- Male Rooster Aries: characteristic
- Male Rooster Taurus: characteristic
- Male Rooster Gemini: characteristic
- Male Rooster Cancer: characteristic
- Male Rooster Leo: characteristic
- Male Rooster Virgo: characteristic
- Male Rooster Libra: characteristic
- Male Rooster Scorpio: characteristic
- Male Rooster Sagittarius: characteristic
- Male Rooster Capricorn: characteristic
- Male Rooster Aquarius: characteristic
- Male Rooster Pisces: characteristic
The Rooster man is a very interesting, extraordinary and incredibly attractive person. Most often, he is not only well, but also expensively dressed, gallant and well-groomed. He knows how to present himself, treats his own body with special attention, tries to maintain good physical fitness.
With great pleasure, the male Rooster is in the spotlight, especially if it is female attention. Women are delighted with such a gentleman, because he is very witty and cheerful. In addition, a charming, bright and imposing Rooster man always knows what to say in order to interest a woman.
The Rooster man radiates an incredible magnetism that excites and attracts. But in order to feel like a significant person, he needs to constantly be in the spotlight. For him, the exchange of energies is very important, and if he is completely forgotten, he can fall into a severe and prolonged depression.
The character of the male Rooster is directly influenced not only by the year in which he was born, but also by the zodiac sign that has become his patron. It is this combination that determines the character of a person, his desires and aspirations in life.
Male Rooster Aries: characteristic
A man who was born in the year of the Rooster under the sign of Aries is a very cheerful, charming, sociable, positive and cheerful person. Always open to something new and unknown. Family traditions are very important to him. He has an incredibly strong craving for changing places, getting new emotions and impressions. All this can make him very far from home. Not afraid of decisive action and risk.
The Rooster-Aries man is characterized by a cold mind, pragmatism, courage and inexhaustible energy. It perfectly combines the talent to talk beautifully, to encourage a loved one and literally fascinate others with their speeches. He has an irresistible desire to grab onto several things at the same time, but he always brings each one to its logical conclusion.
The greatest weakness is that the Rooster-Aries man is completely confident in his own uniqueness and exclusivity. As a result, he simply does not tolerate even minor remarks addressed to him. Sometimes he is too fixated on some business, especially if he was assigned to lead a large and responsible project.
Male Rooster Taurus: characteristic
The Taurus man, born in the year of the Rooster, is a very confident and independent person, which shows very clearly in different areas of life. This is a real enthusiast, while he almost never gets tired, because an inexhaustible fountain of energy literally boils in him.
Such a person is quite down to earth and practical, thanks to which he quickly gains popularity among the people around him. He is used to living and working at a fast pace, which he maintains even in those situations when the rest are literally falling down from fatigue. The Rooster-Taurus man actively uses this ability to bring all his plans and projects to life.
This person has not only brilliant abilities, but also quite critical and impulsive, which sometimes makes it difficult to establish communication with people. The Taurus-Rooster man is one of the most businesslike and active representatives of the Taurus sign, so it is not surprising that he achieves stunning success in almost any field of activity.
It can even take the post of leader in the wrong profession chosen for itself. This is the result of his overflowing energy, activity and efficiency. At the same time, he is not afraid to engage in hard physical labor, easily overcomes all the obstacles that arise in life.
Male Rooster Gemini: characteristic
Born in the year of the Rooster, the Gemini man is very cheerful and active, practically unable to sit still even for a minute. He always tries to enjoy life, he has a positive outlook on life, practically does not give in to gloomy thoughts. We can say that this is a real favorite of Fortune, because luck accompanies him in almost all endeavors, of course, if he does not spoil everything himself.
For this man, his own freedom is very important, and he will always strive to gain complete independence. He is emotional and tries to look for something new in communication. This also applies to work, when it is simply impossible to predict how he will act in a given situation. In addition, he himself does not always sensibly evaluate his own actions. He has a penchant for risk and reckless actions.
The main disadvantage is such a feature as superficiality. He strives to learn as much information as possible, but because of this, he is simply not able to fully concentrate on any one business.
This is a creative person, so the Gemini Rooster man is used to thinking extraordinary and free. If you direct his irrepressible energy in the right direction, he will become more diligent and thoughtful.
Male Rooster Cancer: characteristic
The Cancer man born in the year of the Rooster is a very creative and interesting person. He is always and in any situation self-confident, friendly and positive, charming, well-groomed and very sociable.
He devotes quite a lot of time to his own appearance, in clothes he prefers not only stylish, but also expensive things. It is difficult for him to live even one day without shocking, because for a Cancer man it is very important to make a vivid impression on others.
It can easily join almost any team, quickly becomes a leader and leads people. It has a cheerful and easy disposition, therefore it is able to cheer up anyone, remove tension or awkwardness of the situation. He tries to avoid negativity, but because of his own wayward nature, he always behaves too self-confidently.
Male Rooster Leo: characteristic
Such a man is distinguished by a sharp mind, pragmatism and nobility. It is distinguished by its own enthusiasm and confidence, unbending calmness. A wave of not only strength, but also glory literally emanates from him. The Leo man knows how to set specific goals for himself and knows how to achieve what he wants.
The main advantage of this man can be called an optimistic worldview, because he almost never loses heart. It is with this quality that the Leo man attracts increased attention to his person. Next to him are people who can become faithful and good patrons or helpers.
This is a very energetic and active person, active, but sometimes it is too explosive. When communicating with such a person, it is worth constantly monitoring your own actions and words. If this advice is neglected, there is a risk of encountering a rather violent demonstration of his negative feelings.
