Rope skipping – what is it and features of training with a rope

What is rope skipping – purpose, training features, recommendations and contraindications

Roll skipping is training with a regular rope. This is not just child’s play, but an effective exercise included in most training complexes. Now jumping rope is classified as a separate area of ​​​​sports, which is gaining more and more popularity. The main advantage of roll skipping is its versatility.

The complexity and intensity of the exercises can be adjusted, so jumping rope classes are suitable for people with different physical fitness.

What is rope skipping training for?

A jump rope is a very convenient projectile for exercising. Thanks to its light weight and compactness, you can take it with you anywhere and practice outdoors.

Roll skipping workouts are useful because:

  • increase the tone of the body;
  • promote weight loss and cellulite elimination;
  • improve the work of the heart, strengthen the vascular walls;
  • strengthen leg muscles.

Cardio exercises with a skipping rope also increase the body’s ability to resist pathogenic bacteria and microbes, develop endurance to physical exertion. In one hour of training, about 1000 calories are burned (almost half of the average norm obtained from food), so jumping rope allows you to quickly lose weight.

The versatility of the rope makes it possible to train anywhere: at the stadium, sports ground, in the park or in your own apartment. The last option is relevant for the cold season. It is only important to provide enough space.

Features of skipping training

Although simple, roll skipping needs the right approach. The load should increase gradually, and if you immediately “retrain”, then this is fraught with severe pain in the muscles and tingling in the heart area.

  1. Beginners are advised to observe intervals between sets of 3-4 minutes. This time can be devoted to walking or doing exercises to relax the calf muscles.
  2. At the first lessons, the duration of one approach should not exceed 40-45 seconds. In training with a rope for the purpose of losing weight, jumps are performed for a long time and measuredly.
  3. At the initial stage, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 15-20 minutes (including breaks). Then you should gradually increase the time to 1 hour.

When performing jumps, the landing should be smooth on the toes, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the feet. In this case, the feet should be positioned slightly turned towards each other.

Recommendations for training with a skipping rope

Roll-skipping clothing should be comfortable, breathable and free to move. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of shoes: sports sneakers with a shock-absorbing effect, comfortable on the feet, or sneakers with soft soles are suitable.

When practicing with a skipping rope, you should follow some rules:

  • Before training, it is important to warm up the muscles – stretch.
  • The starting position of the body for training with a rope should be comfortable.
  • Beginners are advised to jump on a soft surface (linoleum, parquet, laminate).
  • The rope must be held firmly, rotating only with the hands and forearms.
  • Hands from shoulder to elbow should be pressed to the body and slightly bent.
  • When landing, the legs at the knees should not be straightened, they should be slightly bent.
  • Landing occurs on the toes with further rolling on the heel, it should be light.
  • The pace of training should be increased gradually, starting with slow, smooth jumps.
  • Rope exercises put a lot of stress on the tendons, muscles, joints, and the body needs time to get used to them.

In order for skipping workouts to be as effective as possible and bring results, it is advisable to jump with a rope not only at home, but also in the fitness room under the guidance of a trainer. A professional will evaluate the execution technique, possibly correct it, and give advice. And watching other students and their results will be an additional motivation.

Skipping training should not be carried out in the near future after eating. Jumping rope carries a lot of stress on the body, so you need to wait at least an hour and a half until the food settles down.

Contraindications to jump rope

Although the jump rope is a versatile and affordable sports equipment, exercises with it are not suitable for everyone. Contraindications include:

  • farsightedness or high myopia;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • large body weight – 100 kg or more;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • phlebeurysm.

Cracks and fractures of the knees are also contraindications for roll skipping, even if a lot of time has passed since the moment of recovery. It is advisable to consult your doctor if you have any doubts before jumping rope.

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