly visible – in front of the windows, at the central gate or porch, near the gazebo or terrace.
Using vertical gardening, flowers manage to ennoble unsightly garden hedges, mask obvious defects in the walls, and give picturesque gazebos. Bushes form a hedge, for which they use a fan garter.
Since Laguna is a climber species, it is difficult to braid garden objects with its thick straight shoots. It is recommended to plant the plant near direct supports and tie up the shoots as they grow.
Author’s advice
You can combine the culture with varieties of other colors, creating pleasant color decorations. The rich crimson color of Laguna rose buds goes well with white, yellow, yellow-green roses.
Reviews of gardeners
“I planted a variety 4 years ago. The bushes are very beautiful, I admire them from the window of the cottage. In the first year there was flowering, but weak, plentiful began from the second year. So far I haven’t been sick.”
“I am very pleased with the planting, the garden has really changed. Only aphids often began to attack, you have to inspect all the shoots from time to time. As soon as I find it, I cut off the entire affected area. And if you cut off the crown, the aphids will leave, but there will be no magnificent appearance.
If you are looking for rose bushes that can brighten up your garden without spending a lot of time or effort, Laguna is the one for you. Numerous rave reviews of domestic flower growers confirm this.