
Roquefort cheese is a French blue cheese made from sheep’s milk in the southern province of Rouergue. There is a whole legend about the appearance of a noble product. It is believed that a young shepherd, grazing a flock of sheep on top of Mount Combalu, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Roquefort, stopped for a bite to eat in one of the caves, which was overgrown with greenery and gave off a lot of moisture. His breakfast consisted of cheese and a slice of brown bread. When a lovely girl passed by, a young man, carried away by her, left his food and ran after her. A month later, walking past the cave itself, the shepherd discovered that the cheese was covered with bluish mold and had a pungent smell. Due to the feeling of severe hunger, the young man decided to try the food left once. Cutting off a small piece and tasting it, he was delighted. So the idea came up to create blue cheese, which is considered the product of kings, popes.

Due to the unique mold of Penicillium roqueforti, the rich chemical composition of sheep’s milk, the use of Roquefort decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, slows down the aging process, facilitates the process of arthritis and improves the condition of the bones.

Production technology

Blue cheese is made from high-quality pasteurized or raw milk, which is brought to 24 degrees before coagulation, after which ferment of lactic acid bacteria (3-5%) is added to it. The coagulation process takes 1-1,5 hours and proceeds at a temperature of 30 degrees. The resulting clot is cut into small particles, 1 cm x 1 cm in size. Subsequently, the grain is gently kneaded to the required density for 40-45 minutes, laid out on a tabletop covered with serpentine, left for half an hour. So excess serum flows from it.

Dried cheese mass is placed in crushers, crushed, stirred, followed by unfolding into molds. Each layer of Roquefort is subject to mandatory seeding with Penicillium roqueforti mold powder. On 100 g cheese mass will need 15 g noble crops. The mold powder is spread evenly each time over the surface of the cheese when the layer thickness reaches 2,5. In this case, the number of layers is 3 or 4.

Forms filled with Roquefort cheese mass are left for 3 days in a room with an ambient temperature of 20 degrees. During the first day they are turned over three times: after a quarter of an hour, 10 hours. On the second and third day – every 12 hours.

Pleasant sour-milk flavor indicates the end of the drying of cheese. On the fourth day, Roquefort is freed from the form, subjected to salting (dry or in brine). In the case of the first method, the cheeses are rubbed with small crystals of sodium chloride and the heads are kept for 10 days in a cool climate (8-10 degrees). In the second variant, Roquefort is placed in 23% brine on 4-5 days, cooled to 14 degrees. After that, the heads are washed under distilled water, dried on racks during the day.

The final stage in the preparation of the noble cheese of kings is ripening. For the development of mold, the heads are placed in an apparatus with needles 0,3 cm in diameter, which makes 35 through punctures along its perimeter. This procedure provides air access inside the cheese, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of valuable microcultures. Next, Roquefort is placed on grooved shelves with a recess in the middle and a width of 25 cm in a basement with high humidity (95%) and low ambient temperature (6 degrees). Only when these conditions are met, an increased growth of blue mold is observed, which gives a piquant taste and aroma to the product, and also increases its nutritional value. After 1,5 months, the heads are laid flat. Cheese care comes down to removing excess mucus. That is why Roquefort is ground every day.

The ripening period of French cheese is 2 of the month. After that, the product is wrapped in foil, placed in a cold place. The longer the term of exposure of blue cheese (at a temperature of 6-8 degrees to 9 months), the more sharp it becomes.

Thus, the production of Roquefort cheese is a long process that requires special knowledge and skills.

Production season – all year round, shape – cylinder, head weight – 2,9 kg, raw material – sheep’s milk.

The following wines harmoniously emphasize the piquant sharpness of Roquefort: “Cahors”, “Sauternes”, “Porto”.

Chemical composition

In 100 g of Roquefort cheese, 353 kcal is concentrated. Dor Blue, Gorgonzola have the same nutritional value. There is practically no lactose in cheeses.

The energy ratio of B: W: Y is 24%: 74%: 0%.

Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of Roquefort cheese”
NameContent in 100 g product, g
Saturated fatty acids15,3
organic acids1,8
Table № 2 “The chemical composition of Roquefort cheese”
NameThe concentration of nutrients in 100 g product mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5)1,16
Ascorbic acid (C)0,6
Alpha-tocopherol (E)0,4
Riboflavin (V2)0,4
Niacin (B3)0,3
Beta Carotene (A)0,17
Pyridoxine (V6)0,15
Folic acid (B9)0,039
Thiamine (V1)0,03
Biotin (H)0,0042
Calciferol (D)0,00089
Cobalamin (B12)0,00062
Trace Elements
Table No. 3 “Roquefort Amino Acid Cheese”
NameThe amount of protein in 100 g product, g
Essential Amino Acids
Replaceable amino acids
Glutamic acid4,06
Aspartic acid1,22

A distinctive feature of blue cheeses is the absence of a mold crust on the surface. Inside the product itself is a marble pattern formed by noble green-blue bacteria. They give the cheese a sharp rich flavor and a sharp aroma. An alternative to expensive Roquefort, made from sheep’s milk, are products made from cow’s milk: German Bergader and Dorblu, French Blue d’Auvergne, English Stilton, Italian Gorgonzola, and Danablu from Denmark.

