Rope training for beginners – where to start and how to do it right? Tips and contraindications

Do you still consider jumping rope child’s play? Absolutely in vain! Believe it or not, but just 15 minutes of jumping can burn up to 200 calories. But there are a few subtleties.

Many people think that the jump rope is a children’s equipment, and do not take it seriously. But in fact, this is an effective way to pump up your legs, lose weight, tone your muscles. You do not need to buy expensive equipment, spend time and money on going to a fitness club. This primitive simulator is able to give a tremendous load not only on the legs, but on the whole body. Let’s see what the use of the rope is, find out the basic rules for the technique of performing exercises.

Jumping rope has long had the status of a serious cardio workout and is called skipping! Such training perfectly develops coordination, endurance, improves blood flow, strengthens the muscles of the whole body, allows you to correct your posture and lose weight. See also: How to use a crossover trainer?

Advantages and benefits of jump rope training

Due to its compactness, you can take the rope with you for a walk or on vacation, so that you can jump properly after lying on the beach (and you can also work out on the beach itself). But keep in mind: jump rope training should be avoided if you have problems with pressure, overweight and the cardiovascular system.

Skipping rope is recommended for those who want to:

  • strengthen leg muscles;
  • increase the tone of the body;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the functioning of the heart and the entire vascular system;
  • get rid of annoying cellulite without massages and body wraps.

These are cardio exercises that can strengthen the immune system, make a person more resilient to physical exertion. Studies have shown that you can burn approximately 1000 calories in one hour of jumping. The figure is impressive, so there is no doubt that exercise will help you lose weight. In addition, you will train the respiratory system and lift your mood during classes.

The main plus of the rope is its accessibility. You can jump anywhere – from the park to your own apartment (especially true for a cold winter, when you don’t always have the strength and ability to reach the gym). Read also: How to breathe properly while exercising?

Contraindications for performing exercises with a rope

Not everyone is suitable for jump rope exercises. There are contraindications that should not be neglected:

  • injury to the musculoskeletal system;
  • fractures and cracks in the knee joint – even if enough time has passed after the injury, it is better to consult a doctor about jumping rope;
  • heart diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the joints;
  • very large weight – more than 100 kg.

You don’t have to jump rope right after you’ve eaten. Classes put a huge load on the whole body, so it’s worth waiting until the food is digested. In the worst case, you may experience nausea and dizziness. Also Read: Squat Myths

Which jump rope to choose and how to do it correctly?

The right choice of rope plays a big role. The inventory has three lengths – 2,4 m, 2,7 m, and 3 meters. If you are new to this sport, then it is unlikely that you will immediately be able to understand which jump rope is right for you. It is best to choose inventory live. Take the rope by the handles, step on the wire in the middle. Raise the rope up. It should reach under the armpits – no longer and no shorter.

There are 4 types of jump ropes:

  1. usual This is the easiest jump rope you can remember from your school days. It has plastic handles and a rubber cable. This is the best budget option for beginners who want to practice at home without overpaying for equipment. It is no worse than skipping ropes with “bells and whistles”, when compared in terms of efficiency and quality.
  2. Expressway Ideal for those who want to lose weight quickly.
  3. With weight Designed for those who want not just to lose weight, but to build muscle. Such a rope has a fairly heavy cable. It is not suitable for beginners.
  4. Electronic This is an innovative jump rope with a built-in counter that counts the calories burned, which is convenient if you use the rope regularly.

Rope exercise technique

In order for jumping rope to bring you the maximum benefit, carefully study the technique and do not deviate from the rules:

  1. Mandatory warm-up It is better not to start exercises without a warm-up, as you can easily pull a muscle and disable the musculoskeletal system. Perform tilts to the sides and forward, squat. You can warm up on a treadmill if you have one or if you work out at the gym.
  2. Keep your back straight Do not lean forward or backward while jumping. The spine should be straight and receive a uniform load. For this purpose, look straight ahead, focus on one of the points.
  3. Rotate the rope correctly Do not move your elbows – they should be close to the body. Rope rotations are performed by the wrists. Remember that it is best to exercise outside or open a window to fully provide yourself with fresh air.

Do you want to know how to jump rope correctly? We answer.

  • You should come off the floor 2-4 cm and touch the floor only with your toes.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body as you rotate the rope. The movement should come from the wrists and forearms, not the shoulders.
  • If you get tired before the workout is over, put the rope aside and continue working with your arms and legs without it until the workout time is up (let it be 10 minutes to start).
  • To pick up the correct rope, stand with one foot in its center and raise your arms – they should reach approximately to the armpits. For height up to 152 cm, a rope 210 cm long is suitable, for a height from 152 to 167 cm – 250 cm, for a height from 167 to 183 cm – 280 cm, with a height of 183 cm – a rope 310 cm long.

Important: to get the result, do not forget about the regularity. You won’t achieve anything in one go. But in order for the muscles to have time to recover, it is best to perform the exercises once every two days. The load should be increased gradually, starting from 10 minutes of classes and extending up to 1 hour. See also: A simple set of workouts for the lower body

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