Male Rooster Virgo: characteristic
Such a man is incredibly charming, serious, intelligent, self-sufficient, energetic and decisive. With his unusual behavior and bright charisma, he attracts the attention of others.
The Virgo-Rooster man in life is able to achieve great success, because he is used to using his strengths, but he does not forget about the weaknesses, which can also be useful. Such a man is constantly busy with something, in any situation does not lose his presence of mind and remains collected.
Always and everything is used to subjecting to verification and doubts. He will never wait for gifts of fate, because he relies only on his own strength and knowledge. Such a man gives the impression of a confident and strong personality. He approaches any issue thoroughly, so close acquaintances are not surprised that he can draw up a detailed plan for the year.
This is a true pragmatist and materialist, the Rooster-Virgo man has a high intellect. He has a highly developed intuition, which helps in difficult situations to make the right decisions.
Male Rooster Libra: characteristic
The Libra man, born in the year of the Rooster, is very sophisticated and diplomatic. He has an excellent memory and bright intellectual data. He has a sense of tact, he has a good upbringing. The Libra man is very cheerful and sociable, knows how to present himself correctly. He loves cheerful companies, takes part in intellectual conversations with pleasure, can support almost any topic.
This man likes to make a vivid impression on people, to show his own mind, high erudition. The Libra man loves social life, so it’s not surprising that he makes every effort to become part of high society. This will allow him to demonstrate all his talents and literally shine in society.
Male Rooster Scorpio: characteristic
This is a very sociable and incredibly bright personality. Rooster-Scorpio is able to find a common language just with a huge number of people. Differs in hard work, very hardy, honest, has a steel will.
Sometimes it happens in communication not just straightforward, but even a little sharp, assertive. However, it is thanks to this approach that he brings to its logical conclusion all the work begun. The Scorpio Rooster has a sharp mind and a high level of intelligence, but he is both picky and fastidious. This is a real pedant who always and in everything strives to put things in order, does not miss even minor trifles.
Male Rooster Sagittarius: characteristic
The Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Rooster, is a very interesting and bright personality. He is always inspired by new plans and ideas. This man has an incredibly attractive charisma and a bright personality. It attracts attention not only with stylish and fashionable clothes, but also with high intellectual abilities.
A distinctive feature is sociability, activity, openness and sincerity. He travels with pleasure and travels a lot, exploring new and unexplored lands. At the same time, he absolutely cannot live in a routine and quiet environment, if he is completely devoid of new sensations and bright ideas.
Male Rooster Capricorn: characteristic
This is an incredibly cheerful and bright personality, has versatile talents, which allows him to constantly surprise and delight others with an unusual expression of his ideas and plans. With pleasure he communicates with others, easily makes new acquaintances, like-minded people and friends.
Thanks to these qualities, the Rooster-Capricorn man is able to achieve excellent results in almost any business that he decides to do. Most importantly, you need to establish for yourself a “golden mean” between too much zeal and complete inaction.
This is a very strong strategist who makes every effort to put everything under his own control. He is incredibly purposeful, therefore, with enviable perseverance and actively moves forward until he achieves what he wants. Even if these goals are really unrealistic.
Does not tolerate pressure from others, completely ignores all advice. He believes that only his own beliefs and opinions are the only true ones and cannot be subjected to even minimal doubts. This is a brave and brave warrior who is always ready for anything. He easily eliminates everything unnecessary and unimportant, he will never get involved in a fight, especially if the purpose of such actions is not interesting to him.
Male Rooster Aquarius: characteristic
Aquarius man, born in the year of the Rooster, well-mannered and intelligent, honest and intelligent, cheerful and very sociable, elegant and freedom-loving. Always admired by those around him.
It is important for him to achieve self-realization, is aimed at development. For such a man, it is very important to constantly build, invent and invent something. This is a true intellectual who tries to constantly expand his own horizons, while getting great pleasure from this process. It is important for him to be in the spotlight and find himself in a society where he could realize his acting talents.
The Rooster-Aquarius man always tries to keep abreast of all events and is able to receive the desired information even from the most unexpected sources. Such a man has a very strong will and simply huge ambitions. If he sets a goal for himself and starts moving towards getting it, he will not stop under any circumstances until he gets what he wants.
Regarding the professional sphere, the Rooster-Aquarius man can become an excellent engineer or scientist, because he is not only very active and purposeful, but also loves what he does.
Male Rooster Pisces: characteristic
The Pisces man, born in the year of the Rooster, is very sociable and talented. This is a practical and businesslike person with a rich and vivid imagination, a talent for feeling beautiful. The Rooster-Pisces man is a real optimist, he is ambitious, direct and sincere.
Actively and brightly manifests itself in various fields, strives for adventure and new experiences. Used to behave unpredictably, extraordinary and boldly. In communication, he is incredibly friendly, with like-minded people he talks frankly and heart to heart with pleasure. Often takes the position of a leader in the company, but sometimes he evaluates the events unrealistically, he can make annoying and obvious mistakes.
Due to the fact that the Rooster-Pisces man is constantly striving for something unusual and new, it is very difficult for him to achieve stability. This applies not only to work, but also to personal life.
Even despite the mass of positive qualities and strong character, the Rooster-Pisces man is often a real loser. Most often, his mistakes are due to the fact that he is simply not able to direct all his energy, strength and knowledge to achieve his goals. That is why it is important for him to clearly plan his actions and strictly move in a given direction. It is very important not to deviate from the intended path and be sure that everything will work out.