Remember, Roquefort is a high-calorie product in which most of the components are fat. That is why the consumption of cheese is recommended to limit overweight people. At the same time, the diet menu implies a complete replacement of animal fats with vegetable fats. As well as limiting the use of salt, instant and rapidly absorbable carbohydrates, foods that stimulate appetite (pickled vegetables, savory foods, spices).

What is the “nobility” of blue cheese

French Roquefort is considered one of the most useful varieties of cheese, which is in no way inferior to meat in terms of protein content. In addition, the product contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H, PP, lecithin, antioxidants, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids – methionine, lysine, tryptophan and healthy milk fat. The latter is the main energy substrate that supports normal metabolism. Noble mold stimulates the production of melanin, which protects the dermis from the negative effects of sunlight.

Roquefort blue cheese is saturated with phosphorus and calcium salts, so it is useful to use it for fractures and diseases of the respiratory tract (tuberculosis).

The product is recommended to include in the diet of immunocompromised adolescents. It is believed that the active ingredients that make up the blue cheese, contribute to an increase in life expectancy. It is this pattern that explains the powerful health and longevity of the French, who regularly eat the product.

Beneficial features:

  1. Facilitates the course of arthritis, gout, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Slows down the aging process. Roquefort prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat (cellulite), inhibits the premature appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Prevents fermentation in the intestines, signs of dysbiosis. The fungus from the family Penicillium suppresses the reaction of splitting and decomposition of undigested products, creates a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial microcultures.
  4. Quickly saturates the body, so that a person does not experience an acute attack of hunger, and as a result, the process of fighting with extra pounds is facilitated.
  5. It enriches the body with vital nutrients, without which its normal functioning is impossible. It supplies the body with digestible protein, which in its nutritional value is not inferior to beef meat. Thus, the proteins of moldy cheese perform the function of building material, participating in the construction of muscle tissue.
  6. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Penicillium roqueforti mold prevents the formation of clots, thins the blood, improves its current. Due to this, people who regularly consume blue cheese are less susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.
  7. Strengthens bones and teeth. Blue cheese is a mandatory product in the diet of a woman during menopause, since it is during this period that her body begins to react sharply to calcium deficiency, which can trigger the development of osteoporosis. If this is allowed, bone density decreases, their fragility increases, which leads to an increase in injuries and disability.

French cheese Roquefort is a good natural antidepressant that has beneficial effects on the immune processes in the body and the functioning of the nervous system. The composition of the fungus Penicillium roqueforti contains amino acids valine, histidine, which accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, organs, as well as inhibitor substances that improve the absorption of calcium. In addition, pantothenic acid, which is responsible for the production of glucocorticoids-hormones by the adrenal glands, is concentrated in cheese mold. The lack of vitamin B5 in the body causes depressive disorders, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Therefore, to protect the nervous system from stress, it is recommended to regularly use Roquefort.

Mold Cheese Harm

Crown French product has a beneficial effect on the human body, if they are not abused. The safe daily rate of blue cheese is 50 g, provided there is no individual intolerance to penicillin, lactic acid products. If the daily dosage is systematically exceeded, the spores of the fungi will provoke the suppression of the own intestinal microflora and cause dysbacteriosis.

Remember, Roquefort blue cheese is the habitat of Listeria. However, Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria can cause infectious diseases. For a healthy person, these microorganisms do not pose a danger, since the immune system quickly depresses them. Often the patient does not even realize that he is infected, because the disease proceeds in a latent form without pronounced symptoms. However, for a pregnant woman, listeriosis poses a real threat, as it can lead to an increase in body temperature, a feverish state, and vomiting. As a result, the disease can cause disastrous consequences: miscarriage, premature birth, abnormal development of the fetus. In addition, the infection poses a health risk to immunocompromised young children. It can lead to damage to the nervous system, lymph nodes, liver.

Listeriosis has an ocular glandular, anginal-septic, septic-granulomatous, nervous, mixed forms. Most often, the disease manifests itself under the guise of catarrhal or follicular angina with characteristic sore throat, cough, runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, film bloom on the tonsils. In case of detection of these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor for advice. With timely competent treatment, the outcome is favorable.

Remember, penicillin fungi contained in cheese, in fact, are antibiotics that have a destructive effect on bacteria and microorganisms of the intestinal microflora. In small quantities they do not cause harm. However, you should not get involved in the product, because the human intestine processes the mold with great difficulty, which puts strain on the gastrointestinal tract, and exposes the body to excessive stress. In order not to fall into the risk zone, it is recommended to limit the consumption of blue cheese to 50 g per day.

