Rosa Double Delight – a combination of luxury and magnificence

“Double Delight” is a hybrid tea rose variety created by American breeders in the 70s of the last century. Since then, the rose “Double Delight” has gained the widest popularity in Europe. She could not go unnoticed in any way, this rose can hardly be called graceful and elegant, the words “luxurious” and “magnificent” are more suitable for her, someone even considers her vulgar. But it is simply impossible not to notice this bright two-tone beauty with a heady aroma, it is often compared to vanilla ice cream poured with raspberry syrup.

Variety description

An upright bush grows to a height of up to 1,2 m, and grows in width to about one and a half meters. Strong prickly shoots are covered with dark green glossy leaves, one, rarely two or three large flowers of a classical form grow on high rigid branches. Flowering usually occurs twice per season – in early summer and late August. But it happens that after the first wave, the plant gives flowers constantly all summer, just in a small amount.Rosa Double Delight - a combination of luxury and magnificence

The flowers bloom slowly, when fully opened they reach a diameter of 12 – 15 cm, have approximately 40 petals. The color changes as it blooms – the middle is creamy white or yellow, and the edges of the petals still in the bud have a bright crimson border.

Under the influence of ultraviolet light, this border grows, its width depends on the received sunlight, the more sun, the wider and brighter the raspberry part. So it turns out that on one bush all the flowers have a different color.

In a greenhouse, roses of this variety are cream or yellow because ultraviolet rays do not pass through glass. Cut flowers retain their appearance and fragrance for several weeks.

The variety “Double Delight” is considered frost-resistant, so it is grown even in regions with harsh winters, just well covered with the onset of frost. Resistance to fungal and infectious diseases is average, preventive treatments of plants with preparations are recommended. But these roses do not tolerate rain well, if drops of rain fall on the buds, then it is better to cut them off, such a flower will not have a presentation.

Video “Description of the rose Double Delight”

From the video you will learn about this variety of bush.

Hybrid tea roses are the favorite of rose growers.

Planting and growing rules

Like all roses, ‘Double Delight’ loves sunny but sheltered locations. In the shade, the rose will grow normally, only the flower will not get its spectacular crimson color. It is better to ensure that the sun’s rays hit the rose. But here the heat is fatal for her, if the air temperature approaches the mark of +30 degrees, the flowers will begin to curl. On hot days, it would be good to shade the bush and water it more often.Rosa Double Delight - a combination of luxury and magnificence

Bushes are planted at a distance of at least 1 – 1,2 m from each other, dense plantings contribute to the spread of fungal diseases, and the roots need a lot of space for development. The rose grows well in separate flowerpots or tubs, you just need to take it deep enough so that there is enough space for the drainage layer and long roots.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water or close groundwater. A plot for a rose is dug up to a depth of at least 50 cm, compost or humus and mineral fertilizers are added. If the soil is heavy, then sand or peat must be added. A hole is dug according to the length of the roots, it can be approximately 0,3 – 0,5 m, the roots are well straightened, sprinkled with earth and rammed. The root neck should be underground, although not deep, 2 to 3 centimeters below ground level. It is advisable to check after watering whether the bush is sitting firmly in the soil, for this it is enough to slightly pull on the top of the shoot. If the whole bush and the earth around it move, then it needs to be tamped down. The bush must sit firmly in the ground, otherwise a strong wind will not allow the root system to develop normally.Rosa Double Delight - a combination of luxury and magnificence

Before planting, the roots must be inspected and broken, shortened too long, then placed in water for several hours if they were opened during the transportation of the seedling.


“Double Delight” requires the same care as other roses, she needs regular watering, fertilizing, pruning the bush, sheltering for the winter. It is necessary to water with warm water with settled water so that it penetrates to the end of a long root, so 5 liters is enough for a young bush, more than 10 liters for an adult plant. It is impossible to allow the drying of the earthen coma, but also the stagnation of water too.

In spring and early summer, the plant needs a lot of nitrogen, it is good to add humus or water it several times (with a break of 2 weeks) with a solution of slurry.

After the formation of buds, the rose needs more potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and after the end of flowering, all top dressing is already stopped, because the plant needs to prepare for a dormant period.Rosa Double Delight - a combination of luxury and magnificence

To form a lush bush, young shoots are pinched after the formation of four leaves, this stimulates the growth of new shoots from the root. During the summer, shoots are removed that grow in the middle of the bush, those on which buds do not form, or wild ones that can grow from the root below the scion point – they need to be cut out completely. When preparing a bush for winter, usually the shoots are shortened to 40 cm. Then they cover the roots and stems with peat up to 30 cm high, cover them with spruce branches on top, and with the advent of frost and non-woven material.

Methods of reproduction

This is a wonderful varietal rose and it is best to buy its seedlings in nurseries, they sell planting material expensively, but of good quality, the roots are treated with a product that protects against drying out, and the shoots are covered with wax. If at least one bush is already growing, then it can be divided into parts. It is recommended to do this in the fall after flowering or in early spring before bud break. Dividing a bush is simple – it needs to be cut into two parts, it is no longer worth it, because the degree of survival will sharply decrease. Both parts with roots and shoots are planted separately and cared for, like new seedlings, the cut sites are treated with wood ash.

If you need a lot of plants at once, then you can cut the cuttings and try to root them, usually it works out. Cuttings are cut when the rose begins to bloom, they are taken from semi-lignified shoots. The cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees under the bud, they should have 3-4 buds, planted in a box with wet sand or peat, covered with a transparent material – glass or film. By autumn, they usually give roots, before the onset of cold weather they are planted in protected ground, and in the spring they are already transplanted to the site.

Diseases and pests

“Double Delight” can be threatened by powdery mildew, black spot, gray rot. For prevention, they are advised to treat them with Fundazol, Prognoz or Floksin. If the bush is affected by rust, it will have to be destroyed, since it will not be possible to cure it.Rosa Double Delight - a combination of luxury and magnificence

Rose aphid, leafworm and sawfly are the most harmful parasites that can encroach on the American beauty. You can fight them with drugs “Karbofos”, “Chlorophos”, “Spark” or “Aktellik”.

Video “Fight against diseases”

From the video you will learn how to deal with rose diseases.

Diseases of roses and their treatment

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