Selection rules

It is interesting that the real Roquefort, prepared according to an old traditional recipe, is made exclusively in the French province of Rouergue. On the world market, a gourmet product is made in an industrial environment where it pre-ripens from 3 to 9 months on oak racks. It is during this period that a noble mold develops inside the cheese.

The complex recipe, the duration of production, the special conditions necessary for obtaining Roquefort, determine the high cost and rarity of the product on the shelves of the store. However, if you are lucky enough to find it you should know the characteristics of the good quality of the “cheese of kings”.

What should I look for?

  1. Appearance. Roquefort is an oily product of white color, riddled with blue veins of mold. The cheese should have a soft, tender texture, without disintegrating.

The more mold in the cheese body, the longer it is stored, which indicates that the product is not very fresh, overexposed. The fungus has the ability to constantly multiply. As a result, mold can eat all the cheese mass.

It is not recommended to buy Roquefort if most of it is filled with cavities with blue veins.

  1. Packaging. This Roquefort has an oval red print in the center of which there is an image of a sheep.
  2. Aroma. Properly cooked moldy cheese has a sharp smell, which is characteristic of sheep’s milk. At the same time, he should not give sour.

Roquefort – “aristocrat” among cheeses, famous for its spicy, sharp-salty taste. Thanks to the mold culture, it has a richer amino acid composition than fish and eggs. It is believed that blue cheese contains calcium in an easily digestible form, which is well absorbed by the human body, which ultimately helps prevent osteoporosis, migraine, reduces the risk of breast cancer, thrombosis, premenstrual syndrome.

How to use

Blue cheese is an expensive product (1 rubles will have to be paid for 1200 kg of delicacy). Due to the high cost, Roquefort is most often served as an independent snack. At the same time, the product is preliminarily kept warm until it reaches room temperature. Only in this form will blue cheese fully reveal its sharp creamy notes. It is also added to salads, exotic sauces are prepared from it.

The spicy taste of noble blue cheese is harmoniously revealed by fruits (grapes, pears, apples), pistachios and saturated dry white, dessert, fortified wines. The product can be added to pasta, lasagna, pizza to give the characteristic sharpness of the dish and get a completely new taste.

The following wines are recommended for Roquefort cheese: “Banyuls”, “Porto Vintage”, “Sauternes”, “Barsac”.

How to store

Cheese with noble mold is a living product that quickly matures and changes its qualities. The main condition is to prevent the fungal culture from destroying the cheese mass. For intensive growth of Penicillium, a warm, humid environment is required, so the storage temperature of Roquefort should not exceed 6 degrees. In addition, cheese should not be frozen, as this leads to a loss of the nutritional value of the product. An increase in temperature promotes the growth of the fungus. And lowering will lead to the fact that the cheese mass will begin to crumble.

The optimum air humidity in the refrigerator or cellar should be 95%.

Remember, despite the “nobleness” and usefulness, blue mold, like poisonous, is able to “creep” to nearby foodstuffs. In this case, it ceases to be valuable and spoils the products. For this reason, moldy cheese should be packed tightly in paper, foil or parchment. Next to it, it is not recommended to put strongly smelling products (onions, garlic, fish), since Roquefort can absorb foreign odors, which ultimately will change its taste. If you follow all storage rules, then the shelf life of a quality product is 3-4 weeks.


Roquefort is a gourmet product with the noble healthy mold Penicillium roqueforti. Real blue blood cheese is produced in Rouergue, France. It is made exclusively from sheep’s milk. Inside is a cream-gray matured cheese with layers of mold. The flesh is moist, oily to the touch.

The spores of the fungus are introduced into the raw material after separation of the curd mass from the whey. After that, flakes of sour milk are laid out in forms, salted, kept in limestone grottoes on oak shelves. For the growth of mold in the room should be good aeration. Ready Roquefort is soft and loose. Store in the refrigerator in paper packaging away from strongly smelling foods. In no case should it be packaged in cling film because it will “suffocate”.

Moldy blue cheese is a source of valuable amino acids, vitamins, mineral compounds that are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of water-salt balance in the body. In addition, the biologically active components of Roquefort are involved in the processes of recovery of bone, muscle tissue and protein synthesis. The mold, which is part of the product, stimulates the production of melanin, which protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays, helps in the synthesis of vitamins of group B, improves the bowels.

It is customary to use blue cheese as a dessert or snack with white, fortified or dessert wine in combination with nuts, fruits, toasts. In order for it to fully reveal its flavor bouquet, it is taken out of the refrigerator in advance, heated to room temperature. The daily intake of the product is 50 g.

Due to the high caloric content and the presence of the penicillin fungus, Roquefort excludes from the diet of people suffering from obesity, individual intolerance, susceptibility to gastrointestinal infections. It is strictly forbidden to use cheese with mold to lactating, pregnant women and children.

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